Payne Haas Arrested

This place can get very high and mighty when a player does something wrong. Hass is a young man dealing with recent trauma, a pregnant partner and his professional commitments. I have done things in my life that should of put me under more scrutiny, especially in my younger years. But for whatever reason and I am not playing the PC card here I was lucky that my run ins with the law have been warnings to move on ext and that's as far as it even went. Never been arrested or even touched by a police officer. Even when I have been involved in brawling and what not. We all make mistakes, it's what we do after that defines who you are. There are people who do something once, twice or even three times and then learn the lesson but then there are blokes who never learn. But people deserve the chance to right the wrongs and improve as a human. Until then I will leave it to the court and the club to pass judgement.

This is not the crime of the century, but he does need to learn the lesson. Hopefully he does that and comes back with something to prove.
No escape from the Payne (Paine) right now.

This place can get very high and mighty when a player does something wrong. Hass is a young man dealing with recent trauma, a pregnant partner and his professional commitments. I have done things in my life that should of put me under more scrutiny, especially in my younger years. But for whatever reason and I am not playing the PC card here I was lucky that my run ins with the law have been warnings to move on ext and that's as far as it even went. Never been arrested or even touched by a police officer. Even when I have been involved in brawling and what not. We all make mistakes, it's what we do after that defines who you are. There are people who do something once, twice or even three times and then learn the lesson but then there are blokes who never learn. But people deserve the chance to right the wrongs and improve as a human. Until then I will leave it to the court and the club to pass judgement.

This is not the crime of the century, but he does need to learn the lesson. Hopefully he does that and comes back with something to prove.
First, you are right; in and of itself, it’s not the crime of the century; and were it a “first offence” so to speak, it might be more understandable, but it isn’t.

The concern is that this the second time that he might get himself suspended for not doing the right thing off the field. That’s simply unacceptable and it clearly means that he didn’t learn his lesson last time.

And whilst I agree that people can get pretty high and mighty, the really is that the vast majority of people go their whole lives without having a run in with the police; and whilst Payne’s circumstances (such as the death of his brother) are personally tragic, they are no different than what hundreds of people deal with every day; and yet those people don’t have run ins with the police after “a few drinks”.

Let’s hope Payne learns his lesson this time. Not because we want him at Brisbane, but because he’s about to have a young family; and they need him to not be a complete dickhead (you’d be surprised how fatherhood’s settles some blokes down).

I suspend him for 4weeks (from now, no training etc but not games missed). I’d make him front the people and apologise. I’d then make him go and get a job packing shelves or something; where he can interact with people outside the RL “bubble”. When he comes back, he can’t start at the back of pack and he can prove that he wants to get his starting spot back.
He was suspended for not talking to the integrity unit after his mum was arrested, but he did nothing wrong during the incident itself.

Even Bali gets dragged up, but he did nothing wrong over there either, he was just there. He was in the same situation as Fifita and managed to steer clear of the shit that happens over there.

So the first run in he has with the cops is again by association because there was a brawl happening separate to him and the cops came up and had a chat. He told them to **** off and they got scared because he's a giant, but he went with them peacefully.

Total beat up by the titans police unit.
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He was suspended for not talking to the integrity unit after his mum was arrested, but he did nothing wrong during the incident itself.

Even Bali gets dragged up, but he did nothing wrong over there either, he was just there. He was in the same situation as Fifita and managed to steer clear of the shit that happens over there.

So the first run in he has with the cops is again by association because there was a brawl happening separate to him and the cops came up and had a chat. He told them to **** off and they got scared because he's a giant, but he went with them peacefully.

Total beat up by the titans police unit.
He did the wrong thing in not speaking to the integrity unit.
He did the wrong thing in not speaking to the integrity unit.
That's completely different to run ins with the cops though.

People making out like he's a serial offender when this is legitimately the first run in he's had and it's because a cop got scared after he swore at them.
Sounds like a beat up from the cops and a pretty minor incident all things considered... HOWEVER, when will these players stop putting themselves in this situation? We desperately lack veteran leadership to show these kids how to behave properly. Yes, yes.. back in KW's day I'm sure this sort of 'extra curricular' drinks was mandatory, but it is a new age and marquee players can't be involved in stuff like this.

Easy to say 'oh he's only young and human', but this isn't a normal kid - he's getting paid an absolute fortune to play professional rugby league and like it or not, that comes with responsibility to behave the right way. This is a bad look for the Broncos and especially Haas - who towards the end of last year was far below par for an 'origin' player.

Everyone makes mistakes, hopefully this is a bit of a wake-up call and he pulls his head in and learns and grows from it.... Really hope Petero and Corey Parker are in his ear mentoring him and helping him develop and bounce back.
He did the wrong thing in not speaking to the integrity unit.
No he didn't. He did what any honourable man would do. I'd have a very low opinion of anyone who dobs their family in to their employer of all people.

The NRL integrity unit are not a court of law, they can get fucked.

He was contractually obliged to speak to them.

I have a particularly low opinion of people who think they have a right to pick and choose when they will comply with their self assumed obligations.

Don’t want the obligations that come with being an NRL player (like talking to the Integrity Unit), then don’t be an NRL player!

There’s no honour in covering up for people....I’m concerned that you seem to think there is....
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I'm always torn in my opinion when things like this happen. Like a lot if people here I go back to my youth and compare my bad moments to these players and TBH I think myself very lucky I got away with what I did.
Different times though.
The other side is I wasn't fucking around when I knew the level of scrutiny I would be under and I knew I had 600k job on the line. That's another level of stupid .

He was contractually obliged to speak to them.

I have a particularly low opinion of people who think they have a right to pick and choose when they will comply with their self assumed obligations.

Don’t want the obligations that come with being an NRL player (like talking to the Integrity Unit), then don’t be an NRL player!

There’s no honour in covering up for people....I’m concerned that you seem to think there is....
Family over my job any day.
Family over job; and yet he still got paid.

Little hypocritical putting your hand out and not complying with your contract.

As I said, you don’t like the contract don’t sign.

If you do, then you are saying that you will comply with its obligations.

I don’t see how breaking your promise to comply amounts to something honourable.

I would thought it far more honourable to
comply when it doesn’t suit your personal circumstances.

Perhaps it might thought honourable for the club to simply not pay him for a few weeks, just because it doesn’t suit the clubs circumstances.

Perhaps it be honourable for your boss to not pay you because it doesn’t suit his personal circumstances.

Sorry, I just don’t get where you people are coming from, you might have to explain to me why it’s honourable to break promises you’ve made (and been paid to make) just because it doesn’t suit you at that point in time?
Family over job; and yet he still got paid.

Little hypocritical putting your hand out and not complying with your contract.

As I said, you don’t like the contract don’t sign.

If you do, then you are saying that you will comply with its obligations.

I don’t see how breaking your promise to comply amounts to something honourable.

I would thought it far more honourable to
comply when it doesn’t suit your personal circumstances.

Perhaps it might thought honourable for the club to simply not pay him for a few weeks, just because it doesn’t suit the clubs circumstances.

Perhaps it be honourable for your boss to not pay you because it doesn’t suit his personal circumstances.

Sorry, I just don’t get where you people are coming from, you might have to explain to me why it’s honourable to break promises you’ve made (and been paid to make) just because it doesn’t suit you at that point in time?
Mate, your wife, g/f, significant other or child is really sick and needs looking after, do you stay home to provide that care or do you go to work, because that is what you are contractually obligated to do?

He was contractually obliged to speak to them.

I have a particularly low opinion of people who think they have a right to pick and choose when they will comply with their self assumed obligations.

Don’t want the obligations that come with being an NRL player (like talking to the Integrity Unit), then don’t be an NRL player!

There’s no honour in covering up for people....I’m concerned that you seem to think there is....
I’m equally concerned that you would throw your family under the bus so easily. Says plenty about you.