Hi guys, just my 2nd time commenting always just happy to read all the ingenious ideas you guys are sharing, i wish that KW can read all the helpful insights from you guys.
As for grading KW i can only give him 1/10 due to the reason that he cant instill teamwork to his players, they have poor attitude as everyone can see and thats why he was hired to take care of those things. Just look at how he uses the interchange, does he really have a clue of what he is doing, he seems lost like a 5th grader in a science class doing experiments hoping for a better result.
I would love to give him a perfect 10 as I love the Broncos so I want him to succeed, but its a long way off just looking at how we had been playing. I have actually stopped watching since magic round, cancelled my Kayo subscription and just read the news.
I may have taken a lot of space writing the same thing as everyone had already said, sorry if my English isnt that good, not my first language and still learning.
Just my opinion guys and hoping for a better Broncos again.
Keep it up guys!