[Official] Smith re-signs with the Storm

Except there is a big difference between compliment and criticism based on speculation. No one is going to be upset at the first, but the latter is a different story. They even created a word for it... defamation!

Surely you're taking the piss with that.
So assuming this is all true, then theoretically at least we've got a fair bit of coin to spend to add to the Milford & Barba collection. SJ is off contract too!
So assuming this is all true, then theoretically at least we've got a fair bit of coin to spend to add to the Milford & Barba collection. SJ is off contract too!

I believe so. I think the positive out of the situation is half way through this season we will know if hunt has the goods, and if he doesn't we have some serious coin to get a gun halfback
I think we need an organiser, someone with a footy brain and patience as opposed to just instinct.
I think we need an organiser, someone with a footy brain and patience as opposed to just instinct.

That was Cameron Smith to a tee.

Looking at the off-contract list, I don't see anyone who matches that description really, save maybe for Mullen.
I think we need an organiser, someone with a footy brain and patience as opposed to just instinct.

definitely. In hindsight it is locky's organising we have missed more than anything else
What about Joseph Paulo? He played well at 5/8 for USA. I think he would be a handy player to have.

I would have liked Michael Morgan, but not an option unfortunately.
Wow, just wow.

How is anything I've said defamation or even close to it, I've posted quotes from the men in charge????????

I did note the at their request which backs up my point of view that we didn't try for Thurston even more. If we had interest, surely the meeting would have been at our request.
Sorry, I didn't accuse you of defamation anywhere, did I?

I answered cammac's post about speculation, where there is a big difference between giving someone a compliment, or making an accusation based on speculation or assumptions, which as you probably know... is called defamation!

Your comments on Thurston are based on what you know, and that's fair enough.
You're also extrapolating and making assumptions over the current recruitment without any facts to back it up.
You seem to be ignoring everything that is being said that goes against your opinion, and emphasising the 5% of information that did surface, to support your agenda.

I'm just not the type to bag anyone without having my ducks in a row, so I will bag the crap out of certain aspects of Griffin's performance as a coach, as it is based on facts that everyone can see.
But when it comes to stuff that happens behind closed doors and the parties only feed you what they want you to hear, I'm very careful about jumping to conclusions.

You don't have all the facts and neither do I, but I do have more information than the sound bits given to the journos.

They didn't put a millionair offer on the table for Thurston for several reasons:
- The team performed quite well in 2011 if you recall.
- There were a lot of players they wanted to keep, who would otherwise be lost should we satisfy Thurston's salary demands.
- Even offering an exorbitant amount of money wasn't a guarantee that Johnathan would move, as the Panthers found out.
- There was obviously a lot more confidence in Norman's ability to substitute Lockyer than there should have been.
- Except for a period in 2010, Wallace had been a serviceable halfback and nothing indicated he would drop as drastically as he did, especially in 2013.

That type of investment in a player that was about to turn 30 wasn't justifiable in light of the above.
They probably should have gone harder than they did, but no one bagged the club's decision at the time, unlike today... when people have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.

Even though they may have been wrong then, it doesn't mean they aren't trying to correct it now, and the current recruitment certainly doesn't justify the disdain shown by some people.
We have Barba, we have Milford, we went hard for Smith, we got size in our forward pack with Kennedy, added much needed depth with Lowrie, Mills and Vidot, especially the backline players.
Yet people continue bagging the recruitment, because we didn't assure the pipeline dreams of Thurston, Cronk and DCE, and based on some theory that Hook/Gee/White were lucky to see these players shoved down their throat...
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You have to put the decisions into perspective though. $1m for Thursto (was more actually) at the time, under the circumstances as I mentioned above, was not really justifiable.

Sure, mistakes were made, but they only came to light in the second half of the 2012 season, too late to fix most of them. Thurston was before that and to be fair, Cronk/DCE were gone by then too.

I admit I don't know what went wrong with DCE, which is the one that may have gotten away imo (Cronk was not moving from the Storm, that's for sure). And the biggest mistake was too much confidence in the Norman/Wallace combo too, although they did start 2012 on fire!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing... I didn't see the collapse coming, and I doubt many people did, so the only time I think the club really dropped the ball was between the 2012 and 2013 seasons. They're certainly well on their way to make up for it recruitment and conditioning wise, so let's see if the coaching improves too, especially in defence, because I cannot accept another season with 30+ missed tackles per game on average.
Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations begin

Heard this on Triple M's news bulletin while driving to Maccas this morning. Cameron Smith will announce he is staying at Melbourne for his entire career at a Storm family gathering event in the next few days, while the Broncs have begun negotiations with Parker and Hodgeo with money as high as 1.5 million for the pair of them on the table.

Take that for what you will, but it seems pretty final.


Here is the Brisbane Times reporting the Smith story but it's almost all rehashes of old news that we've known for weeks. Modern Journalism, ladies and gents.
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Re: Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations b

Now Macca can play eighty and captain once Corey and Justin are gone, excellent.
Re: Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations b

What a surprise....
Re: Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations b

Heard this on Triple M's news bulletin while driving to Maccas this morning. Cameron Smith will announce he is staying at Melbourne for his entire career at a Storm family gathering event in the next few days, while the Broncs have begun negotiations with Parker and Hodgeo with money as high as 1.5 million for the pair of them on the table.

Take that for what you will, but it seems pretty final.

Cameron Smith may buck Broncos' advances

Here is the Brisbane Times reporting the Smith story but it's almost all rehashes of old news that we've known for weeks. Modern Journalism, ladies and gents.

They were just rehashing the Mole's story.

Even Bellamy is saying that he doesn't know what's happening and that he reckons that Smith hasn't made a decision as yet. I don't think Bellyache is a liar and if Smith had made this decision, don't you think that Bellamy would know?

Until there is an announcement, there's no point speculating anymore.
Re: Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations b

Now Macca can play eighty and captain once Corey and Justin are gone, excellent.

You're kidding right?

This doesn't change the fact that Brisbane need a better hooker. Unfortunately, there just aren't that many good ones (and no good ones available at the end of this season). They need to target Ballin, Friend or Luke at the end of 2015

Macca ain't up to first grade at the moment. He certainly isn't captaincy material.
Re: Triple M News: Smith to stay at Melbourne, Parker/Hodges retention negotiations b

Firstly triple m are useless. Don't get me wrong I think they are right on this one, but these are the same Halfwits that proudly proclaimed there scoop that Parker was a done deal to penrith...

The fact that they are rehashing an exact tweet from the mole nearly a week later is pathetic... Actually it's worse than pathetic but my vocabulary doesn't know an appropriate word to describe them so pathetic will have to do.

IMHO the pantomime has begun, this is how this rest of it will pan out.

Smith is assured to stay at the storm after shunning massive money from us (prepare for plenty of shit from the media)

Tomorrow reports will come out that the storm are no longer as sure as they were, by Friday night guys like kent will be claiming they have inside knowledge that he has put pen to paper with us

Then on the fan day smith will address the fans to make an announcement. Bellemy will have his head hung apparently sure that he is about to announce he is going to the broncos. All of a sudden, cooper Cronk style, smith will announce he will finish his career with the storm. Bellemy will do his best Macaulay Calkin and be 'completely shocked'