[Official] Smith re-signs with the Storm



NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
I'm on the fence regarding the smith rumour, can see the positives and negatives.

interested to hear what people think this would mean for McCullough? Do you think he will just bide his time on the bench for 3 years and be willing to learn from the best or could this signing see him leave the broncos?

If he stays would Smith get less game time than he does now to not waste McCullough on the bench? Is this the plan to take risk out of Smith burning out as he gets older?

interesting times for sure


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008

...Cam Smith could play NRL well into his late 30's

I don't see a place for McCullough once Smith joins......I'd be hoping for something a bit better than an ageing A.Mc to replace Smith when he finally does call it a day.
I reckon Macca will be gone if Smith signs.


QCup Player
Feb 17, 2013
I have no basis for this, but, if Smith does come, I can see McCullough ending up at the Cowboys. They are desperate for a decent hooker, and he fits the bill perfectly. All they need is someone half-decent to bind the side together, which he would do without issue. He's also a Queenslander, which may or may not make a difference.


NYC Player
Mar 5, 2008
just a thought

we will have Barba and Milford creating all that is needed

Smith could come and play in the halves, defend wider and tackle less often, saving him from the 40 tackles a game in the twilight of his career

on the occasions when Smith played in the halves out of necessity, when Hinchcliffe was still primarily a hooker, his service and ability to lead a team around the field was more than adequate

at 1.1 million, surely what is best for the team ... what do you think Cameron ?

coaching Macca too, for when Smith becomes coach in 2018

Oink !


International Rep
May 21, 2013
just a thought

we will have Barba and Milford creating all that is needed

Smith could come and play in the halves, defend wider and tackle less often, saving him from the 40 tackles a game in the twilight of his career

on the occasions when Smith played in the halves out of necessity, when Hinchcliffe was still primarily a hooker, his service and ability to lead a team around the field was more than adequate

at 1.1 million, surely what is best for the team ... what do you think Cameron ?

coaching Macca too, for when Smith becomes coach in 2018

Oink !

So you're sacking Ben Hunt?
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
If he comes he should play hooker if we get Milford they need to start a long term combo with Hunt, not with an aging Smith that only lasts a couple of years.


NYC Player
Mar 5, 2008
So you're sacking Ben Hunt?

he would be long gone if it were up to me :nod:

but we do need 2 halves and who knows where everybody might fit ... injuries

the main theme since this 3 year deal offer to Smith was mooted, is that its a retirement fund and that he'd be too old to provide 1.1 million worth of value at the back end of it ... play him in the halves defending on an edge and you might get through the whole 3 years better

Oink !
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Please lets build a long term halves combination not a 3 year combination that may or may not win a premiership!


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
You've got to see how they go in the halves before planning on keeping them there for years to come.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Please lets build a long term halves combination not a 3 year combination that may or may not win a premiership!

Nothing really wrong with a halves combination that lasts 3 years if one of them stays after. I honestly can't think of a single grand finalist team in recent memory that had a halves combination that had been together for more than 3 years.

In fact, I really can't think of any halves combination in any team that has been together more than DCE and Foran, and even then, they are only entering into their 4th season next year.


NYC Player
Mar 5, 2008
you can also juggle them around quite a bit

6 Hunt
7 Smith
9 Macca
14 Milford

after the first 20 - 30 mins

6 Milford
7 Smith
9 Hunt
14 Macca

then after 50 - 60

6 Milford
7 Smith
9 Macca
14 Hunt

this is clearly assuming all are fit ... any one of the 4 out injured and you juggle a different way

Smith is not a 1 trick pony and would be the best option to control the game. In fact he probably also has the best kicking game in the team.

I'm not saying any of this is correct, I'm just providing an alternate set up and how we "could" fit all into the team

And at the same time providing a solution on how we may be able to maximise the value of the 1.1 million per year, which btw, I agree with most is too much

I posted months ago, that Smith would be an ideal candidate to be the first Captain/Coach we have seen in decades, and perhaps for the last year of his contract wouldn't that enable us to "distribute" his contract in such a way that alleviate the strain on our cap ?

Everybody that knows thinks Smith has one of the better brains for the game, as a coach, looks put that to the test ? ... Hook thus far has faired average at best after all

A senior assistant type ringing the changes from the box while the coach is on the field

Lots to ponder in my view

Oink !


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Player/coach is an awful idea.

Maybe player/some form of assistant coach. You can't do both roles in the professional game, they're far too demanding.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Even Wally Lewis could not be a captain and a coach at the same time.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
To be fair with what Wally had to work with the Gold Coast side plus all the drama going on at the club, I don't think it gives an accurate reading of his abilities as a coach.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
The amount of times DCE has been mentioned in this thread is bizarre.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
The amount of times DCE has been mentioned in this thread is bizarre.

Not really. Younger, plays in a position we desperately need to fill, would be much cheaper.

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