NFL 2014/15 Discussion

Agree, Brady owes a lot to Bellichick...

I wasn't even thinking about the names you mentioned when I said 5th, Penny.
I meant more current ones, like A-Rod, P. Manning, or... Andrew Luck (already) which I would have ahead of him, while Rivers and Brees are in the same ball park as him imo.
That's such a load of crap. Brady has done more, with less. Anyone that still ranks Manning ahead of TB is kidding themselves.

Whilst I'll admit Brady isn't the best QB in the NFL right now, he's certainly top 3 - and ahead of Manning.

He is ahead of manning without a doubt. Manning is very over rated IMHO. Rodgers is a better quarterback than both of them
Rodgers is the best QB in the NFL right now. No question. Luck still throws too many bad balls IMO, and lacks the control of the more experienced QBs - which is to be expected. My top 5 for right now would be;

I am missing the NFL already. I can't wait till the draft. I'm also keen to see what Free Agency brings this year.
Chip Kelly likes power

...and dislikes his fanbase apparently. I guess I can understand his logic, though. If you're not on board with the regime, then you're out. Still a shock though! The owners are clearly putting a lot of trust and support into Kelly.
I think it is all about dumping the massive salary Shady had. A bit crazy to be trading a top 3 RB for a linebacker. We will see how it pans out. I'd say the Bills and Rex Ryan will run McCoy into the ground this year.
You would think they could get more for him.

Jets trying to get dem weapons for Geno.
I wasn't trying ti rub it in mate. I am sure you don't need to make Marshall a keeper this year anyway. [MENTION=2221]Porthoz[/MENTION]
Reminds me of my trade in pre-season last year, traded away McCoy for Martin and Harvin. Martin turned out to be a dud and Harvin got traded to NYJ and became pretty much worthless overnight.
They want a one cut RB, and Gore is probably the best one on the market now Ingram re-signed, despite his age. They have so much cap room though. Why wouldn't they roll the dice? I expect they will draft one too.
They are also going to sign BYron Maxwell the CB from the Seahawks.

Frank Gore signing a 3 year contract at his age. The NFL is different.
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