OLYMPICS Paris Olympics

This has been a great fight from Senior.

He's winning this surely.
Penny Smith back to equal second due to misses.
Charlie Senior crowned the winner.

He advances. Great fight.
Smith misses but she'll win a medal. The woman in front is smashing it, gold looks gone.
Ruano misses. It isn't over yet but she needs 5 out of 5 to get something.
Smith misses, she is long odds now not to be elminated.
I didn't know our gold medallists only earn 20k if they win. That is pathetic. Only can claim it once too per olympics.

I would say 99% of them wouldn't give a shit about any prize-money - you can't put a price on an Olympic gold medal. You get that for the rest of your life. Your name lives on in history.
I would say 99% of them wouldn't give a shit about any prize-money - you can't put a price on an Olympic gold medal. You get that for the rest of your life. Your name lives on in history.
Legacy doesn't make you eat...
Fox goes quickest with one competitor to go but only by 0.5 seconds. Who cares, she's clearly through to the final.
Satkova goes quickest. Fox has her work cut out to get gold.