rnabokov said:
I just find it hard to take that, (supposedly) mature, adult males have little compunction in having it off with teenage girls - “groupies†or otherwise, particularly if the men are married, and worse, have daughters themselves.
It's just such a clear case of taking advantage of someone in a weaker position of power - regardless of the moral and ethical skills parents have tried to instill in their children.
(Yeah - it happens, it's been happening and no doubt, it will keep happening. But that doesn't make it right, nor does it absolved the responsible(?) adult males from being accountable for their actions.)
It's one thing to say the girl agreed, but who really, in the interests of a just, fair and decent society, will lay the primary responsibility in these situations on the too often doey-eyed (and/or pissed) teenage girl?
What a nice place the world would be if we all did the right thing by and for each other.
These guys aren't to know the difference between an 18 y/o and a 25 y/o. Shit, I know 15 year old girls who could pass for 20, easily. When you are out on the drink it makes it even harder to tell. The do-gooders on here obviously haven't been out on the town for a few years. Chicks will dress up, look good and flaunt it all with one thing in mind - to get ****.
Guys are going to oblige no doubt, but its crap that you are saying that guys, especially famous ones, should take responsiblity for other peoples actions.
And FTR Coxy, i wasn't implying the majority of under 25's go out and gang bang, just hte easy sex, drugs, alcohol etc etc. In saying that, there are plenty of non-famous guys (and girls) out there engaging in this.