If you accept my drink was spiked you might as well stop testing; everyone caught will say it.
The only case I’ve seen is ISC Maafu and he still had to serve a reduced sentence with overwhelming evidence. Not too many are going to have footage.
While having social beers at a Brisbane pub a few nights before the Redcliffe match, one of Maafu’s “friends” spiked his drink with ecstasy.
There was CCTV evidence of the act and the friend, who was on probation at the time, eventually owned up to it.
He would later tell Maafu the drink spike was a practical joke gone wrong.
Maafu, now 23, originally faced a two-year ban from the game.
But on appeal to ASADA the sentence was reduced to 15 months after they found Maafu was not aware of taking the drug.
“If it was a practical joke, it wasn’t very funny,” Maafu said of the incident.
“There was security camera footage of the guy putting the ecstasy in my drink. I had a lot of evidence in my favour including witnesses and character references.
“I don’t know why he did it. For some stupid reason I guess.
“I thought I would get off to be honest because I didn’t do it. But they said you had ecstasy in your system we can’t just ignore it.”