Blondie said:
Nashy said:
Certainly seems like she just loves money and dick.
seems like thats your view of women!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My view on woman has not been a question in this entire thread. So instead of commenting about that, perhaps you should know that I treat females with the same respect I treat males. I hope this helps.
However, I can judge people based on the evidence bought forward by the media, just like you have judged me (without any evidence it seems).
Right now all signs point that she wanted to, enjoyed and gloated about having group sex with plenty off footballers. However, if it makes the wider BHQ female population happy, I will certainly jump on the sympathy wagon with you.
I think all males are pigs. All they do is have group sex and rape young drunk females. This is a clear cut example of a female being used and abused. The female is certainly not to blame.
I hope that helps ease the tension my comments may have caused.
But seriously. I don't disrespect females, I treat them as I would any other person. So you could say I take offence to your comments which you base on absolutely nothing.
I stand by my above comment. It seems (Bare in mind I said seems, and did not say that is certainly is the case) she just loves money (Here is me assuming she's been paid, or will be) and dick (She proved that when she told her friends about it, also when she took two fellas to have sex with).