NRL Players and family members in hot water

Haha @OXY-351 ! I read that article this morning saying that he signed the visitor's book with a name of sexual innuendo.

I've been trying to rack my brain of all the possibilities and that "Mike Hunt" one is a ripper.

Other's I came up and found online:

Seymore Butts
Jack Hoff
Phil McCavities
Phil MccCrackin
Paul/Jack Meoff
Mike Hawk
Hugh Jass
Howie Feldersnatch
Howie Felderbush
Betty Humpser
Amanda hugnkiss
Long Wang
Hang Lo
Vadge Eye Nah
Taryn Hymen
Buster Hymen
Ivanna Humpalot
Pat M'Groin
Pat Macrotch
Harry Ballsonya
Phil McGouch
Amanda Laye
Andy Bangderhard
Betty Humpter
Hans Downerpantz
Ramsey Cockinner
Selma Wifercrack
Barry McCockinner
Phil McRevice
Oliver Closehoff[/SPOILERS]

So many good ones! Others??

That is a very comprehensive list, I doubt even @Harry Sack could have predicted that. :)
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I heard he signed in as Mike Litorus. My dad went to school with a guy named Wayne Kerr. The guy was an Australian karate champ. I guess you'd have to be with a name like that.
I heard he signed in as Mike Litorus. My dad went to school with a guy named Wayne Kerr. The guy was an Australian karate champ. I guess you'd have to be with a name like that.

Australian Karate Champ? well he is simply Mr Kerr to me then lol
I noticed this quote from the tigers boss in a news story

Tigers boss Grant Mayer said this week about his decision to punt Gordon: "As soon as we discovered the nature of the comment, we decided that termination was the only option regardless of who the culprit was."

Does anyone really believe the "regardless of who the culprit was" part? I mean if it was Robbie Farrah, do you think they would have gotten rid of him?
I noticed this quote from the tigers boss in a news story

Does anyone really believe the "regardless of who the culprit was" part? I mean if it was Robbie Farrah, do you think they would have gotten rid of him?

Exactly, I was going to post something similar to this. I hate how clubs insult us by thinking we are all idiots. Like we would expect to see them release this statement.

"Unfortunately we have had no choice but to terminate Jonathon Thurston's contract immediately due to him signing in as 'Ben Dover'".
Asian guy I worked with his name was pronounced F@ck No:laugh:

There was someone at the World Cup who's name sounded like Fucker. I think it was actually Fakir or something.
Asian guy I worked with his name was pronounced F@ck No:laugh:

Haha the guy I met called Fuckie was Indonesian and was one of the butlers in the villa we stayed at in Bali. absolutely lovely guy though. Was this guy Fuckno gentleman in Sunnybank by any means.
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I think he might live in Sunnybank actually, first name **** surname No, is an optometrist
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Appreciate the attempts at self-censorship guys, but given you can turn the word filter off, please just spell out the entire word.