NRL Players and family members in hot water

The NRL needs to step in and end this Rein of misconduct. We are trying to create a positive image for the game and some idiots go ahead and Rein on the parade.

However, the good news is I have a source at St George HQ and I can confirm they are already putting in a plan to improve their player's conduct. I believe they even have a guidebook drawn up. Here's the cover:

The NRL needs to step in and end this Rein of misconduct. We are trying to create a positive image for the game and some idiots go ahead and Rein on the parade.

However, the good news is I have a source at St George HQ and I can confirm they are already putting in a plan to improve their player's conduct. I believe they even have a guidebook drawn up. Here's the cover:


Is that Dan Hunt on the left? wow bloke has been in a good paddock. Dugan shoulld really cut his hair, although blonde does suit him
Too much watching REIN of Fire in training sessions.
Apparently all over twitter that Todd Carney could be in a little bit of trouble. Someone has left a pub pissing out blood from an alleged Carney punch.
Apparently all over twitter that Todd Carney could be in a little bit of trouble. Someone has left a pub pissing out blood from an alleged Carney punch.

I've been reading it was a 17 year old guy in a McDonald's store. That is just facebook hearsay however. Take it with a grain of salt.