CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 23 Discussion

I don't give a shit if he's blowing the pea out of the whistle, as long as they are for genuine offences. The frustrating part would be that if he starts blowing them for one team who are constantly pushing past boundaries, he'll then do the same for the other team the moment they so much as cough, in order to seem impartial. I'd love nothing more than a 20-0 penalty count against teams that constantly bend the rules (Panthers, Storm) so that they are reffed out of games and have to start obeying the same rules as everyone else in order to compete. But we've seen what happened the last time that happened, and the "media" blew up about how it was ruining the sport.

And not long after I say that, after a player is sent for a high shot (it was very forceful and high, so I'm not against the full send), a player from the opposite team tickles the whiskers on another player and he gets 10. Simply to somewhat level the amount the teams are hampered.

If a player gets sent and their team loses by 50 because of it, you can guarantee the coach is going to drum in to their dumb **** players to lower their targets. Head injury is serious enough for teams to directly lose games for high shots, simply to get it out of the game.
Boyd looking in all sorts there.

What a put down too.
Man, that was some poor reffing on the roll by the Titans. Couple of flops, some ruck infringements, nothing doing.
Kini is one hell of a player, very brave
Oof just needed the bounce Metcalf
Why would you chip and chase in that situation when they’re down to 12 men? That was stupid.
What a fucking huge play Campbell.

Titans are making a big mistake playing Brimson over him.