Jeba was right. Just because your recollection skills are horrible (He only played 2 games in 07 at halfback by the by) doesn't mean Hunt wasn't selected at halfback the following year (2009) by Henjak and did indeed perform terribly.
Big Peter - its Anonymous Person, thanks.
hunt played half first under bennett (2007), not henjak (2009). so no, jeba wasnt right. i was wrong about what year he played origin at half, but that doesnt change the fact that he played halfback in 07 first under bennett like i said. he played 2 matches, not 3-4. oh no ,i was off by 1-2 matches from a season 5 years ago, how terrible of me....
and anyway, not a single one of you bellamy haters has said anything about the fact that bellamy was a part time coach, being in control of the team for 3 weeks of the year for 3 years, and had very little say in who was selected. nor have you had anything to say about the fact that smith/thurston/slater were in the prime of their career then, yet in the tail end of their careers under stuart the full time coach who still didnt win in 2 years.
"Bellamy should have assumed more control like Bennett did. His failing to do so is his own responsibility."
maybe he should have, maybe he shouldnt have. there were big differences between when bennett came in and cleaned house and when bellamy came in.
Bennett came in on the back of the single worst performance in the history of origin, on the back of a whitewash, with a team full of old past their prime players. adrian lam was our haflback, ben ikin/julian oneill our five eighths. that says enough. it wasnt really risky dumping 3/4 of the team as they were absolutley horrible the year before. remember, origin was "dead" after 2000 according to many, so he had literally nothing to lose in 01.
bellamy came in on the back of a close series loss in 07 and a very close series loss in 06, so there was really nothing calling for a complete cleanout. they went close in 08 so again, no need for a cleanout. won game 3 of 2009 pretty convincingly, so then all the talk in the media was about NSW starting their dynasty in 2010. again, no need for a cleanout and in fact that wouldve been the last thing they would have thought about.
its like you guys are convincing yourselves that this QLD team is just mediocre and that NSW lost because they were poorly coached lol. FFS this is widely regarded now as the best team in the history of state of origin, and youre saying that a NSW coach isnt a good coach because his team didnt beat them lol. its like saying the American Dream Team at the Olympics only won because of poor coaching by their oppositions coach.