I hate the media!

Kaz said:

She nearly had a clothing malfunction.

She didn't look the best when she visited he Dad & Sister during the Biggest Loser show. (She looked like mutton dressed up as lamb)

I did have a laugh, she visited her fat father & sister while wearing short shorts.

Yep she didn't look that great when she appeared on biggest loser, I thought she was Coreys twin with here short hair... Looks quite good in the pick above, very nice rack.
She can let herself go, she snared a footballer. [icon_wink
broncoangel said:
KrispyKris said:
I'm in no way condoning what the three Broncos players did but what did the girl expect when she went in the toilet with Hunt? A tea party?

Exactly right Kris. No way what I thought the broncos did was 'right' for first grade footballers in the public eye, but especially in this article, she seems to be laying all the blame on the broncos.
The well-spoken, hard-working professional said she felt degraded and discarded
But she willingly went into the toilet to have sex with a footballer! Does she mean that she felt degraded and discarded only after having sex (consensual according to the police) with 2 more players or being filmed? Being filmed was wrong, but I think just going into the toilet in the first place to have sex is degrading in my opinion anyway.

Yes, I think some footballers don't have much respect for women - but some women don't have much respect for themselves either. Footballers just have to say no even if they get a green light, otherwise it will be all over the media the next day, that's the way it is these days. It's part of their responsibility for being a footballer. I think this type of 'gang banging' is disgusting IMO, but if a female is willing, consents and knows what is going on, you can't lay the blame [icon_shru
Not every situation is as clear cut as that I know. I too thought the broncos should have been stood down while the investigation was running. And of course any situation where the female is underage or there is no consent, well that's a different story.

In hindsight, we probably should have stood down the boys during the investigation, but we were playing for a final spot (joke), but as Bruno said on the Footy Show, he checked all the penalties and actions taken with the boys with Gallop and the NRL. They approved so were happy with what happened. The public image of NRL has changed so much even in the last six months, but this story adds nothing, we all had to deal with this being dragged through the mud at the end of last year - I agree with the OP - I was expecting this to be brought up, just reeks of lazy/ opportunistic journalism ("I know what'll sell some Newspapers...").

But who know what will happen with this issues being reconsidered in the current 2009 climate? Possibly - Hunt gets the flick (he was likely to leave anyway) Boyd gets canned (he's left - who cares) and Thaiday goes (we've have loads of young second rowers coming up). Everyone learns a lesson and life goes on. What is really worrying is all the sponsors and schoolboy sides threatening to pull out - has Four Corners killed NRL?? Is this the end??

Maybe the lesson to take away from this is that, with a career in professional Rugby League means that you simply cannot got out at night, especially in Brisbane where everyone watches your every move. They get the big bucks, but really have to sacrifice a normal life.
I also tried to raise the tone of the Board by not commenting on Thugy's mrs.
I'm surprised by the increasing number of people who must skim through the articles and automatically think



Yes what the players did in the Broncos case and in the case of the Sharks incident was pretty gross, but so far it's been one persons word against another. The players say it was consensual (and in the case of the Broncos, so does the video evidence) ...

No charges were laid after the investigation and evidence - which included video taken on a mobile telephone - was independently reviewed by barrister Tim Carmody SC.

... and the women are basically saying, while they didn't say "No", they felt as if they were somewhat pressured into doing it. So really, for all we know the actions of the women involved could of been just as gross and morally disgusting as the men.

At the moment it seems anyone who thinks the women involved are just seeking retribution after regretting their decisions are being vilified by people holding any other opinion.
lol, video evidence would easily tell if it was consensual or not.
Honestly, she's a slurry who regrets what she did and now she wants to blame the players, she wasn't raped, it consensual sex, so please **** off. Soon Men will have to have contracts with them which a lady needs to sign before they root, it's getting to that stage.

What makes her even more pathetic is that there was video evidence which was reviewed by the police who I'm sure could easily tell if she was forced or not.
I want my two cents worth after reading this thread for the last week (didn't want to jump in early or make assumptions as we went through all this on BHQ during Albrahmagate);

I don't want to get into the "who's wrong" debate in regard to Johns and the girl, the things about the debacle and this thread in general that I wish to highlight are;

- BHQ posters (and females at that [icon_ee ) claim that this 19 y.o. woman wouldn't have had the ability to say "no" the the players when the situation escalated. So I ponder, is a 19 y.o. an adult capable of being held accountable for their actions? They can vote, serve in the forces/police force, drink alcohol, etc however they can't choose or express when a situation is getting out of their control? eusa_think Surely even surrounded by "100 kg men", she could have made some motion to stop/say no. I don't for one second, believe that any woman in that situation (having sex with a man/men and more walk in) wouldn't be able to express some negative reaction to the situation. If she did, then we would be talking rape and the entire world would be in support of her, however she didn't. I almost find it offensive to state that my sister, cousins and young female friends of mine aren't mentally stable or aren't mature enough to know when to say no or better yet, to know to not put themselves into such a situation. I (like us all) have met some very mature and immature late teens/early twenties ladies. I have met some who are almost sexual predator's, having sex with many different men reguarly. I also have never met a single one that didn't say no if she was approached by a man she doesn't desire to have sex with.

- The next thing that concerns me is people passing judgement on these players because they took part in group sex (Albrhamagate Series 2). Our parent's generation had a word for it; Free love. Whether I think group sex is a fun thing or disgusting is up to me and me alone, other people have no right to pass judgement on my (legal) sexual desires. To do so would put one in the same category as the Catholic Church, Islam Faith, Other Faith's, Homophobic redneck's, etc. LOLZ how some who do pass judgement on this very board oppose some/numerous/all of the above mentioned groups.
The point is that the players have infinitely more to lose than the women. But clearly these blokes are weak as piss and can't resist getting an easy root.

They KNOW that if they pick up an easy root, and she changes her mind or wakes up with regrets, then she can report it and despite the police not having a bar of it the media attention will ruin the guy's reputation and potentially their career AND their marriages/relationships/families. And if it doesn't happen immediately it can happen years down the track, as shown by Johns. Leaving skeletons in the closet is not worth the risk.

That's the issue here. That's why the players are paying the price. It is THEIR morals that get judged because they're well known.

You and they don't have to like it, but it's the facts. And I am sick of people whinging that it's wrong. It's not going to change.

If you want to have the "chicks hitting on footballers" mentality, then stick to QLD Cup. Still happens there but without the public humiliation that goes with being an NRL player caught out.
Sorry, I didn't want to get into the "players are in the spotlight" debate.

I am more concerned about differing people's opinions on the greater debate, being; does a 19 y.o. woman have the ability/right to make her own decisions and society passing judgement on the legal sexual activities of people.

Bill Clinton would be glad he isn't a footballer, ditto Kevin Rudd.
I'm not sure if you're referring to my statements regarding the Christchurch girl, but my view was that I could see how it would be intimidating and frightening to be naked, vulnerable and suddenly in the presence of 10 other full grown, strong men that you hadn't agreed to **** in the first place.

I do realise the subsequent stories from her ex-colleague and ex-boss indicate she was less than upset by the situation, but forgetting the case specifically, surely you can see how a small (even the girl in the alhambra case was 160cm and 60kg according to the paper) woman might feel physically intimidated and overpowered being involved with even 1 NRL player let alone 2, 3, 12!

It's not inconceivable that despite the situation escalating beyond what they're comfortable with being unable to verbalise it or whatever.

I'm not saying that's the case with any of the specific instances (the Stewart case will be interesting to follow to conclusion), but surely you can acknowledge that in that atmosphere a girl might think a) if I say anything they'll just ignore me and maybe hurt me, or b) DO say something but it's missed in all the high fiving and cheering the group is going on with (haven't been there, dunno how it's conducted).

Just saying.

As for Clinton, LOLZ! He suffered similar public humiliation and outrage. You're right, he'd be absolutely fucking humiliated as a footballer.

Rudd...went to a strip club. So fucking what. LOLZ. I doubt anyone would make a fuss if a group of NRL players went to a strip club. They'd try, but I think people would just say whatever.
Well yeah, he got laughed at. It'd be like John Howard at a strip club. Uber nerd.
Dunno Coxy, perhaps it would be a big issue if players went to a strip club - I know in F1 it was a big deal When Kimi Raikonnen was found to have visited a strip club...

Something like this is difficult to determine in this current climate
Well apparently in Melbourne there's a big story about an AFL club's players hiring a stripper. So maybe even that's too out there for our conservative society....
That was an amateur aussie rules team and the stripper was set up to fire up the players by one of the once has beens of the game. Rediculous.[icon_shru Odd how in Qld NSW media though it got a small mention while Willy Mason and his photo peeing against a fence made headlines and photo. ( The fact he was standing in his own pee making him look like a jerk though [icon_drun )
No, it was an amateur aussie rules team. LOLZ, how stupid of them, but to say "Women's lobby groups are up in arms" like they do in the report? Really?

That's what I don't get. Strippers, prostitutes, they voluntarily receive payment for that sort of thing. It's what they do. How can women be upset about it? Sure, if they paid some unsuspecting young girl a bunch of cash and made her strip that's another thing altogether.

But geez.....