Haha @
OXY-351 ! I read that article this morning saying that he signed the visitor's book with a name of sexual innuendo.
I've been trying to rack my brain of all the possibilities and that "Mike Hunt" one is a ripper.
Other's I came up and found online:
Seymore Butts
Jack Hoff
Phil McCavities
Phil MccCrackin
Paul/Jack Meoff
Mike Hawk
Hugh Jass
Howie Feldersnatch
Howie Felderbush
Betty Humpser
Amanda hugnkiss
Long Wang
Hang Lo
Vadge Eye Nah
Taryn Hymen
Buster Hymen
Ivanna Humpalot
Pat M'Groin
Pat Macrotch
Harry Ballsonya
Phil McGouch
Amanda Laye
Andy Bangderhard
Betty Humpter
Hans Downerpantz
Ramsey Cockinner
Selma Wifercrack
Barry McCockinner
Phil McRevice
Oliver Closehoff[/SPOILERS]
So many good ones! Others??