[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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if he has not been under contract to the raiders for weeks, why is it taking the broncos so long to sign him? especially considering how long they have been in discussions with him.
If you think the Broncos are the only club that talks to players and managers before they are allowed to you are delusional. It would not be good business to wait as someone else will get to them first.

I am in a win win here as you upset is making me happy:takdir:

I don't even care if we get him or not although it would be nice but to see you guys going off is hilarious
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I dont care about the rule breaking as noted earlier, I care about the how.

If it is simple as a clause in anthonys favour that he can activate a get out whenever he likes, he could activate it and sign the broncs for 2014 no worries. But as everyone on here can see, he has not done that, presumably because he requires the raiders consent, which they have not given.

As for how the broncos learnt of such a clause, you tell me, I would assume that his manager told the same to the broncos? But right now who knows?

I hope you enjoyed your little cross examination, but to repeat it is not milford leaving, it is the cocklemammy story surrounding it perpetuated and encouraged by the broncos organisation.

If they haven't broken any rules, then what have they done wrong. expressing an interest in players before their contract is up is perfectly legal and i GUARANTEE you the Raiders do the same.

if he has not been under contract to the raiders for weeks, why is it taking the broncos so long to sign him? especially considering how long they have been in discussions with him.

How do you know the Broncos have been in talks with Milford for a long time. Broncos management have said repeatedly that while interested they won't talk to him until after november 1 when they are allowed to.

But is i suppose you have insider knowledge to both Broncos and Milford management

Put on your tin foil hat, and piss off back to the greenhouse.
If it were up to me, and milford was gone, I would take hoffman.

However, that doesn't mean the broncos didn't go about this in a dirty manner.
Yeah, people should be more upfront and honest about negotiations and such. Like Ricky "I've got a contract with the Eels next year" Stuart ....
Wightons pop is unlike the brisbane broncos who with milfords agent have concocted a scheme to get him some more cash.

honestly, as a raiders fan, I dont blame the roosters for carney, dont blame the dragons for dugan and dont blame whomever for ferguson.

But with Milford it is clear as day that Angela Gee has deliberately gone out of her way to scheme milford into breaking his contract.

I never really liked the broncos prior to this due to their monopoly on brisbane and insistence on same to the detriment of league in general but this sort of garbage is very bad for the raiders and very bad for rugby league and to be honest even if milford ends up at the broncos I dont see a bloke who has the vision of a peanut changing the direction of the club.

Wow, how do you sit down with all that butthurt? That is drivel and you know it.

The best thing about your 'contribution' is it puts bushman into perspective, and least he makes sense
As mentioned, there is no way the a Raiders come out of his looking good. Look at how professional organizations do things professionally regarding the Barba deal. Canberra just look like a bunch of amateur cry babies. Hardly a good look but at least it gives us another team to really not like. None of us probably cared less about the Raiders before but enter Stuart and I really don't need any other reason to dislike them but the way they and some of their fans are carrying on is refreshingly poor.
OK, I am going to type this real simple. Hopefully you can follow, although I don't hold out much hope :P.

I don't care about breaking rules, I dont care about clubs talking to players on contract off contract or whatever.

I care about how you go about signing and announcing the signing. I care about one club that perpetuated a bullcrap story about a player when they knew it was bullcrap simply to get that said player on their list.

Had the broncos just signed him up and he terminated his contract with the raiders because he didn't want to be their anymore then I would have no issue. Obviously the raiders may then choose to seek legal remedies but thats neither here nor there and also the nrl might think about not registering the contract but again here nor there.

The issue is the cocklemammy story which is just disrespectful to the club, the fans and the sport.

Do you get it???
The Raiders concocted this whole plan to make the NRL realize that Canberra needs to offer player incentives to move to the arse of the country, making the competition unfair, Milford and Ayoub secretly agreed to be the sacrificial lambs to put this into motion.

It's fun passing off imagination as fact when you apparently don't need to have a source.
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I dont care about the rule breaking as noted earlier, I care about the how.

If it is simple as a clause in anthonys favour that he can activate a get out whenever he likes, he could activate it and sign the broncs for 2014 no worries. But as everyone on here can see, he has not done that, presumably because he requires the raiders consent, which they have not given.

As for how the broncos learnt of such a clause, you tell me, I would assume that his manager told the same to the broncos? But right now who knows?

I hope you enjoyed your little cross examination, but to repeat it is not milford leaving, it is the cocklemammy story surrounding it perpetuated and encouraged by the broncos organisation.
Cross examination? Hehe, that's a good one!

You don't know who, if anyone, told the Broncos about the clause.
You don't know the contents of the clause, only that the Raiders refuse to honor it, despite Anthony's request to activate it via his manager.
You have evidence of other onderhand dealings from the Raiders organisation.
You have quotes from Anthony and his manager about their anger at the Raiders refusal to honor that clause and that he won't go back to Canberra.
You have overwhelming evidence about the Raiders mis-management, and dodgy contract dealings (Dayne Weston, Josh Papalii, Ricky Stuart).
You have absolutely not a single shred of evidence or even a quote from the Broncos about this whole issue, except Paul White saying that at this point, the Broncos are spectators on the side line.

Yet you affirm that this is a cocklemammy story perpetuated and encouraged by the Broncos organisation!

If any attorney even dreamed of a conclusive case, you've just presented it! :laugh:
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Everyone hates the Broncos cos were too successful, makes them feel bad.
I care about one club that perpetuated a bullcrap story about a player when they knew it was bullcrap simply to get that said player on their list.

Your entire rant is based on this "story" manufactured by the Broncos.

So where (I'll even accept a Paul Kent article) have you heard or read that the Broncos perpetuated a story.
OK, I am going to type this real simple. Hopefully you can follow, although I don't hold out much hope :P.

I don't care about breaking rules, I dont care about clubs talking to players on contract off contract or whatever.

I care about how you go about signing and announcing the signing. I care about one club that perpetuated a bullcrap story about a player when they knew it was bullcrap simply to get that said player on their list.

Had the broncos just signed him up and he terminated his contract with the raiders because he didn't want to be their anymore then I would have no issue. Obviously the raiders may then choose to seek legal remedies but thats neither here nor there and also the nrl might think about not registering the contract but again here nor there.

The issue is the ****lemammy story which is just disrespectful to the club, the fans and the sport.

Do you get it???

The Broncos have not perpetuated the story

You are a delusional fool
[Wishful Thinking] Perhaps the Raiders were so strict in releasing Milford because they wanted to wait and make sure Edrick Lee & Jack Wighton both re-signed first. [/Wishful Thinking]
you know what papabear, you lucky the BHQ admins aren't like the greenhouse admins or you would have been banned 17 posts ago.
I suppose papa bear thinks we just signed Vidot to infiltrate the Samoan world cup side and convince Milford to come on board
Oh man, stop giving away our secret recruitment tactics!
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