Josh Hoffman



International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Thank you Paul Malone. Speaks some bloody good sense there. A really good, mentally tough player would be keen to prove to the coaching staff that he was the best man for the job. Remember Michael Han**** when the Broncos wanted to release him? He stayed on and fought hard and won back his wing spot.

Hoffman seems to think it is his god given right to play fullback and wants to take his footy and go home.

In case he didn't notice, the Broncos have just come off their worst season EVER so no player should be thinking that they are safe in their position. I want to see them all fighting tooth and nail for their positions and then maybe the Broncs can start to climb the ladder again.

Exactly, Hancock also played off the bench as a utility back/forward and went on to win premierships in 1997, 1998 and 2000 and didn't once complain, even told Bennett to play Devere ahead of him because he thought Devere was a better option. Miles made the move to the backrow, Lockyer a 5/8th was developed into a fullback then asked to play 5/8th again. None of these players kicked a hissy fit about it, they just got down and did it, Hoffman seems to have this belief that he has a god given monopoly on fullback at the club, truth be told that couldn't be further from the truth otherwise they wouldn't have even thought of playing Norman there if Hoffman was bringing the playmaking goods there and as critical of Norman I had been, even he showed more ability in the critical attack criteria the quality fullbacks need in the game now.


NYC Player
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Josh Hoffman, to the principles office!

Exactly, Han**** also played off the bench as a utility back/forward and went on to win premierships in 1997, 1998 and 2000 and didn't once complain, even told Bennett to play Devere ahead of him because he thought Devere was a better option. Miles made the move to the backrow, Lockyer a 5/8th was developed into a fullback then asked to play 5/8th again. None of these players kicked a hissy fit about it, they just got down and did it, Hoffman seems to have this belief that he has a god given monopoly on fullback at the club, truth be told that couldn't be further from the truth otherwise they wouldn't have even thought of playing Norman there if Hoffman was bringing the playmaking goods there and as critical of Norman I had been, even he showed more ability in the critical attack criteria the quality fullbacks need in the game now.

Yup, a little more selflessness and teamwork will get the Broncos back to where we all want them to be.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
You kind of get the impression though that the Bulldogs are blowing steam up his arse and making him believe that he's better than he actually is.
Rhys van Beurden

Rhys van Beurden

QCup Player
Jun 20, 2013
You kind of get the impression though that the Bulldogs are blowing steam up his arse and making him believe that he's better than he actually is.

That doesn't exactly benefit them. They get an average fullback out of it!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
If they really want a fullback, give them Maranta, we can release him on compassionate grounds?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
That doesn't exactly benefit them. They get an average fullback out of it!
Maybe they just want a really good winger...

If they really want a fullback, give them Maranta, we can release him on compassionate grounds?
Agreed, they should be compassionate with us supporters and move Maranta on. Or wasn't that what you meant?
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Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Out of interest how much time has Beale actually spent at fullback since his departure from the Broncos?

A few games. He did his knee. He was the fullback for the Dragons at the time.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Maybe they just want a really good winger...

Agreed, they should be compassionate with us supporters and move Maranta on. Or wasn't that what you meant?

Kill two birds with one stone, I would have a clause too, they can have Hoffman, but Maranta must be in every first grade game on a 3 year deal, subject to official fitness checks by the Broncos and the NRL, failure to do so would see Hoffman unable to play.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Also it will help Maranta cause clearly his development as a winger at the Broncos has been killed by Griffin, better opportunities await elsewhere so lets show some compassion for Maranta and the Bulldogs.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I'm not going to believe any of this shit until it's either official or Hoffman actually says himself that he wants out. I've been very critical of Hoffman in the past, however I will definitely give him the benefit of the doubt on media heresay.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I'm not going to believe any of this shit until it's either official or Hoffman actually says himself that he wants out. I've been very critical of Hoffman in the past, however I will definitely give him the benefit of the doubt on media heresay.

Out of interest do you think all those direct quotes from his manager are being done against hoffy wishes?


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
I'll only believe Hoffman is gone when he or his manager speaks the words from their own mouths. It is easy to imagine him going to Canterbury as Barba left them for us leaving a fullback spot open there which Hoffman would jump on at any opportunity.

It's just shit he is leaving because he isn't getting what he wanted, now we've found the Veruca Salt of the Broncos.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
You kind of get the impression though that the Bulldogs are blowing steam up his arse and making him believe that he's better than he actually is.

Was ready to punch the TV listening to Noddy talking on Sunday. They were discussing Hoffmans future and how the Broncos don't have a place for him anymore because of Babs and Milf and how Hoffman will be wondering "where his place in the team is and who's going to love him"



International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
The whole Hoffman wanting a "new challenge" is crap. He is leaving because he can't beat his current challenge. Sounds like an absolutely cop out


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Lol @ that dogsofwar bloke on twitter. He's deadest going to have an aneurism. Freethehoff freethehoff freethehoff. Good lord


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