Huge ,firstly, ive not read any of your postings before, but, i would like to read more. I beleive you have hit the nail on the head with your thoughts and i particular enjoy how you justify your opinions.
Now, as to Lachie, his taken an awful lot of critisicm on here from some subscribers and i would just hope he does not come on here too often to read as hes self confdence would take a real battering surely. To me, Lachie epitomizes the real life underdog scenario {as Huge quite succinctly points out in hes above paragraph}. His been beaten down so much but he simply refuses to lie down and quit, when so many other players have before him {cough cough Vidot cough cough}. I love all our team, but i root for Lachie more than the others and wish him over the tryline whenever his in try scoring range . Not only for the 4 points on offer, but also so a few of the "knows it alls" here on BHQ can get a bit more egg in their scraggly hipster beards when there proven wrong.