NRL Crackdown on Punching

I thought they were going to crack down on it 10 years ago when Tallis flattened Ross in round 1 against the Panthers.

These things come and go, there'll be another crackdown in a couple of years' time.
What happens if there is an all in brawl? Does everyone get 10 in the bin?
I think the rule is a good change, and an inevitable one. Whether we like a bit of biff or not, it has no place in rugby league.

I don't buy the argument that it means there'll be more grubby stuff because players can't defend themselves. That's rot. The best defence to grubby tactics is a copybook tackle that sends a bloke back to next week.
I think it does have a place in rugby league, I believe RL is built on the gladiatorial, don't give an inch, passionate, proud, real responses of our athletes.

But forgetting that, I can't help but wonder if the new rule will actually encourage worse fights than before...yes there may be fewer fights...but when a player snaps and throws a punch, there is little incentive under the new rule to stop. He's already getting 10, why not do a good job of it?

I may be wrong, but I certainly hope we have to watch 10 minutes of origin 2 with no players on the field, as we will have seen an all in brawl and the new rule will be shown for how ridiculous an idea it is.

Or we will see t-shirt's with "bring back the bitch slap" printed on the front.
The toughest men in rugby league never threw a punch. Petero Civoniceva a great example. I think equating fighting with the "gladiatorial" aspect of rugby league is a big stretch.

I'm pretty sure if a player went absolutely berko they'd not just get 10 they'd get sent off and cop a big suspension, so there is still a disincentive for going nuts.
I think the refs have ironically created a massive hole for themselves here for managing misconduct.

The threat of a smack in the head was the self-managing enforcement for dirty tactics in the ruck. The Michael Ennis's of the world don't niggle with little punches and facials because of the pay back factor.

The refs now have to waste time policing that behaviour. Or worse (and likely) they will continue to miss most of it and the Ennis's will have a licence to pest on the field
Petro smacked Gibbs and got binned for it. Got a standing ovation as well

Well there ya go, even the greats can be stupid sometimes.

Punching is never right, end of story.
I think the rule is a good change, and an inevitable one. Whether we like a bit of biff or not, it has no place in rugby league.

I don't buy the argument that it means there'll be more grubby stuff because players can't defend themselves. That's rot. The best defence to grubby tactics is a copybook tackle that sends a bloke back to next week.

This is something overlooked a lot in public discussions: how rule changes effect lower grades and juniors.

Violence in suburban rugby league and teenage junior rugby league is much worse than you'll see at NRL standard.

For refs it can be terrifying. If players know the clear line in the sand of "you're off if you throw a punch" then there is no grey area of "maybe" you'll have a rest. The players and "fans" know that things will be reluctant for things to escalate to that level.

I think it is a great rule change for that reason.

However, I doubt that purpose ever crossed the minds of the law makers. It was knee jerk reaction to protect referrees from putting their balls on the line.
The toughest men in rugby league never threw a punch. Petero Civoniceva a great example.

Not arguing your point, but didn't Petero get sent to the bin against the Tigers (I think) back in 2007 for throwing some?

Got a standing ovation as he walked off. No one had ever seen Petero so angry! It was the best. :rockon:
If Klein wasn't such a gutless piece of shit and binned Gallen in game 1, this would never have come about.

It's the NRL trying to backstroke (yet again) because they know it will be on in game 2.

I'd rather we **** Gallen up in a tackle than punch him in the face. Although I'd love to see someone put him to sleep.
Well there ya go, even the greats can be stupid sometimes.

Punching is never right, end of story.


But the refs need to sort out the problems before they flare up.

Stopping time and saying "calm your players down" is not sorting out the problem.