Yeah for sure but you know Jock is 23 in a few weeks, he has spent years plying his trade in reserve grade and has 17 NRL games to his name. The young half argument doesn't necessarily work on him anymore. Obviously having a 20 year old next to him makes it a bit more of an issue but at the end of the day Ezra might lack experience but in the eyes of the coaches and most on here he is the best half of the 3. Obviously Jack Ahearn is an incredible player for only ever having played reserve grade and he is far more capable than his inability to move up from Reggies suggests but the reality is if the pairing of Madden and Ezra would be a problem for a trial it is tough to see how we could have any success this year with Reyno's inability to stay on the field if Jack won't be there to hold Ezra's hand or Jocks for that matter. If this truly was the problem they would be more likely to pair Ezra with Rogers who is on a development contract and would be relied upon before Ahearn. I personally don't think that this is the reason for Ahearn playing and I think it's purely to get Ahearn and Rogers more game time idea. Which you know is fine but I would like Madden and Ezra to play as much time together as possible and that can't happen if he gets left out.