this whole flu shot "controversy" could have been very easily avoided.
the NRL either needed to try to get the comp up and running without making that guarantee with the State and Federal Governments or been tough enough to enforce it ...
however, what they have done is simply gone against the agreement they made and have now reportedly written to the QLD premier begging her to allow the players to play without the flu shot ... we have a spineless premier in QLD, so they have a 50/50 shot at this ...
The easiest way to resolve it would've been inclusion of a clause within the new CBA indicating that a failure to comply with the revised playing conditions may result in termination or inability to participate.
Given this is running on... you would expect they haven't included this, which seems crazy. It should be the first clause because the revised CBA is purely happening because of COVID.
I think at worst they will just stand the players down WITH pay.... by paying them they can minimize a legal stoush for damages / loss of income, etc. (as only origin and internationals would be left).
It will cost the NRL money but a couple $100k on wages to sit around and do nothing is better than letting this thing run through the courts and sit in the media spotlight. The clubs could be pissed off if they don't get any cash back in their salary cap, but they can request a compensation... although available players would be an issue.
Given JDB lost in the federal courts for the no fault stand down whilst being paid... there's a lower risk they would lose to a few players who have been stood down for public safety.
The other thing the players avoiding the jab should be worried about is if this thing goes on into the 2021 season, which could very likely happen, or if a vaccine comes out. It will most definitely be a requirement that they have the vaccine in order to play.
It could be these kind of playing conditions for years, at which point their contract dwindles down and they would struggle to get a new deal ... especially Bryce whose value is barely above minimum salary as it is... so by not playing he can't give any indication that he's worth literally any value on a football field (which he's not)