


NRL Player
May 10, 2019
Trigger warning: this one's pretty harsh.

"you wonder how fully committed Payne Haas is about being a Bronco"​
"outside the 8"​
"I've got them at about 11"​
"one of the weakest spines in the comp"​
"what value do they really get out of their dummy half?"​

SEN Breakfast with Vossy & Brandy
SEN Breakfast with Vossy & Brandy
1 day ago
Brisbane Broncos 2023 NRL season preview (5/1/23)

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All talking points were valid, found myself agreeing with everything said here, apart from the finishing outside the 8, would see that perhaps as the low point of a range that may be finishing 5th-11th.

If they finish 11th then Kevvie is gone in 2024 almost definitely.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
All talking points were valid, found myself agreeing with everything said here, apart from the finishing outside the 8, would see that perhaps as the low point of a range that may be finishing 5th-11th.

If they finish 11th then Kevvie is gone in 2024 almost definitely.
It's hard to be optimistic with how the season ended. Remembering we ended 2021 on a high note, beating Newcastle and finishing above the Cowboys.

We ended 2022 by continuing our spiral downward in an emasculated drubbing by a team beneath us on the table. And we did that knowing a win could see us into the 8, with a lineup including the return of Cobbo, Carrigan, Martin and Gamble, led by Adam Reynolds. The only player of note missing was Herbie Farnworth, while his replacement Delouise Hoeter was far from the worst on field.

The trajectory we're currently on is dire and we have nothing beyond preseason optimism to think it won't continue. The best I can offer is to hope we'll do a 2022 Cowboys. We should get some idea of where we're at when we face them in the trials. They smashed us last year, and it turned out to be prescient.


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
I too am not so optimistic for this year......our depth over all is ordinary/untested at best, our backup half options are minimal and basically we don't have a 9 worth anything.

Reyno dragged us up the table early on last year but he ran out of steam towards the end of the year after the rib injury and nobody else could be bothered to stand up and give a shit after that.

We are one injury to Reyno away from being bottom 8 and I just can't see where or who the extra effort or quality comes from to lead the way once he isn't on the field.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I’m optimistic, it’s the first time in a few seasons where there aren’t soo many question marks over positions. We hopefully go into the year settled with everyone knowing their place and can actually build combinations week to week without the constant chopping and changing.


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
I’m optimistic, it’s the first time in a few seasons where there aren’t soo many question marks over positions. We hopefully go into the year settled with everyone knowing their place and can actually build combinations week to week without the constant chopping and changing.

We still have Kev as coach remember

3rd season's the charm perhaps


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Yeah my concern is depth too, last year we had really good solid back up options for the first year in ages and this year most of that seems gone again in favour of kids again.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Yeah my concern is depth too, last year we had really good solid back up options for the first year in ages and this year most of that seems gone again in favour of kids again.
We're in a rebuild.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
My ratings to the depth. Rating is not related to being an NRL starter, rather their rating as depth. Forwards are unclear with Haas and Robati out indefinitely, Hetherington injured.

Arthars - 5/10. Not the best.
Hoeter - 6/10 - Solid backup
Jensen - 7/10, solid and toiler. No frills but work ethic.
Mariner - 6.5/10 Solid
Madden - 7/10, solid, NRL experience, aspirations and motivation.
Mozer - unknown NRL, 6/10 first season?
Paix - 6/10 - reasonable but injury prone
Pereira - 6.5/10 - solid solid fill in, can perform.
Quai-Ward - unknown NRL, 6/10 first season?
Walters - 6/10 - reasonable, lots of heart.
Willison - 7/10 (higher potential)
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
I too am not so optimistic for this year......our depth over all is ordinary/untested at best, our backup half options are minimal and basically we don't have a 9 worth anything.

Reyno dragged us up the table early on last year but he ran out of steam towards the end of the year after the rib injury and nobody else could be bothered to stand up and give a shit after that.

We are one injury to Reyno away from being bottom 8 and I just can't see where or who the extra effort or quality comes from to lead the way once he isn't on the field.

I think Ezra is going to show his full bag of tricks this season .
He was on orders to keep it simple last year . This year the shackles will be off .


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yeah my concern is depth too, last year we had really good solid back up options for the first year in ages and this year most of that seems gone again in favour of kids again.

I think our back up options are actually better (at least in the key positions) than last year.

Gamble may have been a fan favourite (because of his niggle), but was an average player at NRL level. Madden has more talent and hasn't played that many less games at NRL level than Gamble did.

Turpin was just plain shit, so Smoothy/Paix/Billy (whoever doesn't get the starting gig) are all massive upgrades on him. Mozer could also do the same thing as Mam did last year, by mid season, if one of those 3 don't demand selection.

It's been a long time since we've had any depth in the fullback position. Hell in the last 2 years, we haven't even had anyone make a claim to be our permanent starting fullback, that finally changes in 2023 and we add two guys who will be able to do a decent job for us if Walsh goes down.

Then there is the main experienced forward depth option. I think it's fair to say that almost no one was upset to see James and Kennedy leave, giving the likes of Bayliss-Brow, Willison and Piakura the opportunity to stake their claims for a spot in the 17.


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
My ratings to the depth. Rating is not related to being an NRL starter, rather their rating as depth. Forwards are unclear with Haas and Robati out indefinitely, Hetherington injured.

Arthars - 5/10. Not the best.
Hoeter - 6/10 - Solid backup
Jensen - 7/10, solid and toiler. No frills but work ethic.
Mariner - 6.5/10 Solid
Madden - 7/10, solid, NRL experience, aspirations and motivation.
Mozer - unknown NRL, 6/10 first season?
Paix - 6/10 - reasonable but injury prone
Pereira - 6.5/10 - solid solid fill in, can perform.
Quai-Ward - unknown NRL, 6/10 first season?
Walters - 6/10 - reasonable, lots of heart.
Willison - 7/10 (higher potential)
I really like what you are trying to do but your ratings make rothfield level sense...


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
He’ll need to kick more, or at least someone else in the spine.

Reyno was getting rushed every kick all season because no one else was kicking and they knew it

Walsh will be a legit kicking option, and I see him taking on some of those duties to take the pressure off ARey


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
he wasn't that harsh on them
It's not the harshness... it's more... the actual ratings comparatively. Quai-ward rated higher than Arthurs and equal with paix, because... um, unknown qld cup player? I'd actually rate a lot of them lower, but when you compare their scores it makes no sense

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