Let the off season review begin

Thanks for your concern son, but I can assure you, I couldn't be better 😊. In fact, I, like the vast majority of footy fans, are just absolutely delighting in the misery you blokes currently (and for the next few years at least) find yourselves in. It is such a joy to see such an arrogant organisation and fanbase getting their comeuppance.

Where are Souffs on the ladder again? If you think we have been bad this year, whats been going on at Redfern?
Where are Souffs on the ladder again? If you think we have been bad this year, whats been going on at Redfern?
rick james cocaine GIF
Good evening gentlemen. Catching up on the latest goings on in the NRL and have just read an absolutely brutal assessment of the current state of the Broncos in this afternoons Tele article penned by brilliant league analyst Pam Whaley. Some of her findings include:

- 2023 was basically a fluke
- Reyno is done, nobody to replace him
- Walters disrespected the fans in that press conference
- he is about to feel the heat
- club needs an almighty overhaul or nothing will change
- dark days are here to stay for fans

Ouch. Dark days indeed.

You mean good evening LADIES and gentlemen .. don't you.
Thanks for your concern son, but I can assure you, I couldn't be better 😊. In fact, I, like the vast majority of footy fans, are just absolutely delighting in the misery you blokes currently (and for the next few years at least) find yourselves in. It is such a joy to see such an arrogant organisation and fanbase getting their comeuppance.
Once again .. down South you guys might ignore your women .. but here .. use your manners please.
Thanks for your concern son, but I can assure you, I couldn't be better 😊. In fact, I, like the vast majority of footy fans, are just absolutely delighting in the misery you blokes currently (and for the next few years at least) find yourselves in. It is such a joy to see such an arrogant organisation and fanbase getting their comeuppance.

Well it could be worse ya know. Could support the bunnies who are not only worse, but their home games look overrun with empty seats and give more of an at-meh-sphere then an atmosphere.
This is the issue with not having a football manager or an Ikin type role. Yeah the coach ultimately should get to make recruitment decisions but there needs to be someone who is less likely to be sacked every 3 years who oversees the long term planning of the roster and pathways.

I’d be ready to swallow my vomit and poach Gus

Joe McDermott has been in the role since Ikin left.
Haven't read the whole thread yet so this has probably been covered, but the decision to let Capewell go a year early probably gets brought up in any end of season reviews.

I think in isolation letting him go isn't a big deal but in conjunction with losing Flegler, Palasia and Herbie it probably just left too big of a void. He's not a match winner but his leadership, uility value and in a season where anyone who played second row has struggled, he was badly missed.

I just hope whatever money we saved by making the decision to let him go was well spent.

The other big one for me and i know there's not alot that could have been done to prevent it but both assistant coaches handing in notice half way through the year isnt ideal. I dont care who you are, a professional footy player/coach or a council worker, the second you hand in notice your mind is elsewhere.

Those two no longer have any accountability because they have new jobs next year. This flows onto the players as rather then call out someone cutting corners like they would if their ass in on the line, they just let it happen. I know assistants come and go but it surely cant be a good situation for an inexperienced NRL coach to have his two main right hand men not 100% in the game.

One parting thought from me, i know Corey Parker gets some serious hate and ill admit he shits me off as well. But from all reports he's a no bullshit absolute hard ass with an insane work ethic. Do we need him involved in the pre season slog?
Haven't read the whole thread yet so this has probably been covered, but the decision to let Capewell go a year early probably gets brought up in any end of season reviews.

I think in isolation letting him go isn't a big deal but in conjunction with losing Flegler, Palasia and Herbie it probably just left too big of a void. He's not a match winner but his leadership, uility value and in a season where anyone who played second row has struggled, he was badly missed.

I just hope whatever money we saved by making the decision to let him go was well spent.

The other big one for me and i know there's not alot that could have been done to prevent it but both assistant coaches handing in notice half way through the year isnt ideal. I dont care who you are, a professional footy player/coach or a council worker, the second you hand in notice your mind is elsewhere.

Those two no longer have any accountability because they have new jobs next year. This flows onto the players as rather then call out someone cutting corners like they would if their ass in on the line, they just let it happen. I know assistants come and go but it surely cant be a good situation for an inexperienced NRL coach to have his two main right hand men not 100% in the game.

One parting thought from me, i know Corey Parker gets some serious hate and ill admit he shits me off as well. But from all reports he's a no bullshit absolute hard ass with an insane work ethic. Do we need him involved in the pre season slog?
No , proven flog who would disrupt more than add anything.
Thanks for your concern son, but I can assure you, I couldn't be better 😊. In fact, I, like the vast majority of footy fans, are just absolutely delighting in the misery you blokes currently (and for the next few years at least) find yourselves in. It is such a joy to see such an arrogant organisation and fanbase getting their comeuppance.
Jeez, can you and the rest of the NRL community please point on the doll where the bad sporting organisiation touched you?
I don’t think it’s worth getting rid of Arthars and Hoeter for what I think they’re on and their role in the team

Hoeter ?
Good wagon . Done broke down .
Played like 2 games of NRL in 10 years . Thanks for your service .
We’re set to miss the 8 and have done nothing to improve our club for 2025. Back to being a basket case. Dave Donaghy is out of his depth. Our chairman is a clown. 2025 will be worse. At least if we have that expectation we won’t care as much when we’re a laughing stock once again.
Cmon mate you know the club don’t give a **** about the fans and haven’t for years.
These over paid and overhyped peahearts need to be flogged hard in pre season but they won’t because they’ll sook like they did a few years ago.
Drop/ Sack any **** that don’t want to put in.
Wouldn’t last til smoko in a real work environment, probably wouldn’t even turn up just like game day💩*****
Sam drives around with his kids in the car while on coke .
Then employs powerful lawyers to smooth it over .

Is that what you are talkin about ? That kind of moderation ?
Role model . LOL .
I’m sure I read at the time Sam didn’t even have a license