Ivan, Ivan, Ivan

Jeba said:
The Rock said:
This is a perfect example. This is what I've been talking about. People on BHQ are too quick to jump the gun when things go wrong with the coach, team or a particular player. They put the boot in and write the player , coach or team off and then others come (rightly so) and say that some people jump the gun too quickly then those people get critised! LOLZ.

If people just allowed the players, coach and the team as a whole, time to prove themselves then it wouldn't be so funny when we have threads like this saying "Sorry Ivan...I was wrong."

BUT, at least there are some people who are willing to admit they were wrong. Others just keep looking for excuses.

Fkn Snaaaap. [icon_lol1.
Oh the irony.....Rocky writing like me from years ago :shock: ....I'll wait till the end of the season before giving Henjak the big wrap.The Broncs are going fairly average,mid pack in a field of 15. Patches of good and bad, bit rough overall and hardly a smooth well oiled machine. We should'nt get carried away because it's always been said that anyone could coach the Broncs with the cattle we've got.
We're running eighth or thereabouts and still haven't made the finals a certainty. Should we miss, and it's still possible, then I doubt we'll be celebrating Henjaks coaching genius. Naturally I hope we are celebrating and Henjak gives us another premiership. That's why we got him in is'nt it, to improve ?...
Huge. said:
it's always been said that anyone could coach the Broncs with the cattle we've got.

It's always been said by those who have no clue about a professional coaching environment and who think that all a coach has to do is select the 17 each week and tell them to go out there and do your own thing. If I said that I'd say it anonymously, otherwise I would look quite a silly person.
Huge. said:
it's always been said that anyone could coach the Broncs with the cattle we've got.

While this has probably been somewhat true in the past (though Jeb also makes a very good point), I don't think it applies to the Broncos anymore - we simply do not have the number of superstars of the past. And I will agree that overall we haven't set the world on fire this year and there is definite areas of improvement, but with the current crop of young players I think Henjak has done a more than decent job again this year to have us in with a very real chance of finals footy again. At the start of the season, most people quite confidently had us nowhere near the 8 and we have definitely exceeded expectations. I am looking forward to Henjak continuing to develop this team into a real premiership threat over the coming seasons.
I think Ivan has done a great job considering where we were after round 10. I was one of the tools who wrote him off. I think he has got the goods and is still learning as a coach and will only get better.
I remember his reactions during the 56-0 Raiders game last year, after a while every try looked to be causing him physical pain...

When he stormed off in embarrassment before the game even finished I thought he'd come good again and never let our attitude get that bad again.
Jeba said:
Huge. said:
it's always been said that anyone could coach the Broncs with the cattle we've got.

It's always been said by those who have no clue about a professional coaching environment and who think that all a coach has to do is select the 17 each week and tell them to go out there and do your own thing. If I said that I'd say it anonymously, otherwise I would look quite a silly person.
In the past it has been true though. The 98 team is probably the best team you or I will ever see. The 2000 team was almost as good.

What we have now though, that takes a good coach to get results. They're all young, untested, and are barely out of school.

I'd also like to point out that I've had faith in henjack since the first few games with him in charge.

Also, you've obviously had first hand professional first grade coaching experience have you? No? So stop pretending that you have some sort of knowledge about it that we don't. Everyone knows the broncos teams used to be a superstar team of superstar players, the likes we'll probably never see again thanks to the nrl. Their success wasn't because of their coaching, it was the personnel. Of course you'll never agree, since you probably still set a place at your dinner table hoping that bennett will drop by so you can play house.
You just simply do not understand.

Yes, the rosters from 1998 and 2000 were outstanding rosters (98 in particular) but do you honestly think we would've won a Premiership if the coach said on Tuesday "Righto boys, here is the 1-17, see you after the game on Friday night"? I will make it easier for you AP, look at the 95 Origin series - NSW had the far superior roster, yet lost 3-nil. The superior team on paper lost.

Look at the Dragons teams from 2004-2008 (2005 in particular), some outstanding players there, but a shit coach. Never looked likely.

The coaching process is all about motiviation, accountability and also life coaching as well (life away from football). Without a decent coach, a team of champions will never be a champion team.
AP, you've come out with some silly stuff at times, but to say Wayne Bennett had nothing to do with the Premierships we won in 1998 and 2000 is just plain stupid.

I read a very interesting piece in the paper today about how Wayne motivated the team in 1993 after getting his hands on a report Brian Smith had compiled on the weaknesses of some of our players.

He rewrote the report using words that he knew would get under the skin of the Broncos players. We all know what happened in that grand final, don't we?


Just accept it AP, Wayne Bennett is alongside Jack Gibson as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game.
In context, the Broncos 2000 roster doesn't even look that good and it had a lot to contend with.
Ahhh.....the thing about anyone coaching the Broncs was NOT MY OPINION...gee.....what I was referring to was the age old perception (different to reality !!) that coaching the Broncs should be easy enough. I've always considered WB a great coach irrespective of the roster. As I wrote, we are not in the finals for sure, we are mid field, we've won about half our games and we have genuine superstars in our team. So, in my humble opinion any plaudits should not be handed out too early.

Didn't we do this before ??? I mean win a whole heap of games to reach the semi-finals when we looked like no chance ?? WB was coach and no-one raved about his coaching to get us there. Most expected it at the time (semi appearances) so most seemed to think the Broncs were simply correcting an error and should have been there anyway.

Henjak and the team have given us a chance to MAYBE play semi-final footy. Shouldn't we be a little more circumspect ??
Huge. said:
Oh the irony.....Rocky writing like me from years ago :shock: ....I'll wait till the end of the season before giving Henjak the big wrap.The Broncs are going fairly average,mid pack in a field of 15. Patches of good and bad, bit rough overall and hardly a smooth well oiled machine. We should'nt get carried away because it's always been said that anyone could coach the Broncs with the cattle we've got.
We're running eighth or thereabouts and still haven't made the finals a certainty. Should we miss, and it's still possible, then I doubt we'll be celebrating Henjaks coaching genius. Naturally I hope we are celebrating and Henjak gives us another premiership. That's why we got him in is'nt it, to improve ?...

People have to remember that for the first 10 games of the season we had so many injuries. Our whole backline at stages of the season has been under the age of 22 (except for Wallace) and had probally only played no more then 40 first grade games combined. This years Origin period has been the best I can remember and when was the last time we didnt have a end of season fade out that started 8 or so rounds before the finals?? Players were playing out of position and still are. We have been playing without one of our best players all season.

The way Hoffman & Gillet have played this year has been amazing to watch. Teo and Thaiday have been amazing. I would go as far as to say we have the best backrow in the Comp hands down.

Granted there is still four rounds left and we havent secured a finals spot I'd say Ivan has done an amazing job. I like many have questioned at times the two hookers on the bench theory that Ivan has persisted with all year but it has worked and continues to work.

With the injury list we had, the number of rookies or players who has played less then 20 games most people i know said the Broncos has no chnace this year.

Keep up the good work Ivan :mrgreen:
True ,it's been a good effort so far and we have had a very young and inexperienced team. Nevertheless the team is a quality side and many of the other coaches(if not all) could have done as well I feel sure. I'm not denigrating Henjak , merely pointing out that we are middling and that's a fair reflection of Henjak and his young team.

Hopefully time will indicate that Henjak has done a wonderful job but that time has not passed yet. I'm actually pretty sure that some of the posters on this forum could have coached the Broncs to our current position or dam close so,without putting Ivan down,I'm adopting a wait and see approach until the final report card is written.
ningnangnong said:
Just accept it AP, Wayne Bennett is alongside Jack Gibson as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the game.
i wholeheartedly agree, and ive never said he wasnt.

but hes not on the same level anymore, and hasnt been since 2001 when the unlimited interchange got dropped, among other game changing rules. he was the best, hes not now. is he still one of the greatest of all time? yes. but just like youd say Ali is one of the greatest fighters of all time, he certainly isnt now. just cause you were the best, doesnt mean you are the best.

Jeba said:
You just simply do not understand.
dont give me this bull$hit 'you just dont understand'. time after time, year after year on here ive proven my knowledge of the game and how its played. youre not a coach, never have been, so you have no basis to be able to tell me i dont understand. and given the absolute rubbish thats come out of your mouth over the years, eg. a halfbacks job isnt to be a playmaker, you DEFINITELY dont have the right to tell someone else that THEY dont understand.

Donny said:
People have to remember that for the first 10 games of the season we had so many injuries. Our whole backline at stages of the season has been under the age of 22 (except for Wallace) and had probally only played no more then 40 first grade games combined.
exactly. this IS not only the youngest and most inexperienced Broncos team in HISTORY, and the youngest team in the NRL at the moment - it would have to be one of the youngest overall teams in history. take lockyer out of our team and the average age would be what, 20? during Wayne Bennetts run we basically ALWAYS had a group of very experienced Representative players who were known performers. Henjack was given a team of kids and got thrown to the wolves. what he did to stop a 7 game losing streak with them last year is remarkable. and before anyone says 'we shouldnt have had a losing streak that big', remember, every year since 2000 we've pretty much had a losing streak the same size.
Like i said before this is the first year i can remember that we havent had our post origin slump and we have actually been winning games. The Origin period was good also. Probally the best in years

Still got a very long way to go guys, BUT im starting to feel good about this season. Definately come a long way since or disgraceful performance against the warriors thats for sure