Johns Quits as Assistant Coach!!

lynx000 said:
pwn, I totally do not get that comment????

He's referring to the thread in General Talk where I equated the risk of trying drugs to the risk of driving.
Douche. When did I say his ecstasy taking was the reason he achieved what he did? I said he should be ineligible for any accolades as "best whatever" because of his rampant drug use and now, racial vilification.
Coxy said:
Douche. When did I say his ecstasy taking was the reason he achieved what he did? I said he should be ineligible for any accolades as "best whatever" because of his rampant drug use and now, racial vilification.

You said all of that in response to me explaining to ddd why Joey's on-field success can't be attributed to his drug use and therefore should be viewed separately.
And I agree that he should be ineligible for any accolades, for the bad press he's brought to the game - but don't detract from his performances for unrelated reasons.
To ningannong and Nashy....Instead he goes off about something which has been around since time began, will continue to be there for all eternity and although buried will never be dead. That's what I different words but the same's elemental ( inherent,intrinsic ) to the human psyche to feel fear of foreigners which seems connected to colour. Each colour fears a foreign or markedly different colour.
Huge. said:
To ningannong and Nashy....Instead he goes off about something which has been around since time began, will continue to be there for all eternity and although buried will never be dead. That's what I different words but the same's elemental ( inherent,intrinsic ) to the human psyche to feel fear of foreigners which seems connected to colour. Each colour fears a foreign or markedly different colour.

Plus there's the whole "survival of the fittest" mentality that is ingrained into our instinct. We (homo sapiens) took over the planet by ruthlessly demolishing other human species. Each race within our species has an instinctual need to be the dominant one too.

Frankly I'd rather racist insults than hunting and eating our rivals...
I agree with your extra comment Coxy...thus my call for we humans to recognize our inherited failings.
I just want to know if Inglis would be offended just by being called a c***, or if it's the preceding adjective that makes it worse? And why?

Scary eh Beads?
OK, so I can't find a link on the net anywhere, but Ch 9 just had Tahu on camera basically saying that he was subject to a number racial taunts and comments through the week and the comment re Inglis was the final straw. A direct quote from his mouth "it wasn't just one comment directed to or about one person". And he said he just had to take a stand as an example to his children that racism is wrong and no-one should accept it.
Flutterby said:
OK, so I can't find a link on the net anywhere, but Ch 9 just had Tahu on camera basically saying that he was subject to a number racial taunts and comments through the week and the comment re Inglis was the final straw. A direct quote from his mouth "it wasn't just one comment directed to or about one person". And he said he just had to take a stand as an example to his children that racism is wrong and no-one should accept it.

And that's fair enough IMO.

People saying "harden up" etc may have had a point if this was all based on one comment, but after a few over the course of the week? I think Tahu had every right to walk out.
Not to mention he has said previously that he has "been hearing this crap from Johns pretty much since he was 18"
Still he walked out on his team mates which is the bigger problem IMO. I owuld have liked some of his team mate to back him up.
Seriously I love "Crash" Craddock ... 5879193279

Johns' outburst will reinforce opinions north of the border that for all of the hero-worshipping he gets in Sydney and the fine player that he was, he was also a very average conveyance as a person. And a lucky one. Had he been working in America his media career would be over.

Channel 9 announced yesterday they would take no action against Johns, which shows you can get away with anything in Sydney if you have the right connections.

NSWRL general manager Geoff Carr had told reporters that the matter was one for the team hierarchy and had been handled by Young.

Hang on a minute. That was the same Geoff Carr who last week told Queensland they were out of order for picking Israel Folau.

So let's get this right. Queensland selections are Geoff Carr's business. NSW team issues aren't - even though he is their head man. Go figure.