PRE-GAME NRL Round 1 - Cowboys vs Broncos

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Dude, this is a media report, they sensationalise everything. If you look at what the majority of health experts ACTUALLY say, of course they say it is possible and it HAS happened but it by no means WIDESPREAD. This sort of sickness spread is what is termed an 'outlier'. It happens but is extremely rare.


I didn’t say it was widespread.

You’re making the mistake of focusing on the numbers of cases rather than the growth rate.

I’ve been following this closely since January, and been following what the experts say. The mainstream media have been hopeless and, on the whole, downplaying the severity of the problem (though this has been starting to change).

The quote about asymptomatic spread was a direct quote from an expert. I’ve also updated my original comment with a link to some more info about it.
downplaying the severity of the problem (though this has been starting to change).

they've been causing wide spread hysteria and panic for weeks ... to the point that actual health authorities have been telling people to calm down ... unfortunately they are no match for the media only interested in ratings and clicks
All it took was one person to start the buying frenzy. People see them, word of mouth or a photo circulating and the media jump on it and everyone panics.

now I’m not gonna panic, but I actually do need to do a shop for the week so who knows what I’ll be able to get
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Just FYI Greenberg apparently doing a phone hookup with all 16 clubs right now.

That will decide what happens.

Any journo who says they know what's happening has nfi and its blowing smoke.
they've been causing wide spread hysteria and panic for weeks ... to the point that actual health authorities have been telling people to calm down ... unfortunately they are no match for the media only interested in ratings and clicks

If you listen to what the epidemiologists are saying, not the media, and not the health and government officials, you know that the media have been downplaying the severity of the problem. Maybe they’re also doing some dumb things that is causing panic, but they’ve still being downplaying the problem.
NRL announce that Round 1 will proceed as normal. At this stage, Round 2 games may be played behind closed doors (if they proceed).
they've been causing wide spread hysteria and panic for weeks ... to the point that actual health authorities have been telling people to calm down ... unfortunately they are no match for the media only interested in ratings and clicks
No health authority is saying that. Every epidemiologist is saying the complete opposite. You appear to be completely detached from reality. Here is a comment from someone inside Lombardy, which is currently locked down. The UK will be like this in two weeks. Australia is likely to follow the same trajectory, but let's hope not. Regardless, this is not something to make ignorant cynical cracks about. You really need to pull your head in.

Screenshot_2020-03-13 r AskReddit - To those that live in Italy, how is the situation right no...png
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Here is a comment from someone inside Lombardy, which is currently locked down.

Here are some more reports from the in the hospital systems there. (These are both twitter threads, so not just the shown embedded tweets)

These are from a few days ago. The situation is worse now.
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Here are some more reports from the in the hospital systems there.

These are from a few days ago. The situation is worse now.
Yes, the death toll is over 1,000 now. Most in the last week. I cannot comprehend anyone not being horrified by this. I'm currently in the UK waiting for it to hit. It's not even safe to fly home. The incompetent fuckwits who run this shithole are just letting it happen.

Australia, don't be the UK.
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No health authority is saying that. Every epidemiologist is saying the complete opposite. You appear to be completely detached from reality. Here is a comment from someone inside Lombardy, which is currently locked down. The UK will be like this in two weeks. Australia is likely to follow the same trajectory, but let's hope not. Regardless, this is not something to make ignorant cynical cracks about. You really need to pull your head in.

View attachment 7402
The UK and Australia will only be like that if they respond to the problem is the same idiotic fashion as Italy did...

This is exactly what's wrong with social media and the panic spread.

What actual epidemiologists are saying:

How long are we really looking at with this situation? When will this run its course or be under control? Will it get better during the summer?

Dr. Adalja from Johns Hopkins: "I do believe we will see some seasonality with this virus like what occurs with other coronaviruses. However, it is unclear when we will see a peak because we have not done enough testing in the United States to really understand the true extent of infection. Without a vaccine, I do believe that this virus will be with us and be part of fall's respiratory virus season, however there is no evidence that it will be 'worse'."

Dr. Labus of UNLV: "It's impossible to say how long this outbreak will continue or what path it will take until it is finally over. Outbreaks spread because of the unique set of circumstances found in each community, so even if we could predict the broad path the outbreak would take, we still couldn't say what that means for you or for a particular city.

"No one knows what is going to happen with this virus next month, let alone next winter. While that is a possibility, there is no way to know if it is a realistic one at this point.

"Like the flu, respiratory diseases often circulate in the colder months. The biology of the organisms is one reason, with cooler temperatures helping some organisms survive longer outside the body. The other reason is that the weather changes our behavior. As the weather warms and we open windows and spend more time outside, we decrease our contact with other people. Warm weather could change the spread of the outbreak for these reasons, although we really can't say for certain."

Why is this causing shut-downs and community quarantines, where normal flu outbreaks don't bring such measures? Is there something we are not being told that warrants these extra steps?

Dr. Adalja from Johns Hopkins: "This is a novel virus with a lot of uncertainty. That uncertainty is prompting governments to take actions that don't occur during ordinary circumstances."

Dr. Labus of UNLV: "We see flu every year and we know that quarantines are not useful in controlling it. Coronavirus quarantines are being used to stop the spread of disease from place to place, either to try to keep the disease out of certain communities or keep infected people in one place so that we can target our response to where the sick people are. If the virus becomes widespread, the quarantines won't make much sense at that point and we will shift to social distancing, which is intended to slow the spread of the outbreak."

Finally, are we looking at an existential threat here where all infrastructure and food supply becomes unworkable? Where do you think we'll be on the spectrum from inconvenience to global annihilation?

Dr. Adalja from Johns Hopkins: "This will be a serious pandemic but likely mild in nature. It will not be cataclysmic but there will be disruptions to daily life that people need to prepare for."

Dr. Labus of UNLV: "Epidemiologists are always hard to pin down on a question like this because we know that anything is theoretically possible. We think in terms of probabilities and margins of error. That being said, I have not been stockpiling toilet paper and water."
The UK and Australia will only be like that if they respond to the problem is the same idiotic fashion as Italy did...

This is exactly what's wrong with social media and the panic spread.

What actual epidemiologists are saying:
What actual epidemiologists are saying is the only way to flatten the curve is with social distancing, and that will involve major disruptions to your current way of life.

As incompetent as Scotland is - and it's woeful - Holyrood has at least banned gatherings of over 500 people. Meanwhile Norway has completely shut down shop. Everything.

Although the current detected infections is only 590 (8.7/million):

the Government's Chief Scientific Advisor said last night it's more like 10,000 (1/6,000). That will double every 5-6 days.
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The UK and Australia will only be like that if they respond to the problem is the same idiotic fashion as Italy did...

This is exactly what's wrong with social media and the panic spread.

What actual epidemiologists are saying:
That to me says that they're taking a educated guess as to what will happen, what is fact is the numbers of people who are contracting the virus all over the world.
It may not be as dangerous as other viruses but deaths are occurring, what's alarming is the rate it's spreading. And for that reason is why these measures are being .
The UK and Australia will only be like that if they respond to the problem is the same idiotic fashion as Italy did...

This is exactly what's wrong with social media and the panic spread.

What actual epidemiologists are saying:

why would people want to take notice of what someone from one of the best medical facilities in the world has to say ... those on social media are more trustworthy
why would people want to take notice of what someone from one of the best medical facilities in the world has to say ... those on social media are more trustworthy
What actual epidemiologists are saying is the only way to flatten the curve is with social distancing, and that will involve major disruptions to your current way of life.

As incompetent as Scotland is - and it's woeful - Holyrood has at least banned gatherings of over 500 people. Meanwhile Norway has completely shut down shop. Everything.

Although the current detected infections is only 590 (8.7/million):

the Government's Chief Scientific Advisor said last night it's more like 10,000 (1/6,000). That will double every 5-6 days.
Yes, that is what they are saying. What you said is that UK and Australia are likely to go down the same path as Italy, which simply put, is alarmist bullshit.
That to me says that they're taking a educated guess as to what will happen, what is fact is the numbers of people who are contracting the virus all over the world.
It may not be as dangerous as other viruses but deaths are occurring, what's alarming is the rate it's spreading. And for that reason is why these measures are being .
Not sure what your point is...
Yes, that is what they are saying. What you said is that UK and Australia are likely to go down the same path as Italy, which simply put, is alarmist bullshit.
It's already happening. Look at Spain:

If you think you can carry on life as usual, you're in for a rude shock.
Not sure what your point is...
His point is this outbreak is only a few weeks old and it's charging at us at full throttle. We have barely any data yet. And certainly no evidence for optimism.
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