[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

*grumble* getting nothing up after the last 2 hrs.. *mumble snort*
I just heard from a very reliable "sauce" that Barba has a clause in his contract that states the following:

"If at any time during my Brisbane contract, both the current captain and the coach have a combined intelligence that is lower than an average Turkey, I may gain immediate release from my contract and sign with the Gold Coast Titans."

Oh no's everybody!!! Looks like we're in deep shit!
Ben Barba - Breaking News

Apparently the Bulldogs have referred allegations that Barba hit a woman at the start of the year to the Integrity Unit.

Only just saw it on Sunrise and haven't got a link yet
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News


BEN Barba is starting a new life in Brisbane after his relationship with the Bulldogs soured over an allegation he punched a woman in the face.

The star fullback is on the outer with some players and officials after the woman complained to the Bulldogs in February she had been punched by Barba in an argument over another man. This was the incident that saw Barba spend two weeks in a rehabilitation centre and miss the first three rounds of the 2013 NRL season. Some Bulldogs officials are so concerned about the situation they revealed details to The Sunday Telegraph, including the claim Barba failed to complete the counselling ordered by the Bulldogs.

Barba, 24, was stood down by Bulldogs officials on February 25 after the woman approached former Bulldogs chief executive Todd Greenberg and coach Des Hasler at Belmore Sports Ground and claimed she had been hit in the face by Barba on the morning of February 24. The woman was taken to Belmore by a friend and had bruising on her face.

The Sunday Telegraph has obtained a picture the woman took of her injuries after the alleged punch, as well as text-messages she sent a friend detailing the alleged injuries. "Just have a busted lip,'' the woman wrote. "I have to go away for a few days, maybe weeks. I have the biggest bruised jaw ever. It's yuk.''

The woman phoned a friend about 7am on Sunday February 24 and said she had been injured after an intoxicated Barba had entered her home following a night out. The woman claimed she fled her apartment from a ground floor balcony.

The Sunday Telegraph does not claim the alleged punch occurred.

- Senior Bulldogs officials have confirmed the woman made the complaint on Sunday February 24.

- Barba was made aware of the complaint on the same day, with a Bulldogs official rushing to his home. The official found Barba distraught and put him to bed, remaining by his side as he slept.

- The Bulldogs are adamant they handled the situation correctly with both Hasler and Greenberg encouraging the woman to report the matter to police.

- The woman at no time indicated she intended to report the matter to anyone other than the club and Barba's management. It is alleged she told the Bulldogs she would deny the incident if anyone else was informed.

- It is alleged Bulldogs officials attempted to put the woman in a car and take her to police.

- She allegedly asked whether or not Barba would be able to play football again if the matter was reported. When an official said "no'', the woman said the incident never took place.

The Sunday Telegraph spoke with two senior Bulldogs officials this week who stressed the matter had been dealt with in an appropriate manner. With the woman refusing to take the matter to police, the Bulldogs officials said they took appropriate action by standing down the player and having him agree to extensive rehabilitation and counselling.

- Barba agreed to undergo a month of counselling at a Sydney rehabilitation clinic but was released 17 days after Greenberg announced he had been stood down.

- He was back on the paddock for the Bulldogs another 26 days later, when Canterbury took on Souths in the round four clash at ANZ Stadium.

- Barba has admitted to having a severe gambling problem as well as issues with alcohol.

- The club took the drastic action of paying a family member the majority of Barba's wage.

- The Sunday Telegraph has been told Barba checked himself out of the clinic voluntarily but officials are adamant the stay was cut short at the direction of the clinic.

- Barba subsequently agreed to a number of counselling sessions but failed to complete every session.

- Barba has been estranged from some members of the team since the incident.

- Barba made his release intentions public last month and said he needed to be in Brisbane to be near his children.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned the Bulldogs helped pick the Brisbane Broncos as Barba's next club, largely because of a well-regarded welfare program that will continue Barba's care. The Bulldogs claim the Broncos have been fully informed about Barba's off-field history. New Bulldogs CEO Raelene Castle was also fully briefed on the incident by Greenberg before the former CEO took up a high profile position with the NRL. There are also suggestions that there was no $300,000 transfer fee paid to the Bulldogs, with Canterbury more concerned about having Barba placed in a club where he would receive ongoing care.

Last night Ms Castle released a statement saying: "The Canterbury Bulldogs are entirely comfortable with the actions we have taken and processes we have followed in relation to Ben Barba. As a club we have insisted he has participated in relevant rehabilitation and counselling programmes throughout the 2013 season. Having been fully briefed in relation to this complex and highly sensitive situation, I believe that the Bulldogs have acted with the utmost integrity throughout."

The Kennel is ALL over it, naturally.

Of course, this comes out AFTER he's left the bulldogs. What a crock of shit.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

supposedly it happened at the start of the year (when he was stood down for the first 3 rounds). IMO the Bulldogs should also face penalties due to the fact that they covered it up and now only referred it because he is leaving them
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I find it odd it comes out now when the Dogs knew about it after it happened
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

WOW...not sure what to make of this...there is some seriously dodgy stuff going on here...
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

What a crock of shit. This only comes out now when it happened 7 odd months ago. Whatever, I'm getting over this shit to be honest. how convenient that this could be covered up for so long but just now it's come out...
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

It raises a couple of questions, Do the Dogs face some kind of penalty after denying the allegations earlier in the year and will Greenburg keep his job given he was the person covering up and withholding info from the NRL.

If the Broncos were fully informed of this incident should we have referred it to the integrity unit otherwise it makes us complicit with the cover up.

Lay down with Dogs, get fleas.
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Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

This is complete bullshit.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

they said in the article that the Broncos were informed of his troubles and "hand picked" by the Bulldogs as the club for Barba to go to due to their well-regarded player welfare program ... the article also suggests that we didn't pay a transfer fee for him
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

This is a nothing story just aimed at drumming up some advertising revenue. If the mystical woman refuses to make any report to the police then this entire incident is complete BS IMO. Why the sudden release of the story so long after it happened?
Don't the Bulldogs love spinning it to come up smelling like roses. Benny did nothing wrong... He wants to leave but we won't let him because he's a good player... If he does go we need to be duly compensated... Actually, he did do something wrong so we personally chose Brisbane because we care about Benny personally. Please.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

This is a nothing story just aimed at drumming up some advertising revenue. If the mystical woman refuses to make any report to the police then this entire incident is complete BS IMO. Why the sudden release of the story so long after it happened?

It's not BS, it's been an open secret since it happened. Her friends were blabbing it to anyone who wanted to listen back in Feb.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

It's not BS, it's been an open secret since it happened. Her friends were blabbing it to anyone who wanted to listen back in Feb.

yes, sadly I've heard it quite a few times since the start of the year. doesn't mean there is a shred of truth to the story but it isn't something that has just popped up in the last week

it should really be dealt by the police and other authorities. It shouldn't be played out in the media.


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