My most sincere apologies for thinking you unable to understand, I was confused and quite frankly bamboozled by your insistence that performance-enhancing drugs aren't actually performance-enhancing. Similarly I must make amends for assuming matters of mere biochemistry could take precedence over rhetorical brilliance such as labeling an argument 'silly' and thereby negating it in one fell swoop without need to resort to such low concepts as peer-reviewed evidence, subject-matter expertise and the like. Regardless of whether known biochemistry expert and drug-cheat afficianado Huge sees evidence that taking performance-enhancing substances results in enhanced performances, the lesser minds who have to inhabit reality have seen that evidence, and have used it to draw conclusions about the appropriateness of athletes using such substances as performance-enhancers.
You've shown in the past that, to put it bluntly, when it comes to stats you couldn't tell shit from clay. My reasoning is perfectly reliable and magnificently cromulent:
Convicted self-admitted drug cheat Paul "I love drug cheating" Gallen gets dosed to the eyeballs with growth-hormone releasing factors. Paul "peptide enthusiast" Gallen's body secretes, amongst other things, additional growth hormone. Paul "such a shit **** he got punching banned for everyone" Gallen's body enjoyed such benefits as healing faster and greater resilience. Ipso facto, Paul "massive bellend" Gallen is a convicted, self-admitted drug cheat who enjoyed an unfair advantage not afforded to those people who didn't have prohibited substances shot into their backside.
Any statistics about Cronulla still being a garbage team even when their players were hopped up on goofballs and bullshark testosterone are completely meaningless. Parramatta won a wooden spoon while cheating the salary cap by methods including, but not limited to, paper bags of cash in a car park. They still enjoyed an illegal advantage over the rest of the competition (except of course for the Roosters and Storm who exist on a separate plane of reality unconstrained by mere trifles such as a salary cap). Same as the Sharts and your beloved Captain Courageous, being at best bog average does not grant them an exemption from the rules applied to the rest of the competition. No matter how many paragraphs you throw at it, no matter how many ridiculous statements you make, no matter how fiercely your heart beats with love for the losingest loser to ever have lost.