Just on Glenn, he is coming across as a massive cancer in this squad and he’s the fucking captain…. The way he has these little groups on social media doing shit where the whole team isn’t invited is just segregation and not a team environment.
my world was infantry for a very long time, we rolled in platoons but your section which depending on the conflict I was training for, was 8 to 12 blokes, when we organised to go have a drink, golf or whatever on our days off everyone was there no questions asked. You had to have a good reason not to be there, kids bday, wedding or someone’s funeral. That was it, you did everything together build a fucking bond. You never invited half the section and not the other half.
I look at our defence structure and shake my head but half the problem is these blokes don’t know each other, it obvious they train badly….but honestly with a proper leader this shit get nipped in the bud so quickly.
glenn is a joke of captain. He had his go as a player did average and good for him, he’s better at footy then me but holy **** is he not a captains asshole!!!!!