Your post reads like a male can't ever be put in a position where he's acused of something that didn't occur.
I'm not discussing the horrible things woman go through in reporting these cases. I'm not disputing many men are pigs and that alcohol brings our some pretty fucking horrible traits in some men, especially in the situations like you mention above.
I was answering a question on what possible motive there could be to lie, and I answered it with what I believe the number one factor would be.
Every single decision I made as a woman “am I safe?”
staying late at work - how will I get home? The train, the walk to my car, the I safe, am I vulnerable?
Every single time I’m walking alone/on a date/have a delivery at home - am I safe? Am I gonna be raped? Assaulted?
But yeah, the poor guys, worrying of being accused of something.
I was chased on the highway by a father/son one morning when I was 20 something. I was getting on and off the highway and they kept following me, hanging out the window saying disgusting things. Tailgating swerving in front and behind my car slamming on their brakes. I ended up driving towards the police station and they took off.
Another time I stopped at the lights and 2 guys beside me yelled out their window for me to suck their ****, funny thing was hubby was in the Ute behind me lol, he grabbed his hammer and yelled and ran at them - they took off through the red light.
I’ve had a creepy guy harass me waiting for a bus trying to take my photo and want to know where I lived, trying to offer me money for pictures and sit closer and closer to me, tried to hold my hand. he tried to follow me on the bus but the driver stopped him, she could tell I was terrified.
And that’s only a couple of minor incidents i’ve experienced (if you want to know about the stalkers and the work place harassment I’m happy to share).....thankfully I’m less young and less skinny now so blokes don’t want to harass me anymore, been a few years.
Any of you guys ever had a woman accuse you of something you didn’t do? Genuinely interested...
ask the women in your life about their experiences, I bet they will have had more than 5 by the time they’re 25.
My point is “men worrying about putting themselves in vulnerable positions “ is the least they can do.