Josh Dugan - Signs with Dragons

Do you want the Brisbane Broncos to make a play for Josh Dugan?

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Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Dear Josh Hoffman,

Of course you don't want Dugan here. Dugan would have taken your future number 1 jersey.

Here's something for you Josh Hoffman. Instead of being a ****head to a future teammate how about you actually try in games. If you tried hard at the back end of last season, we wouldn't have even contemplated Dugan. It''s due to your **** ups that we would even entertain the idea of signing another fullback.

Now we aren't signing him, so you can be happy now and go back to trying when you want to. But what you did last season is worse than what Dugan has done recently imo. So please stop being a bitch or GTFO of this club that I and thousands of others care about and you don't seem to give a **** about.

Wtf??? Have I missed something? What does hoffy have to do with all this
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Wtf??? Have I missed something? What does hoffy have to do with all this

Nothing. Hoffman was quoted as saying he didn't try his hardest in a few games last year and Penny now has a massive agenda against him. Hoffman has been one if our best this year as well.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

People really do forget how Hoffman was one of our best players with Lockyer in the side. His only problem is he has no ball playing skills (and his attitude last year), but he'd be fine if Wallace, Norman and Prince weren't so bad.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Norman took his spot anyway.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

hoffman has been excellent so far this year. but i hope he stays on the wing/centres. better suits his abililty
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Maybe Hoffman will learn the value of passing by being on the wing. Passing to the wingers is what allowed him to score all those tries. I hope he really works on it.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

I hope he learns a lesson from this and grows up.

As for the club, it always felt like it would end this way sooner or later, if he wasn't available for this season i doubt the club would have even considered the move. It always had a feeling of desperation and a pinch of self-preservation about it, dodged a bullet.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Ah well, It sucks but what can ya do?

Would rather get the wooden spoon every year and keep a clean rep than win games anyway.....
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Hoffman had an attitude problem last year but compared to Dugan his a bloody saint and I don't think anyone can accuse him of not putting in on the wing this season.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Meh, screw Dugan. If he wasn't going to pul his head in after getting sacked then I don't want him in the team.

Massive talent but what's the point of signing someone who hasn't got their head screwed on right? Just going to cause disruption to the team.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Hoffman had an attitude problem last year but compared to Dugan his a bloody saint and I don't think anyone can accuse him of not putting in on the wing this season.

He is great on the wing, Doesn't fix the fullback issue.

Griffin, take a chance on Bond now! **** it throw him in and let's go.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

He admitted he didn't give last year his all. So he can EAD.

It was bloody obvious that a few players weren't giving their all last season. At least hoffman had the guts to own up.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

It's defintely all Hoffmans fault. No blame lies with Dugan at all.

FWIW too, I really wonder if those "I didn't try late last year" comments may have been taken out of context. If you play in a team that ended the season like the broncos did last year, I'm sure it's only natural to wonder if you could have done a little more. Given how Hoffman has performed early on this season, I'd say only one of him and Dugan has learnt from their past mistakes.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

Given what Dugan did it was probably the right decision, but boy are we fucked now. Lost Lockyer, T'eo and then Norman, who is supposedly a big part of our future.

Now we fail to sign Dugan, proving we really aren't "chockers" in terms of cap space, with all the marquee players for next season already signed. Hoffman is an honest fullback who runs hard but is light years behind the game's best, playing with a bottom 8 halves pairing and an average hooker who lacks attacking vision. It's going to suck to be us for a couple of years.
Re: Josh Dugan - Broncos withdraw their offer

I am all for signing someone who is going to help the club but obviously this fool is beyond all help. I spoke to a guy in the Sawtell Tavern today who said the Broncos were selling their soul signing up a player like that. He is probably right, glad he isn't coming. Am resigned to a horrible season this year (possibly the worst ever) but at least it will get rid of the dead weight around the club and might ensure better days ahead. See u later Doogs, it was fun while it lasted.