I hate the media!

Playboy Bunny said:
Nashy said:
Blondie said:
Nashy said:
Certainly seems like she just loves money and dick.

seems like thats your view of women!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My view on woman has not been a question in this entire thread. So instead of commenting about that, perhaps you should know that I treat females with the same respect I treat males.

You send pictures of your dick to males as well??? eusa_think

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BURRRRRRRRRRRRN!

Oh no she didn't!
Oh YES SHE DID!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, but that was hilarious.

So answer the question. Do you send pics of your dick to blokes?
broncosil said:
I think that article was interesting also. I find it hard to believe that your own family wouldn't know about your suffering of PTSD. I thought the incident destroyed her life.

The more that comes out about her, the more her story continues to be discredited. I would not be suprised that within the week that there will be a media backlash against her, pity the damage has been done.

I also love the part about it being impossible to climb in through the bathroom window, which has been the quote most thrown around this week [icon_lol1.

Four Corners really should have done some research.. this story has seen them plumment to level of ACA!
Coxyz said:
Sorry, but that was hilarious.

So answer the question. Do you send pics of your dick to blokes?

I know Scotty has recieved at least one in his lifetime [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Which makes me feel sorry for scotty lol
Playboy Bunny said:
Coxyz said:
Sorry, but that was hilarious.

So answer the question. Do you send pics of your dick to blokes?

I know Scotty has recieved at least one in his lifetime [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Which makes me feel sorry for scotty lol

Playboy Bunny said:
Coxyz said:
Sorry, but that was hilarious.

So answer the question. Do you send pics of your dick to blokes?

I know Scotty has recieved at least one in his lifetime [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. Which makes me feel sorry for scotty lol
Not cool bree, this is like outing someone as a child abuse victim lol. It's part of my past i regret and wish i could undo. Now where is the number for ACA?
As much as I love people talking about my penis, I believe we were discussing how I think this woman loves dick, which is automatically a trigger that I think all females like it.
Not sure if this question has been addressed but how are we going to protect the young ???

They go out and are stalked by these 'sexual predators'...these predators go out with the specific intention of seducing a target...usually a young,athletic and inebriated person. Their 'target' will be inexperienced and hopefully in a weakened condition. With total disregard for the morality of the situation they will lure and cajole with suggestive looks and come hither smiles, all of the time hoping to be successful with the 'hunt'''.

They themselves are not famous ,usually hardly rich but they're armed with an age old weapon. When activated it has a range of near 99% success...some lucky souls escape intact from these mattressbacks because of a greater love or preference for a different type of company. Sadly, the young have little chance of escaping, they don't realize the danger they're in.

So what's the answer ??...my guess is we need greater education for the players.
We need to teach our boys how to identify these low-lifes. We need to tell them who it is safe to be with and how manys the right ratio in a overnight relationship. In short we have to tell them how to be perfect.

Simple answer is....separate them from the predators by banning all contact between sportsmen and women.
It's clear we cannot identify these predators so we need to ban all interaction until they give up the sporting career they've chosen. I think that must be the answer because no other answer will please/meet this society's dumb standards.

Zero contact between players and any women...how can we know which one is the predator..better safe than sorry I say...

I find it odd that this story is not on the front page of the papers as much. He is some "star" soccer player from the A-League (never heard of him though) but thought it fits better in this thread.

Couldn't find the article on the Daily Telegraph site but found it on the Adelaide Now site.

SPORT'S week of scandal grew worse after it was revealed A-League soccer player Sebastian Ryall had been charged over a sexual act with a 13-year-old girl.

Ryall, who was due to leave Australia for The Netherlands with the Young Socceroos today, was banned from all forms of the game for four months while the charge is before the courts.

http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/stor ... 01,00.html
Pretty sure it's been mentioned earlier in the thread, but yeah, shows that it's not just leaguies are deviants. Not that I think anyone REALLY believed it was a league-only issue!
What about the males that have the intentions to suduce the players? how bout we just put them in a bubble!!!!
Barring the players from making any contact with the women will once again push the female fans away from the game, not all of them but alot of female fans like to go and congratulate the players after a great game....
Coxyz said:
Pretty sure it's been mentioned earlier in the thread, but yeah, shows that it's not just leaguies are deviants. Not that I think anyone REALLY believed it was a league-only issue!

I searched his name and it didn't come up but I haven't read every page of this thread to see a reference so sorry if it did.

I don't really want to get too much into the Matthew Johns discussions. I just think the attacks coming mostly from the Daily Telegraph is destoring the image of the game before getting all the facts (as they always do). The problem is with the other sports and society in general and they are having similar issues and scandals and they are pretty much going under the radar and that just pisses me off but I'll just end it there.
Wasn't having a go at you for posting it, just saying it's been mentioned.

I think someone even tried to say it was different because he was 18 and she was 13, so they weren't so far away in age. *FAIL*
I realise Hammo posted a couple of pages ago on this, but I think he really hit the nail on the head for me in regards to what has annoyed me the most throughout this whole debarcle. I find it offensive that the media is inferring that I, as a woman, need someone to take responsibility for me and that I'm also incapable of making a decision in regards to my body. They've basically said that the men in that room should have been responsible for her. Seriously? Even if she consented to it, which seems to be the case? And the fact that Tracey Grimshaw asked Johns if he would have still gone ahead with it if he'd known she was 19 to which he said no. As Hammo said, is a 19 year old not a woman capable of making her own decisions?

I understand that there are serious repercussions these days for any footballer who does anything 'wrong' (whatever that may even mean now). But are we seriously getting to a point where a guy in the spotlight can't have sex with anyone other than a serious girlfriend for fear of what might be printed the next day?

If a woman goes into a toilet with a bloke, famous or not, I'm not sure if she should be the authority on what is degrading. I'm also not sure where along the line men automatically had to assume responsibility for a woman in a sexual encounter. If you're old enough to be out on the pull and dragging guys into a toilet or taking a couple of them back to your room, you're old enough to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your actions. Woman are just as capable of being the instigator in these situations, so why all the blame on the guy? Obviously my view changes on this depending on the circumstances ie. if anything occurs without the girls consent, but I'm not specifically talking about the incidents we've heard of recently, I'm just using some of the circumstances as an example. It just seems that the media has decided that the guy needs to be responsible, the woman is a victim should anything go wrong (even though no one may be to blame) and that a young woman can't make an informed decision for herself. Ridiculous.