Haven't read the whole thread yet so this has probably been covered, but the decision to let Capewell go a year early probably gets brought up in any end of season reviews.
I think in isolation letting him go isn't a big deal but in conjunction with losing Flegler, Palasia and Herbie it probably just left too big of a void. He's not a match winner but his leadership, uility value and in a season where anyone who played second row has struggled, he was badly missed.
I just hope whatever money we saved by making the decision to let him go was well spent.
The other big one for me and i know there's not alot that could have been done to prevent it but both assistant coaches handing in notice half way through the year isnt ideal. I dont care who you are, a professional footy player/coach or a council worker, the second you hand in notice your mind is elsewhere.
Those two no longer have any accountability because they have new jobs next year. This flows onto the players as rather then call out someone cutting corners like they would if their ass in on the line, they just let it happen. I know assistants come and go but it surely cant be a good situation for an inexperienced NRL coach to have his two main right hand men not 100% in the game.
One parting thought from me, i know Corey Parker gets some serious hate and ill admit he shits me off as well. But from all reports he's a no bullshit absolute hard ass with an insane work ethic. Do we need him involved in the pre season slog?