Mitchell Pearce Incident

I must be old old school because while his behavior is childish and obnoxious I don't think there is much in it. I get more pissed at the aholes scummers who tape this stuff and shop it the media.
AT what point do ppls rights to privacy come into it when they are being filmed without consent in a private situation then being beamed around the country.

I definitely agree with this BUT , it's just the way of the world these days that everyone has a camera . He isn't the first footy player to be caught in a compromising position and he won't be the last . Invading people's privacy has reached tipping point and I'm afraid nothing can be done about it. Can't change the rules or make an exception for him just because he plays for the roosters and NSW and has a famous Daddy who works for the NRL.
I must be old old school because while his behavior is childish and obnoxious I don't think there is much in it. I get more ****ed at the aholes scummers who tape this stuff and shop it the media.
AT what point do ppls rights to privacy come into it when they are being filmed without consent in a private situation then being beamed around the country.

I think your right to privacy goes out the window when you piss yourself on someone's couch, try to make out with every female in the room and then simulate sex with a dog at someone else's house.

If he was mucking around with mates at his own house, I'd agree with you, but I can't cop the privacy argument on this one.
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Surely this proves to the NRL that the Roosters are bullshitters when it comes to the "We're a strong, disciplinarian club, we can look after troubled players etc". The NRL has constantly let them "gamble" on players like Carney, Ferguson etc, allowed them to sign for lower than market value because of the "risk", yet nothing changes. They're not a well-behaving club just like the AFL is not a well-behaving code. They just have the right people pulling the strings. Ferguson will continue being a **** behind the scenes, but as long as he puts out on the field no one will know. The moment he loses form there will be a string of indescretions "uncovered" and he'll be booted. Same with Pearce - the Roosters will happily insert the "last chance" clause - they know Pearce will never be more than a solid first grader, and will only get slower from now on, they'll just tear up his contract and poach Ben Hunt or Kieran Foran.
How was his privacy invaded exactly? I can't say I feel sorry for him, I've had a few too many plenty of times and never kissed someone against their wishes, pissed on myself or their furniture or pretended/tried to **** a dog. And considering he's gotten himself into trouble before acting the raw prawn while out on the turps you'd think he would've learned his lesson.
I must be old old school because while his behavior is childish and obnoxious I don't think there is much in it. I get more pissed at the aholes scummers who tape this stuff and shop it the media.
AT what point do ppls rights to privacy come into it when they are being filmed without consent in a private situation then being beamed around the country.

I think at the point where you are forcing yourself on someone that very clearly doesn't want it, pissing on someones furniture, doing 'stuff' with an animal and then being asked/told to leave several times before being forced; is pretty much the point that I don't give a **** about someones right to privacy.
It amazes me that people whose lives are under such constant exposure to media scrutiny don't take more care with their behaviour, especially now that everyone has a camera on them. That being said, it wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't even the same ballpark as what Carney or Monaghan did. Stupid? Yeah. Disrespectful? Yeah. But for Christ's sake people need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Him trying to kiss someone and possibly pissing himself is far worse.

And while it doesn't justify Pearce's behavior, it's pretty vindictive to leak it to sub-human gutter journos. What were you doing inviting shitfaced footy players back to your apartment in the first place, sweetheart? That's just asking for trouble.
Roosters Captain


It amazes me that people whose lives are under such constant exposure to media scrutiny don't take more care with their behaviour, especially now that everyone has a camera on them. That being said, it wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't even the same ballpark as what Carney or Monaghan did. Stupid? Yeah. Disrespectful? Yeah. But for Christ's sake people need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Him trying to kiss someone and possibly pissing himself is far worse.

And while it doesn't justify Pearce's behavior, it's pretty vindictive to leak it to sub-human gutter journos. What were you doing inviting shitfaced footy players back to your apartment in the first place, sweetheart? That's just asking for trouble.

I have no issue with this being taken to the press. I am usually dead against this stuff but in this case she has every right.

I'll tell you something right now, if I invited someone into my house and they forced themselves onto my wife, simulated sex with my dog and pissed on my couch sending the footage into the media would be the very least that I would do.
I have no issue with this being taken to the press. I am usually dead against this stuff but in this case she has every right.

I'll tell you something right now, if I invited someone into my house and they forced themselves onto my wife, simulated sex with my dog and pissed on my couch sending the footage into the media would be the very least that I would do.

I have no issue with this being taken to the press. I am usually dead against this stuff but in this case she has every right.

I'll tell you something right now, if I invited someone into my house and they forced themselves onto my wife, simulated sex with my dog and pissed on my couch sending the footage into the media would be the very least that I would do.

Yeah but, you still need to take some responsibility for letting a clown in that state in.
His punishment is fair.
- 6 weeks
- 50k
- No more captaincy
- Doesn't get a mini holiday in England

I don't think there should be any more to it, but of course it's the off season so the media will blow up any story they can for now.

Simulating sex with the dog? Who cares, it's just a stupid thing while drunk, not even newsworthy. The dog wasn't harmed at all.
Pissing himself? It only makes him look stupid, also who cares.
Pissing on the furniture? Another dick head thing, but I'm sure he has enough cash to pay a good clean up bill.
As for the kissing someone part, so what? We have literally no context, it's 2 minutes of what might have been hours and hours. I can't judge him for that without the full story. The only bad mark is that he's had previous issues so he really is a moron for not learning from his mistakes.

All in all, I think it's overblown, but on the other hand, he's not only a public figure, he's the captain of his club, he's an absolute moron for not being more careful. If this was our captain, I'd be livid, but it's the Roosters so not only do I not care, I enjoy that POS club getting some bad PR.

Who cares and **** the Roosters.
I think your right to privacy goes out the window when you piss yourself on someone's couch, try to make out with every female in the room and then simulate sex with a dog at someone else's house.

If he was mucking around with mates at his own house, I'd agree with you, but I can't cop the privacy argument on this one.

Genuine question, not an argument. He was not in a public place, presumably was invited in before he disgraced himself and left when he was told his welcome had ended.
I think Spwn has hit on the head, although I would be absolutely livid if he did it in my house, to my missus, furniture or my dogs (good luck with that one).
But as the face of the club, he has to cop a big hit without a doubt.

It depends whom the author of the video is, to make a consideration whether or not making the video public was a dog act..., although I agree that the idiot has no right to privacy on this occasion, given he is a guest at someone else's home.

Not sure about responsibility for letting someone like that in my house. He may not have been that far gone at the time he entered the premises. I feel the woman acted as she should have, no more, no less.
Oh boy, Mitchell, what have you gotten yourself into...

With any luck, this will be THE most embarrassing moment of Mitchell Pearce's life. Clearly he had one too many, got far too caught up in the situation and this incident is going to hinder his career dramatically. Given his past history, he should be stood down by the Roosters and will serve a suspension from the NRL. The minimum should be 10 weeks, maximum one year but he'll have to face something over this.

I also have to take aim at the media. While Pearce's behaviour was absolutely deplorable, the way Channel 7 and 9 framed their story was incredibly over-blown. While sex crimes are considered especially heinous, I dislike the moral panic that follows the situation as it prevents us from finding a suitable way to deal with these sorts of issues. Hopefully this is the extent of it, as I would hate it if the media engaged in another witch hunt where they chase any story so they can further their own ambitions.

Now is probably not the time, but what the hell - I don't like the Roosters chances in 2016. It appears as if the writing is on the wall and it will take a minor miracle for them to make the 8. This will be the biggest challenge in Robinson's career, and I'll be very interested to see what he does with his young charges.

It really is a case of turn down the sound to block out the media white noise when you watch things like this nowadays.. It certainly makes me glad to have moved on from that industry because the savagery, sensationalism and exaggeration in "reporting" has reduced the credibility and believability of the media and wrecked the rapport between reporters and players.

What Pearce did was grubby and sadly fairly typical of what a lot of these guys are like when they're on the piss (sans the dog dry-rooting, surely?). I'd bet my left nut that for every video like this that gets loose, there's a heap more that never see the light of day or just aren't filmed.

I don't know what an appropriate penalty is for this.. the first thing I thought of even before I'd seen the footage was how embarrassed his old man must be.
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