Michael Ennis

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if diving helps the refs make the correct decision, then im all for it....if diving is just done to waste time tho or get a penalty when it isnt deserved then thats bullshit.
Its not just diving though, he also ran in front of support players not once, but twice tonight. I especially loved the 2nd one where once he took out the support player, he put on a massive dive to act like he was taken out. Ennis is a great player, but we dont need that rubbish in our team. PJ is just as good and wont do that so i cant wait for him to come back.. qlders just dont do that shit
Nice swan dive by Prince.Don't think he was even touched tbh.I saw Prince throw out his arm and then fell. Wouldn't have made one scrap of differance to the try anyhow.

Ennis though is making the papers for the wrong reasons whether he is guilty of laying down or not.
Whack some of you across the head at force while running full speed and maybe it would sting enough to make you fall and it's not like the guy stayed down.

As Daley said"Yes I think I would do it to"

Rating Ennis and hope he stays but I can see him off to Knights.
he bumped friend when boyd went over after the 100m try and then he DID bump prince, not enough for him to fall over, prince milked it big time, but he still did it when he should have been on Wallaces right side in support, he didnt need to do either and hes lucky he didnt cost us a try, its ill-disciplined and stupid....... but at the same time i dont think its a coincedance that the tits players were falling by the weight of a feather when the broncos were crossing the line, and i dont blame the tits, they know the refs are looking for ways not to give the try...... after ennis was hit high by friend he looked up at the ref before he pretended to be knocked out until he miraculously regained consciousness after he heard the magic whistle and again he knew the video ref would look at it if he layed down..... blame the rules not the players....... he also threw a few forward passes that luckly wernt called up, lets just hope its not a sign of things to come and quarterback ennis isnt back from last season........... PJ has a better passing game and understanding with Wallace imo and we have missed him alot going forward and making the defence question themselves...........
It wasn'tin the spirit (or in fact within the rules) of the game for Friend to hit him about the face.
he bumped friend when boyd went over after the 100m try and then he DID bump prince, not enough for him to fall over, prince milked it big time, but he still did it when he should have been on Wallaces right side in support, he didnt need to do either and hes lucky he didnt cost us a try, its ill-disciplined and stupid....... but at the same time i dont think its a coincedance that the tits players were falling by the weight of a feather when the broncos were crossing the line, and i dont blame the tits, they know the refs are looking for ways not to give the try...... after ennis was hit high by friend he looked up at the ref before he pretended to be knocked out until he miraculously regained consciousness after he heard the magic whistle and again he knew the video ref would look at it if he layed down..... blame the rules not the players....... he also threw a few forward passes that luckly wernt called up, lets just hope its not a sign of things to come and quarterback ennis isnt back from last season........... PJ has a better passing game and understanding with Wallace imo and we have missed him alot going forward and making the defence question themselves...........
Love Ennis. He's a great player, he's the only thing keeping this team a team at the moment.
Michael Ennis:

^ That adds nothing really. It's helping his team, who cares?

He took a knock to the face, he has every right to go down and have that team penalised for breaking the rules.
It's hardly helping. It counrages people to take dives, if you have to go down on purpose like a girl, then its hardly worth a penalty.

DId you see the incident with Prince? Prince fell down, he realised what was happening, cried and fell over and pretended to be unconscious.. wow. Give that man a Nobel prize for helping the team. icon_thumbs_u
Lachy said:
It's hardly helping. It counrages people to take dives, if you have to go down on purpose like a girl, then its hardly worth a penalty.

DId you see the incident with Prince? Prince fell down, he realised what was happening, cried and fell over and pretended to be unconscious.. wow. Give that man a Nobel prize for helping the team. icon_thumbs_u

And what happened? The video ref was called in, and the correct decision was made.
Lachy, nopatience and Queensland have got the nail on the head. He is ill-disciplined and will cost us a game one day. Running in front/into Prince - why would you do that? Prince was never going to catch Wallace and if you wanted to help run to the right and be in support. He hit Friend after the play had gone and a try was score - why do that? Who benefits that except your ego in your personal battle with Friend? All that can come of it is the try being taken off us. [icon_thumbs_do

And diving. I googled Michael Ennis diving and it came up with articles from 2 seperate incidents where Ennis has been accused of diving. Its not something you want to be noted for and I'm sure the Broncos don't want to be perceived as a team of divers. It creates a poor culture within the club and I'm sure there is more than one teammate who was embarrassed about his antics. I hope WB has a word in his ear.
IMO diving is horrible when there is absolutely nothing in it.

Now, the bloke got hit in the head last night. We all saw it - a swinging arm to the side of the head would've stung for a few seconds for sure. He may have been well enough to stand up, but it was an illegal shot that would've hurt. What happens if it was the grand final, locked at 18-all with ten seconds left on the clock, 20 metres in front of the sticks, and Ennis cops a high shot that the ref didn't see?!?!?! Quite the situation, no?

IMO, if a clear and deliberately illegal act has happened, the ref must be notified. If Ennis stood up to complain, it would've been waved as "play on".

Saying that this **** shouldn't be reported is like not reporting an assault to the police if no officer was there to see it.
You're all about hardening the 'fark' up aren't you Rocky. [eusa_doh

If you're happy to support a club that plays against the unwritten laws of the game, great, go support one of your closer to home teams who may satisfy your needs a little further.

You've said it about Bellamy's tactics, and now this. While I agree with you this subject, it wasn't a dive so to speak.

I think you need to set the example though, show us all what it's really like to support a team that use stupid tactics that NO ONE except you likes. Please.
Bare in mind, I don't agree with them on Ennis!

Personally, I don't look at players as "Oh he's a NSW player" or "He plays for QLD". I couldn't care less while I'm watching a Broncos game. I love Ennis, think he's great, and don't think he's doing anything dirty / out of the game.

He didn't take a dive, somethign actually happened to him.

What I'm saying is i can't agree with you relating it to the Bellamy things that have been said. Apologies if you weren't referring your comments back to that as well.
The Rock said:
Bellamy? This topic isn't even about his tactics. And I do not agree with Bellamy's tactics - I just think some of his tactics are fine and people harp on about it a bit too much.

You said basically the same thing in the Bellamy thread. But anyway.

I'm out.