Matt Gillett appreciation thread

Kris Brisbane said:
I can be Gillett's Venus anyday.

Sorry Kris, he is "The best a man can get." Nothing about a Kris mentioned in there... [icon_razz1
draggx said:
Sorry Kris, he is "The best a man can get." Nothing about a Kris mentioned in there... [icon_razz1

Is this a joke?
what makes gillett all the more exciting is that we now have a coach that wont try and stifle his attacking flair and turn him into a battering ram.
FFS AP is every single one of your posts a bait!
thats not a bait at all, its just a fact.

during the game on the weekend Gould commented that the Broncos centres and wingers - gillett included since he was on the wing - were not given a game plan or set task to do when they got the ball. they were just told to play their own game and do what they needed to.

bennett would have told gillett to cut the offload out of hs game, theres absolutely no doubt about that. henjak is letting him develop into the player he wants to be, rather than forcing him to become a certain type of player. you only need to look at the 2010 Thaiday compared to the 2008 Thaiday to see what a difference this can make.
Well lets hope it doesn't turn into our coach or captain having a lack of control over their young players.
Every fucking thread AP ffs
Scotty said:
Every **** thread AP ffs
what part exactly of my post do you have a problem with? the bit where im talking about a topic about Gillett?
I'd hazard a guess the bit where you bring criticism of Wayne Bennett into a thread about Matt Gillett.
What brizz said. It's a fucking bait and you know it. Everyone knows your agenda about Bennett, how about you give it another rest and stop trying to start the same argument you've had 50 times before dipshit.
that one single line?

sure disregard the other 10 sentences in there and choose to focus on the one thing that i say about bennett, which im actually saying is a good thing for Gillett, so is 100% on topic.

far out we have some people on here who need to harden up.
Hahahaha, gotta love it. It's very good to hear Ivan said that about those 3 blokes. They have shown so much maturity in the footy this year.
Don't compare AP with Je$ter. Je$ter's cool.
and AP is hot to trot.

if you get so upset and have a cry over a single line that someone says on a forum that is 100% on topic, you need to get a life.

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