NNN's Cricket Tales

It's an insidious plan to keep you posting in here so we can avoid bad threads! :P
Coxy said:
It's an insidious plan to keep you posting in here so we can avoid bad threads! :P

Oh man, is it gang up on ning day or something? :|

ningnangnong said:
I was captain this week as well, so i was very disappointed with our batsmen. Too many of them just threw away their wicket looking to smash everything.

ningnangnong said:
I came in last and hit 4, 0, 1, 1, 4, 6 and then got caught on the boundary. :mrgreen:

eusa_think eusa_think eusa_think

Love your work mate [icon_lol1.

Good pickup Beachy!

No one likes a hypocritical captain Nong! [icon_wink

They saw right through you from the start! They aren't the bunch of nuffies that I imagined. Bring back the real skipper I say. [icon_wink
Hey, come on guys, i was our last batsman and was a little bit pissed off so felt it was acceptable to go on the tonk! :mrgreen:
ningnangnong said:
Hey, come on guys, i was our last batsmen and was a little bit pissed off so felt it was acceptable to go on the tonk! :mrgreen:

Good captains also have sound spelling skills. [icon_wink

More than acceptable plan of attack though. I might have done the same thing. icon_thumbs_u
After my little bit of luck on "The Cup" the other day, I must admit that I'm looking to try my luck at a flutter on another professional and very closely monitored big sporting event. I very much believe that Nong's upcoming weekend cricket game fits this description to a tee and ticks all the boxes.

Any chance of you inspecting the pitch during the week Nong and then sending me an email come early Saturday morning just telling me the weather conditions, humidity, player comfort levels, ins and outs, bit of an excerpt from the widely acknowledged Newcastle Grade Cricket opposition teams report etc?

You know, just the usual tid bits. I need to be informed of the ins and outs. Any facts about the cracks and glitches with the pitches. Whether that Polish bozo is playing. That kinda bizzo. Just the run o' the mill stuff.

Thanks mate.
[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

The pitch is at Beresfield which is about 40 minutes away, so no, i will not be inspecting it. [icon_wink

I can tell you it is a synthetic pitch so there's not really all that much to inspect anyway.

I can confirm the Polish enforcer will be lining up as per program.

Other than that, i am have no insider news.
ningnangnong said:
[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

The pitch is at Beresfield which is about 40 minutes away, so no, i will not be inspecting it. [icon_wink

I can tell you it is a synthetic pitch so there's not really all that much to inspect anyway.

I can confirm the Polish enforcer will be lining up as per program.

Other than that, i am have no insider news.

There are a number of details of this post which I am deeply concerned about.

Fistly, if we run top to bottom, you will be checking it out. I'm not paying you the big Lizzies to stay at home, twiddle your thumbs and save on fuel costs. I don't care if this wonderful spectacle of a ground is further away than Cronulla's maiden Premiership win, you will get a sneak peek before matchday.

Synthetic pitch, Polish enforcer in? Here was me thinking that this would be a serious contest resulting in a more lucrative betting opportunity. Is this under 11 park cricket with the unco kid who's mummy made him partipate with the promise of a Henny Penny dinner that evening or something?

This will be like an episode of "The Weakest Link" except you have to suffer through the whole game without being able to vote him off. :P

Well regardless, I'd still very much love to receive that email on Saturday morning. Always a vital importance in these matches.
Yeah, how are we going to run a betting sting on that info? Hop to it!
Bit late with the update this week, been pretty busy.

Well, we traveled to Berro on a overcast, windy day with only ten players once again.

I opened, only managed one wicket again though. [icon_non

Took three catches. One of them was fair dinkum the best catch, you will ever see, anywhere. Fielding at cover, the batsmen absolutely nailed it to my right, about shoulder height. I took two steps and just dove as far as i could, ball nestled crisply into my right hand at full stretch in mid air. Was well pleased with that. :mrgreen:

Anyway, we really took our foot off the pedal. Had them at 9/95 and then they somehow managed to get themselves to 145. Don't blame me though, i wasn't captain this week. [icon_wink

Batting wise, we were far too slow with our run rate. Plus, pretty much everyone bar one of our openers batted like last week. I came in very low down the order, three overs to go and we needed 50 to win. Lol, i only got 11 before swinging across the line and getting bowled. [icon_lol1.

We ended up with about 115.

Disappointing result, but only having ten players and with it raining the majority of the time we were fielding, we were disadvantaged a little.

I'm certain we'll beat them next time round.
BroncoMatt said:
No game this week Ben Ningfenhaus?


Steady on, i thought interest was dropping in this thread, so i decided to hold off on posting this week to create suspense. :mrgreen:


The team we played yesterday had been in some excellent batting form, making plenty of runs in their past few games. We gained a fairly big advantage seeing as they only had nine fellas turn up.

They batted first and had nothing, we bowled them out for 53! It took them 23 overs to get to 53 as well. Ningfenhaus took two wickets. icon_thumbs_u

We chased that down in 10 overs, losing three wickets in the process. My services were not needed. [icon_wink

So in the end, we finished ridiculously early. [icon_lol1.

Not exactly much to write about.

Three wins and two losses so far this season. I think we can easily beat the two teams we lost to in future rounds as long as our batting improves.

Early signs are that it's going to be a promising season of cricket. icon_smile
The weekend is not complete without Ning's adventures.

Don't know what I'll do when the cricket off season rolls around.

Probably watch rugby league all weekend but I'll be feeling hollow inside.
Lol, glad to see i still have a few loyal followers.

I'll be sure to mention you guys when i'm playing for Australia. :mrgreen: