Jharal Yow Yeh injury update thread

It's a shame that it sounds like he'll be a shadow of the player he was going to be now. So much talent that we'll probably never get to see now.

I cant think of any football injury I've ever seen that has come close to yow yehs. It hurt my leg to look at it.
Haha, a picture is needed.

Anna Lucia Thackeray
Still can't believe what's happened to JYY, but gee she must make things seem a bit better haha
im pretty sure the pper said he would lose something like 15 degrees motion in the ankle. its going to be hard to overcome thats for sure..
I wouldn't mind it if he missed two more seasons, as long as he gets it right.

Don't need another Ikin on our hands.

All the best JYY.
That was after his first surgery, not his 6th.

Given the horrific injury, I had concerns at the time of it that we may not see him back for 18 months/2 years.
It took Scott Prince a good 18 months to get his right again, and his wasn't as serious. Yes, Prince came back after 12 months and reinjured his leg.
Bummer, I was really hoping that all would go well for him but it looks like that hasn't happened.
to be fair, there's no comment about what impact this has on his likely return. I think it makes it a formality he will miss the start of next season, but I wouldn't completely rule out a comeback next year.
to be fair, there's no comment about what impact this has on his likely return. I think it makes it a formality he will miss the start of next season, but I wouldn't completely rule out a comeback next year.
Yeah, agreed. After all it was only 6 weeks ago that he had the plates inserted. So it stands to reason that his return will be delayed by the same 6 weeks...
Yep, and I bet if you asked the doctor 6 weeks ago or now when Jharal was likely to return to football, his answer would be "too soon to tell".

It won't be until bone healing has basically completed that the medicos will be able to judge how long the rehabilitation is likely to take.

I feel for Jharal. It must be driving him mental.
Yeah, agreed. After all it was only 6 weeks ago that he had the plates inserted. So it stands to reason that his return will be delayed by the same 6 weeks...

I think I read they had to re-break the bone? In which case it's going to be about 12 weeks he's put back by.
as soon as it happened i said 'thats his career', and the longer it goes on the more likely that is looking unfortunately.

even if he does come back, he'll be a shadow of his former self even if he plays to his absolute best. such a shame, as he had the makings of a superstar winger/center.