Peter Wallace officially released to join Panthers

Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Wonder how long it will take for Logan Spaander to get his own cheer section on here?

Anyways, if Wallace leaves, the club definitely needs to recruit a half - if only for depth.

Right now, 2014 is looking like...

6. Scott Prince
7. Ben Hunt

Ash Taylor, Kodi Nikorima, Duncan Paia'aua.

[MENTION=8272]1910[/MENTION] are the Broncos interested in any halves in the QCup?


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Agreed that a QLD Cup promotion is a must for any promising U20s half. Arguably more so than any other position. U20 is just a waste of time in general though.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Ya know what I hate? Other clubs blood rookies and their fans are excited and looking forward to seeing what they can produce.

Broncos fans talk about blooding rookies and get all nervous "ooh, he might not do anything, too much pressure, not ready"...and that seems to mirror the club's own ultra conservative policy, particularly when it comes to playmakers.

If we're going to be losing Peter Wallace (fingers crossed), and we can't get a superstar, then we have to look at youth - whether it's already within the club or external (eg Sam Williams). In any case the club is just too friggin' conservative with its roster strategy. And what's the result? No premiership in 7 seasons (yes I'm writing off 2013 as a premiership chance) - our longest ever drought - and really apart from glimpses of hope in 2008 and 2011 we've never looked likely in that time.

Something has to change.

Does that mean we just throw the first kid we find in there? No, but if we can't get DCE, JT, Cronk (which we can't), we're going to have to bank on potential.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

What rookies are you referring to Coxy?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Any rookie!

Someone talks about this Ashley Taylor, response is negative.
Someone talks about Sam Williams (might as well be a rookie), response is negative.

Every player mentioned is either "too green", or "too inconsistent" (eg Shaun Johnson). But in most cases people seem to agree they have more potential in attack than Wallace.

Yet the conservative reaction is "we know what we get with Wallace". I'm just tired of it. We've had him for 6 seasons now and apart from some purple patches, he's produced nothing of note for us. We have to accept we've seen the best we're going to get out of him, and without a superstar alongside him he won't produce.

There's no superstars available, so Wallace is just dead weight.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

I'm not against the promotion of rookies. Im against the calling for random selection of rookies based on nothing.

I've endorsed the section of Hampton, Milford and Cornish.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Yeah, I agree Coxy. Take a chance on someone promising. Sign them for 2 years. In 2 years re-evaluate the situation. Nothing is going to change in the near future unless we take some risks.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

I remember when we decided to blood Ben Hunt when he was the bees knees in NYC. Gee that was a fond Monday night out at Cronulla, how many points did the Sharks put on us? And none of the halves we have coming through are putting in the type of performances Hunt was in the NYC.

1910 nailed it.

Anyways, with Walsh out of the picture, Penrith will definitely be desperate to sign a half. Looking at their NSW Cup side, they've currently got Wes Naiqama and Brad Tighe as their halves pairing.

Aye currumbah!

The other halves on their books include Lachlan Coote & Blake Austin who are both traditional five eigths.
Last edited:
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Was that the Copley to fullback debacle?
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

McCullough was five eigth too.

And before the point of 'well, of course he was going to suck he had nuffies around him!'

Hunt wasn't much better when he played alongside Locky in 2010.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

I'm just going to ask the question. Is Wallace our biggest issue in the halves at the moment? If we're going to blood someone, should he be replacing Wallace or the 5/8?
Be it Prince or Hunt, both are performing worse than Wallace!

Once we do have a dominant halve, then by all means, replace Wallace with a rookie coming through like Taylor if he delivers on his very early promises...


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

What happened to Cameron Cullen? Wasn't he gonna be the best superstar?
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

I'm just going to ask the question. Is Wallace our biggest issue in the halves at the moment?

Form wise, no. He's the best performing half we have right now.

Long term? Yes, he is easily our biggest problem. Prince is NOT the answer, but at least he's old and will **** off soon. Wallace is also NOT the answer to a premiership, but he's not old and could potentially stay around a while and continue to not be our answer. IMO that's the worst scenario possible.


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

This is why there is some excitement about Taylor but we are talking a couple of years away yet

While Langer wants the current halves to take more control, he can see something brewing for the future.
In the current Broncos under-20s side are some lively prospects, such as Kodi Nikorima and Ashley Taylor.
"If they can bring them on in the next few years, it's going to put pressure on our halves now," Langer said.
"That is what makes you play better, if there is pressure coming from within.
"They are going really good. In a few years' time they will be knocking on the door of first grade, maybe in the next couple of years."
It is 18-year-old Toowoomba kid Taylor that has caught most attention - there is even talk he could get promoted to the Broncos top 25 roster next year.
With his blinding speed he has scored six tries this year and set up eight in just seven games.
The Broncos 20s have won five in a row with him as starting halfback.
It's the type of form he showed from a young age, when he booted his first 40-20 at the age of 12 and amassed more than 200 points in a season.
"He is just showing the talent that we've all seen him produce up here," Taylor's Toowoomba Brothers junior coach Mike Hollman said.
"His vision always stood him out from the others.
"He saw things before they unfolded and made them happen."


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Form wise, no. He's the best performing half we have right now.

Long term? Yes, he is easily our biggest problem. Prince is NOT the answer, but at least he's old and will **** off soon. Wallace is also NOT the answer to a premiership, but he's not old and could potentially stay around a while and continue to not be our answer. IMO that's the worst scenario possible.
So, why not put someone next to Wallace first and see if he is the answer?

The talk of Wallace not being the answer is a load of bullshit. Look at the team performances with Wallace and Locky in 2008 and 2011. 2009 and 2010 were ruined by respectively injuries and Henjak, while in 2012 everyone went to shit after Origin. None of it was due to Wallace, although he was part of the problem.

I'm just trying to put some perspective in this Wallace bashing, because I do believe that with the right partner, he can be very useful and at the very least give us some time to find a second gem to replace him.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

Haven't seen anything of the Broncos NYC team this season, how fast is Taylor? Compared to someone in the NRL
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Rumour - Peter Wallace returning to the Panthers?

So, why not put someone next to Wallace first and see if he is the answer?

The talk of Wallace not being the answer is a load of bull****. Look at the team performances with Wallace and Locky in 2008 and 2011. 2009 and 2010 were ruined by respectively injuries and Henjak, while in 2012 everyone went to **** after Origin. None of it was due to Wallace, although he was part of the problem.

I'm just trying to put some perspective in this Wallace bashing, because I do believe that with the right partner, he can be very useful and at the very least give us some time to find a second gem to replace him.

Hunt might be the answer. After two injury forced starts though Hook has refused to do just what you asked - plump someone next to Wallace. Instead he's opted to stick Prince beside him. Had Wal not been around that could be Hunt next to Prince, but its not.

Hooks basic refusal to drop anyone ever makes Wallace a big long term problem IMO.

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