PLAYER Patrick Carrigan



International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
Please direct all future front row forward player points here. Easily the best forward in town, the state, the country. This bloke would never :

a.) abuse and threaten a female police officer
b.) punch his mate for standing on his new shoes
c.) allow his family to be dickheads, then cover up for them even though it's to the detriment of your club and team mates
d.) threaten his club while they're on their first winning streak in years after suffering terribly at the bottom of the barrel, even though you're already the highest paid player at the club, and making everyone else around you sign for less to keep a good thing going
e.) all of the above

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I always liked and respected Pat, but I was fine with the idea of him moving on last year.

Now I want him to captain the club and be a Bronco for life.

A bit the same....although I had been sticking it into Pat a bit .... late last year ( not literally Wolfie....I promise. 😉 )

But over the last month or so.....😮 he's been absolutely killing it! He should move into prop fulltime, to fill the void now left by Haas.
Kobe plays 13......❤️❤️

TBH.....Haas leaving is a good opportunity ....for all of our forwards to grab.


NRL Player
Jun 1, 2014
Please direct all future front row forward player points here. Easily the best forward in town, the state, the country. This bloke would never :

a.) abuse and threaten a female police officer
b.) punch his mate for standing on his new shoes
c.) allow his family to be dickheads, then cover up for them even though it's to the detriment of your club and team mates
d.) threaten his club while they're on their first winning streak in years after suffering terribly at the bottom of the barrel, even though you're already the highest paid player at the club, and making everyone else around you sign for less to keep a good thing going
e.) all of the above

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Would however:
a) have a beer while injured.
What a naughty boy. ;)

Love the young fella and he's playing better than i hoped. It was hard for everyone to perform last year but he was definitely trying.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
What did Patty re-sign for?

Payne Haas should be getting that, because Carrigan has been just as good, if not better.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
I don't wish to upset our @Wolfie but while watching the game back it became abundantly clear that Patty was making a concerted effort in 'wooing' big Tino. Every opportunity he had he ran at Tino and he tackled Tino like a demon. It was as if he was running an advert for a vacant spot in the Broncos pack.

I'm willing to wager that if and when Haas goes Tino returns to the Broncs. Patty and Tino will make outstanding brothers in arms during the next 7 or 8 eight years of origin series. I have no doubt they will want to solidfy this by playing in the same NRL team week in week out.

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