Johns Quits as Assistant Coach!!

Maybe you should have seen the FULL interview on WWOS instead of the small snippet that the Footy Show chose to show. He was by no means suggesting that NSW were racist and that QLD were not - he was answering a direct question.
Flutterby said:
It is understood that Tahu has been simmering over Andrew Johns' alleged racism for years, and those close to him said he'd "had enough" when he left Origin camp.

Rebecca Wilson was on ABC radio saying Tahu has put up the the alleged racism from Johns for years.

So that means it's a load of cr@p.

Anything Wilson says can be ruled out as garbage. :P
The Rock said:
Haha just saw Mal on the footy show. What. Douche bag loser. He was going on about how 26% of the Qld players that have been picked over the years were polynesian or aboriginal and he was saying how QLD pick the best possible players and it doesn't matter what skin colour you have, you will be picked if you're the best player. Then he was bragging about how Thaiday, Inglis etc have been doing work in the aboriginal community.

Wow congratulations you dumb fat curley haired fruit shop loving dipshit, do you want a Logi? Are you suggesting that NSW only pick white players? Pretty sure that's what he's suggesting going by his comments on the footy show. Idiot.

Is Mal that stupid to suggest that Tonga, Folau, Inglis and Thaiday wouldn't be in the NSW team if they were blues? Serious? Dumb as ****.

It's THESE sort of people that stuff our game. These idiot Queenslanders that have come out and openely made suggestions of racism - yep great way to promote the game.

You have absolutely no clue. Typical NSW!

Johns is a racist c***, but that doesn't make everyone in the NSW hirearchy a racist. Mal knows that as well as everyone.
The thing is, that as a coach of a team hugely superior to the oponent and on the verge of an historic 5 peat, you know complacency is a real danger. As such, it would be stupid not to use this and spin it in a way that will at least fire up your players from aboriginal ethnicity, especially when those players have names like Thurston, Inglis, Thaiday or Folau.
If I was Mal, I would paint the cabin walls with newspaper clippings related to this matter and the stupid Carr brain explosion.

Speaking of the NSW management, this definitely would be a worthy extract to pin on the wall:

While this sorry episode is going to ensure that Suncorp Stadium is essentially a powderkeg on Wednesday night, the other story you must know is how NSW team management tried to sweep it under the carpet.

They should leave such things to the professionals - like the Whitehouse.

Blues officials were incensed at the notion, but it take it as 24-carat, 100 per cent fact that on Friday they wanted to initially spin the line that Tahu had left the camp because of a hamstring injury.
Huge. said:
Tahus a sook for publicly spitting it and could have handled it privately via internal channels with the NRL/ARL/NSWRL . If he'd asked management beforehand he would have been told that the matter would be dealt with in house and not dragged the game down and , most importantly not detracted from the SOO2 game which Carr and co are most anally protective of. Instead he goes off about something which has been around since time began, will continue to be there for all eternity and although buried will never be dead.

That is absolute garbage mate.

He is a sook for going public? I am glad he's gone public, if there is racism in the game, people need to know about it. Dealing with stuff 'in-house' is usually pathetic because the offender will get some shithouse, little fine which has no affect on them.

Your last sentence is laughable. It's been around forever so he should accept it? That attitude is a joke.
That attitude is not only a joke, but its the reason that racism still exists in the world.
The Rock said:
Haha just saw Mal on the footy show. What. Douche bag loser. He was going on about how 26% of the Qld players that have been picked over the years were polynesian or aboriginal and he was saying how QLD pick the best possible players and it doesn't matter what skin colour you have, you will be picked if you're the best player. Then he was bragging about how Thaiday, Inglis etc have been doing work in the aboriginal community.

Wow congratulations you dumb fat curley haired fruit shop loving dipshit, do you want a Logi? Are you suggesting that NSW only pick white players? Pretty sure that's what he's suggesting going by his comments on the footy show. Idiot.

Is Mal that stupid to suggest that Tonga, Folau, Inglis and Thaiday wouldn't be in the NSW team if they were blues? Serious? Dumb as ****.

It's THESE sort of people that stuff our game. These idiot Queenslanders that have come out and openely made suggestions of racism - yep great way to promote the game.

So it's Mal saying the Queensland team is not racist wrekcing the game, but it's cool for Joey to tell Beau Scott to shut the black **** down? :roll:
The Rock said:
No, Mal and Tony currie opened up a whole new can of worms, that's the problem!

No the problem is once again Johns fucked up and the NSWRL will let him get away with it.
The Rock said:
No, Mal and Tony currie opened up a whole new can of worms, that's the problem!

You're just being a biased douche again. Even if what they said wasn't right, it pales in comparison to what started all this BS, Joey being a racist ****.
Stop giving us stuff to feed on then! New South Fails.
Hey rocky, want a box of tissues? Or a tampon? Can't tell if you're depressed or having ya period.
The Rock said:
Nah keep the box of tissues to yourself, you'll need them when QLD lose on Wednesday.

your dreamin' [icon_evillaugh
The Rock said:
Nah keep the box of tissues to yourself, you'll need them when QLD lose on Wednesday.

Well in that case. I hear these are really good for massive vaginas.

I would like to thank Joey Johns for ensuring Greg Inglis plays a blinder on Wednesday night... Hahaha good work Joey your a true disgrace of the game 1 million times worse than your brother..
Johns is a douche, but seriously, black people are just waaay too easily offended.
Alec said:
Johns is a douche, but seriously, black people are just waaay too easily offended.

Touche on both points. This whole thing is a complete waste of time. Tahu needs to harden up.
Typical, no punishment for Joey from Channel 9 - what does he have to do to get dropped

What a great poster boy for halfback of the century a drug cheating, ref abusing racist - the best of all New South Welshmen indeed, Alfie's drunken dance looks quite mild by comparison

Has Joey been given immortal status or has that been put on hold re his drug cheating?

What a champ [icon_thumbs_do