Immortals named tonight *team named on page 2*

Meninga does simply have to be the next inclusion in the immortals. Likewise, I'd totally agree with Andrew Johns being in there too - but I feel that should wait until he has been retired for five years.

I'd just like to add one more thing into this thread - in NO way at all am I trying to talk down Joey's talents. He was a phenomenal football player, dominant at all levels with a freakish level of talent. Easily head and shoulders above Alf and ANY Qld half that I've seen.
That is you opinion.Mine and the opinion of many who have played the game themselves consider Langer as the best.Not denying Johns was a brilliant player just don't rate him as good as Langer.

Langlands and Smith would have been the best combo I have seen.
ronnyd said:
I don't think you can really argue with Johns inclusion, how old were guys when sterlo retired? Can't of seem much of him and play and been old enough to really judge him. Johns was voted by a jury of his footballing peers, who would have get so see both of them in their prime. The judges clearly weren't biased players fresh in their mind either.

I watched Sterling play from school in the Comm Wealth Bank Cup and was a Parra supporter right until the Broncs came in.

He was a freak and stood out from the pack from the start.

I couldn't say he was better than Johns except that he was a credit to the game off the field as well.

The powers that be had a brilliant opportunity to send a message that drugs won't be tolerated in the game and let it slip.
You are so right. icon_thumbs_u That was a biggest opportunity but they have turned it all around to make it seem so innocent.
Just saw the big build up he got again on TV sports show this morning
.What the hell are kids meant to think? [icon_confu
Kee said:
You are so right. icon_thumbs_u That was a biggest opportunity but they have turned it all around to make it seem so innocent.
Just saw the big build up he got again on TV sports show this morning
.What the hell are kids meant to think? [icon_confu

He was a great player who had both a drug and mental problem. He deserved the spot according to the selectors based on his on field performances, he has repeatedly apologised and said what he did was incredibly wrong I don't understand what else he can do. It isn't his fault the media pander to him.
Nick Darcy got kicked out of the Olympic team for one night of bad incidents. Joey should be kicked out of this team for 10 years of bad incidents icon_thumbs_u
he has repeatedly apologised and said what he did was incredibly wrong I don't understand what else he can do. It isn't his fault the media pander to him.

And some nuffys believed his apology.

IMO: Smirking while apologising, isn't sincere.
I don't think anyone can really judge just how sincere a person really is on their apology like that. Joey knows, as do those who are close to him. Telling anything signficant from behind a camera is near impossible.

I'm not opposed to Joey's inclusion on the basis of whatever he did off the field. Who knows whether all of those older players were saints when they went to the pub of an evening? I simply rate Sterlo higher as a halfback, based on footballing ability alone. Joey would be a close second, Langer a little distance away at third.
Kee said:
You are so right. icon_thumbs_u That was a biggest opportunity but they have turned it all around to make it seem so innocent.
Just saw the big build up he got again on TV sports show this morning
.What the hell are kids meant to think? [icon_confu

He was a great player who had both a drug and mental problem. He deserved the spot according to the selectors based on his on field performances, he has repeatedly apologised and said what he did was incredibly wrong I don't understand what else he can do. It isn't his fault the media pander to him.

Maybe he could get out of the media for maybe just one year [icon_wink His face is stuck up there everytime you turn on a league show,he is in the ads advertising the game before the games start.
Why not put a person with some credential and still a great player on those ads?He gives his permission.If not he could sue.

Tim Smith had the sad depressed eyes.IMO Joey had the eyes of guilt.Tim Smith did it at a press conference.Johns hid behind his channel and friends at the channel.
To me he cheated the game.He broke the code of conduct and should not be in the legends at all ever.
Yes and if it were Locky I would think the same.
Johns situation with drugs smacks (pardon the pun) of too much control.
He chose to hide it, he dodged drug testing for years, if he had bi polar why wasn't he on specific meds, he released the info to time it with his book and had the channel 9 machine in full swing as damage control knowing the fallout that would follow.

If it looks like a dog sh#t and smells like a dog sh#t its probably a dog Sh#t
Frank the Tank said:
Frank thought you guys around here dont care what a players like off the field?

Dude FFS one of us said that and another couple agreed. Doesn't mean that's the mentality of the whole friggen forum!
Frank the Tank said:
Frank thought you guys around here dont care what a players like off the field? yet when its Joey, yet again your true colours shines through. as far as Frank remembers, Joey didnt stumble around the field pinging off his head and pointing at the pretty lights telling everyone how much he loved them, he just played football and played it better than everyone else.

Again, Frank, stop friggin generalising the whole forum based on two, three, four or even five responses. If you have issues with how some people have showed hypocrisy, address them by their name. I'm sick to death of saying things like pushing for the inclusion of Sterling over Joey, and then you come in saying everyone is just biased towards Qld.

FFS, you've barely even scored a point in any argument that you've attempted to start due to the fact that you can hardly put it together.