I hate the media!

Coxyz said:
That's what I don't get. Strippers, prostitutes, they voluntarily receive payment for that sort of thing. It's what they do.How can women be upset about it?

The ones that get upset are the ones that are too ugly to have guys want to pay them for stripping or sex
What I also don't get is how chicks go ape for Manpower and those other male stripper revues. FFS, hypocritical.
My error. Fixed. icon_smile
I think many of you are forgetting the pro and Sailor overseas that made headlines. Apparently it is illegal for them to do so and would make headlines if a player were to go with a pro as it is not acceptable conduct. 99% chance a camera would be lurking.
Difference there is that Sailor got arrested.

Queensland has pretty relaxed prostitution laws. Lots of brothels, but good chance of getting spotted. But apparently lots of them operate legally out of their own home. Who's going to know then?
Yeah Nashy, I saw that comment a few days ago and was very [eusa_eh

Her story is sounding less and less plausible by the day. Have her family just not spoken to her in 7 years or what?
Coxyz said:
What I also don't get is how chicks go ape for Manpower and those other male stripper revues. FFS, hypocritical.

If it is any consellation...I think they are feral [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
It does seem quite strange that her family knew nothing... "By the way mum and dad, over the next week or so you might hear some things about me having a gangbang with a footy team and me more or less claiming sexual assault.... Just go with it ok?"
I think that article was interesting also. I find it hard to believe that your own family wouldn't know about your suffering of PTSD. I thought the incident destroyed her life.

The more that comes out about her, the more her story continues to be discredited. I would not be suprised that within the week that there will be a media backlash against her, pity the damage has been done.
Playboy Bunny said:
Coxyz said:
What I also don't get is how chicks go ape for Manpower and those other male stripper revues. FFS, hypocritical.

If it is any consellation...I think they are feral [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

some are nice looking.... But tooo much muscle is grose
Not just that, but you'd think extreme trauma and all the other stuff she's apparently suffered since then would come to their attention.
Certainly seems like she just loves money and dick.
Nashy, what money? I've seen no evidence she's been paid a cent for this.
I also see no evidence that she's been sexually assulted, yet people are able to go with that.
Blondie said:
Nashy said:
Certainly seems like she just loves money and dick.

seems like thats your view of women!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My view on woman has not been a question in this entire thread. So instead of commenting about that, perhaps you should know that I treat females with the same respect I treat males. I hope this helps.

However, I can judge people based on the evidence bought forward by the media, just like you have judged me (without any evidence it seems).

Right now all signs point that she wanted to, enjoyed and gloated about having group sex with plenty off footballers. However, if it makes the wider BHQ female population happy, I will certainly jump on the sympathy wagon with you.

I think all males are pigs. All they do is have group sex and rape young drunk females. This is a clear cut example of a female being used and abused. The female is certainly not to blame.

I hope that helps ease the tension my comments may have caused.

But seriously. I don't disrespect females, I treat them as I would any other person. So you could say I take offence to your comments which you base on absolutely nothing.

I stand by my above comment. It seems (Bare in mind I said seems, and did not say that is certainly is the case) she just loves money (Here is me assuming she's been paid, or will be) and dick (She proved that when she told her friends about it, also when she took two fellas to have sex with).
Nashy said:
Blondie said:
Nashy said:
Certainly seems like she just loves money and dick.

seems like thats your view of women!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My view on woman has not been a question in this entire thread. So instead of commenting about that, perhaps you should know that I treat females with the same respect I treat males.

You send pictures of your dick to males as well??? eusa_think