And, comparing apples with apples, in the game against the 'Dogs, Milford absolutely controlled that game with his kicking. He showed what he is capable of, kicking wise. We won it largely on the back of his kicking game, against a team that overall, as you say, was not quite as shitty as we were.
In no game without Milford did Croft or Dearden even come close to controlling a game, which is exactly why they are poor kickers.
By all means criticise Milford for his faults, but don't say he is a poor kicker, again, in the context of the undisciplined, unfit, unstructured rabble, especially the spine, that were the 2020 Broncos.
I didn’t criticise his kicking. What I did say was that he kicked exactly 100 times in 2020, which when you consider he provided virtually nothing else all season, equates to around $10,000 per kick.
In fact, the only thing I did criticise by way of highlighting, was that he provided virtually nothing else. So it would appear, on that at least, we might agree.
Only after you asked for some perspective did I go on to actually critique his kicking - which, despite what you’ve put forward, I still believe is a more than fair criticism.
And sure, I would agree that Milford is a better kicker now than 2015. He can also have games where he kicks very well. But if you step back and judge him against his peers he is simply far, far too inconsistent and is absolutely light years behind Cleary, Reynolds, DCE and even Pearce.
I recall there was at least a couple of games this season we could have won had we simply kicked to the corners and controlled the speed of play, time in play and field position. But Milford, with his sub-par tactical kicking, put up mid-field bomb after mid-field bomb. It honestly infuriated me at the time. I could certainly be wrong, but I feel the Cronulla game might have been one of them.
All that aside, and referring to your other post; I do find it strange that the go-to move of far too many on here when someone criticises a favourite player of theirs is to whip out the a-word: agenda.
Why must someone have an agenda simply because they criticise a player. It makes me wonder; is it an agenda to expect more of the highest paid, most experienced and positionally critical players whilst cutting the rookies some slack? If so, then I (like it might be fair to say you do with Boyd (as do I)), most certainly have an agenda with Milford.
Even if I don’t agree with it, I truly appreciate your contribution to this forum, but did think you were above trotting out the agenda dribble.