Racism drama in the U20's

I just want to point something out as there has been a few instances in this thread of people typing the word **** differently.

Do not circumvent the profanity filter
You have the option to view and post swear words which are otherwise restricted. You can turn this on or off from your member settings. Circumventing the word filter is not allowed, and if you wish to swear, we request you turn the censor off.

Please do not type the word differently so that it's visible as it's against the rules.


The trouble is ......even if I have the censor turned off, I still can't see ALL of my swear words.
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We might aspire to equality, but to do so I don't think it's that difficult to show a bit of decency and avoid references or phrases that have a long history of being derogatory.

It's a gladiatorial sport......aggression is rewarded.

The players aren't out there for please and thank you's. Calling someone a c*** on the football field is par for the course.

The line however, should be drawn at race and colour.
Maybe change up your wardrobe a bit then bro.....


Was thinking more Bruce Willis's sandwhich board from Die Hard. Not sure how well posting the pic would go down though lol.
...are you sure that's what they're saying?

Clearly an across-the-street enquiry with a mate about Subway bread selection.



" GOOD POINT ". *Turns to Sandwich Artist* "Yeah we'll go with the Chicken Fillet on Italian Herbs & Cheese bread thanks".
Clearly an across-the-street enquiry with a mate about Subway bread selection.



" GOOD POINT ". *Turns to Sandwich Artist* "Yeah we'll go with the Chicken Fillet on Italian Herbs & Cheese bread thanks".

The Broncos are on the verge of signing a lucrative sponsorship deal with Subway.

They're calling it, Honey Oates.
I must live in a more civilised community to you guys or something, can't say I experience the words "white ****" and "black ****" used that regularly where I'm from. I just assumed they were treated equally, socially speaking. Isn't that the thing nowadays, equality?

What are you talking about? No one is saying it's acceptable to say it, but they are saying that if a white person calls a balck person a black ****, it's a completely different thing to a black person calling a white person a ****.
What are you talking about? No one is saying it's acceptable to say it, but they are saying that if a white person calls a balck person a black ****, it's a completely different thing to a black person calling a white person a ****.

Hey, whenever I'm called whitey it brings up the torment of my ancestors forced into white slavery.
Is it racism if you hate Aboriginals not because the colour of their skin, but because you have nothing but negative experiences when interacting with them IRL?
Maybe I'm racist because I think the term "White ****" holds the same moral value as the term "Black ****" when used in a derogatory way towards a person of said race, perhaps I need to sit down and truly think about the plight of the black man before condemning their use of racial slurs.
Meh, because there's the inherent derogatory intent. You can still use the term "white" in an insulting way, but it's generally only to call out a particular trait, eg, the stereotype of not having rhythm. But "black" has historically been a swipe at the inferiority of a group of people as a whole.

The same reason I need an almighty push to use the C word.

We might aspire to equality, but to do so I don't think it's that difficult to show a bit of decency and avoid references or phrases that have a long history of being derogatory.

I have always struggled with this somewhat, so I am interested in your take on it. If someone says there was a black guy or black person at x event, I have always regarded that simply as a descriptor and not racist. Equally if someone says it was a white guy etc, I would not consider that racist. If saying someone is black is racist, is calling them dark skinned racist? Or indigenous etc? Or does it become racist when it is added to some other pejorative adjective or descriptor? Is it discrimination to identify someone by a trait or belief?

If I call someone a Catholic, Buddhist, Christian etc, isn't that simply a descriptor, or am I discriminating against them on the grounds of religion. If someone is described as fat, is that being discriminatory or is it just impolite and you should use overweight?
Maybe I'm racist because I think the term "White ****" holds the same moral value as the term "Black ****" when used in a derogatory way towards a person of said race, perhaps I need to sit down and truly think about the plight of the black man before condemning their use of racial slurs.

You've missed the point. It doesn't make you racist if you find being called white derogertory, it just doesn't make sense.

As a white male, tell me what atrocicities yourself or your ancestors have experienced based solely on the fact that you are white?
You've missed the point. It doesn't make you racist if you find being called white derogertory, it just doesn't make sense.

As a white male, tell me what atrocicities yourself or your ancestors have experienced based solely on the fact that you are white?

UB is right, it should be regarded as being racist, but the reality is that it is largely not (for some reason I am not clear on). I have been called a captain cook mother fucker, which was probably (a) intended to be a racist comment; (b) was not really regarded as such by me because I found it amusing and inventive and (c) I found probably more insulting because he thought I was of English descent.