I still must be missing something. You guys are arguing that more games should be shown on FTA, which I completely agree with, however most on here whinge about the current FTA coverage as it is, and I'm not sure how anyone expects that to change, even if another channel was broadcasting it.
Unfortunately Channel 9 aren't showing the games because they want to bring quality coverage to the fans each week. They are in business and want to show the games because they know it will bring a lot of viewers to their network, and this brings greater advertising power, cross promotion of their shows, viewers watching shows following the games etc (I'm sure channel 9 hopes the sunday arvo viewers will stick around for the news etc). Without this, it wouldn't be ecomonically viable for 9 to pay so much for the broadcasting rights, however these are the sort of things fans hate.
It's a shame, but I'm not sure they really care about the fans that much at all. As much as everyone whinges about the coverage, they still watch it, and I think channel 9 knows this. Even if all the games were on FTA, how many do you think would be live and at a convenient time for both home viewers and those wanting to attend the games? The reason why AFL games can be successfully shown live is because they have more of an opportunity to advertise during the match. The NRL doesn't have as many regular breaks in play to allow this.
At the end of the day, someone needs to pay for the coverage, and if people aren't prepared to pay for it out of their own pocket by having pay TV, then they are at the mercy of the advertising dollar and the evils that come with that.