I hate the media!

Have to agree with Beads and Nashy. Why are the morals of the men involved questioned when those of the women aren't? These women went willingly back to the hotel room or a public toilet (which just screams class) but their morals aren't questioned at all.

In fact why are judging peoples morals anyway? What one may consider acceptable some may not. Group sex has been going on for thousands of years. In fact the Romans and Egyptians were well known for it. I have seen documentaries on primates engaging in group sex, oral sex, anal sex, homosexuality etc all of which are considered immoral by certain parts of society.

To me, if you know what you are doing and it is consensual (and it is in both the case of Hunt and Johns) then the only person you have to answer to is yourself and your partner. That's it.

These women are making many allegations without proof. They are destroying the careers of those they have named. Maybe a defamation of character suit should be in order.
Women target footballers, says Bronco wife Margaux Parker

By Samantha Healy
The Sunday Mail (Qld)
http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,25 ... 21,00.html

MARGAUX Parker, wife of Brisbane Bronco Corey Parker, says she has no doubts that in some cases footballers are targeted by women looking for sex.
"I've seen women blatantly hit on my husband while I have been standing next to him," she said. "For some it is just a competition. It's bragging rights.

"As soon as a footballer walks into a room, the chest goes out, the skirt goes up."

The Parkers married in November last year.

She would never condone behaviour that saw a woman treated with disrespect, and said it was difficult to see her husband stereotyped because of the sex scandals plaguing rugby league.

She had never felt disrespect from any of the players, but some of the younger ones "were just being boys".

She said the Parkers rarely went out because of the potential for negative publicity: "We tend to limit our time in public because you can't predict what is going to happen. I've seen a girl walk up to one of the guys and say, 'I'm going home, are you coming with me?'.

There's no doubt in my mind that in some instances they (players) are targeted."

But despite the question mark over players' fidelity, she is 100 per cent confident her partner has never strayed.

"If he had, there is no way we would still be together," she said.

"I know that Corey respects me and I respect myself and we would never put ourselves in a position which jeopardises our relationship."

She said all men, not just players, needed to show respect for women, and if they didn't they should be held accountable.
yes the women seem to do no wrong in these cases. As far as we know she wasn't dragged into the cubicle by her hair so obviously she wanted sex.
Dude. Woman are always right. All men are disgusting pigs with no respect for females and are just out to have a root.
Oh shit, this cracks me up. And how did you snare your man Mrs parker, chest out skirt up I bet.
Because I can. Simple. I have been at Broncos season launches and events before they where married. I've seen what they wear how they wear it. For me it was a little of "pot kettle black"
Shes ok i suppose. Not my cup of tea.

I use to have pics from a season launch, if I find one I'll post it, but Im sure there would have to be a pic of them together somewhere online.
Wasn't she part of the Broncos promo thing a few years ago? Where they had guys and girls walk around the stadium...kinda like cheerleaders minus the short skirts, etc?

I dunno if she was with Corey before that though.

I think she's quite pretty.
Well to be fair to Mrs Parker she was complaining about the women hitting on Broncos players when they have their partner with them.
Hey I agree with her, and I see her point and she why shes 'complaining'. She has every right to, suprised she hasn't cracked a few heads tbh.

She nearly had a clothing malfunction.

She didn't look the best when she visited he Dad & Sister during the Biggest Loser show. (She looked like mutton dressed up as lamb)

I did have a laugh, she visited her fat father & sister while wearing short shorts.
KrispyKris said:
I'm in no way condoning what the three Broncos players did but what did the girl expect when she went in the toilet with Hunt? A tea party?

Exactly right Kris. No way what I thought the broncos did was 'right' for first grade footballers in the public eye, but especially in this article, she seems to be laying all the blame on the broncos.
The well-spoken, hard-working professional said she felt degraded and discarded
But she willingly went into the toilet to have sex with a footballer! Does she mean that she felt degraded and discarded only after having sex (consensual according to the police) with 2 more players or being filmed? Being filmed was wrong, but I think just going into the toilet in the first place to have sex is degrading in my opinion anyway.

Yes, I think some footballers don't have much respect for women - but some women don't have much respect for themselves either. Footballers just have to say no even if they get a green light, otherwise it will be all over the media the next day, that's the way it is these days. It's part of their responsibility for being a footballer. I think this type of 'gang banging' is disgusting IMO, but if a female is willing, consents and knows what is going on, you can't lay the blame [icon_shru
Not every situation is as clear cut as that I know. I too thought the broncos should have been stood down while the investigation was running. And of course any situation where the female is underage or there is no consent, well that's a different story.
The well-spoken, hardworking professional woman, who is a petite 160cm and 60kg, said she felt degraded and discarded.

Were we meant to weep over this, because I didn't

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