Rebuilding the Broncos

Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Sacking Griffin and Sacking Gee is where I'd start. I know it has been said time and time again, but how they can keep saying Griffin is the man for the job when the team has so clearly been going backwards makes no sense to me. I think we have too many people at Red Hill who think it'll just work out, because thats what happened with the Broncos of old. However with this current administration i can't for the life of me see that happening. **** Griffin.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Broncos had plans for a successor to Darren Lockyer but the plans fell through - True

Thaiday will be our long term captain - False

Griffin has what it takes to be our coach if he can just some thing/s - True

The players are not happy with the way the club is signing new players and letting others go - True

The conditioning coach was put blind-sided by his sacking - False

The attitude of the players was not what it should have been through out the whole year - True

Certain Broncos players and even management read this forums regularly - False

If we all guess differently, we'll get it right eventually!!!


BRL Player
Jul 30, 2013
Ningnangnong was very close. Although no-one guessed right I will give you a little information as to why we still think Griffin can lead us into a premiership (while probably answering a few of the others). The plays you saw that worked were all Griffin. The deep plays, forwards passing and moving Hodges into a roaming role while attacking are to name a few. Unfortunately the players just could not stick with the plan. Griffin is loved by the players but he could not get them to perform properly. Some were pulled aside and no doubt you saw some of the consequences.

Griffin likes to stick by the players and with the whole team bar a few under-performing he had no choice but to keep persevering with some of them. We see that he lacked the ability to motivate them and also improve their attitude. Fitness was an issue and contributed to some of the problems. The lack of quality depth players meant the bench did not get enough minutes and also forced his hand to choosing certain players. We believe he has what it takes to fix their attitude and motivate them and with a few key signings (more to come) you will see us improve next year (not going to guarantee immediate success).
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State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Ningnangnong was very close. Although no-one guessed right I will give you a little information as to why we still think Griffin can lead us into a premiership (while probably answering a few of the others). The plays you saw that worked were all Griffin. The deep plays, forwards passing and moving Hodges into a roaming role while attacking are to name a few. Unfortunately the players just could not stick with the plan. Griffin is loved by the players but he could not get them to perform properly. Some were pulled aside and no doubt you saw some of the consequences.

Griffin likes to stick by the players and with the whole team bar a few under-performing he had no choice but to keep persevering with some of them. We see that he lacked the ability to motivate them and also improve their attitude. Fitness was an issue and contributed to some of the problems. The lack of quality depth players meant the bench did not get enough minutes and also forced his hand to choosing certain players. We believe he has what it takes to fix their attitude and motivate them and with a few key signings (more to come) you will see us improve next year (not going to guarantee immediate success).

But you will guarantee more signings for 2014 ?


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
So what about Lockyer's successor and whether Broncos officials visit the forum?
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Ningnangnong was very close. Although no-one guessed right I will give you a little information as to why we still think Griffin can lead us into a premiership (while probably answering a few of the others). The plays you saw that worked were all Griffin. The deep plays, forwards passing and moving Hodges into a roaming role while attacking are to name a few. Unfortunately the players just could not stick with the plan. Griffin is loved by the players but he could not get them to perform properly. Some were pulled aside and no doubt you saw some of the consequences.

Griffin likes to stick by the players and with the whole team bar a few under-performing he had no choice but to keep persevering with some of them. We see that he lacked the ability to motivate them and also improve their attitude. Fitness was an issue and contributed to some of the problems. The lack of quality depth players meant the bench did not get enough minutes and also forced his hand to choosing certain players. We believe he has what it takes to fix their attitude and motivate them and with a few key signings (more to come) you will see us improve next year (not going to guarantee immediate success).

Please. It's just more spin. If Griffin was the man to lead them to a premiership they wouldnt have gone backwards, and his loyalty to useless ***** is the issue along with his lack of being able to be a top grade coach. The board need to get their heads out of their arses and **** this guy off before we miss out on an actual coach. The players only like him because it doesnt matter if they put in a fucking pathetic performance he will still pick them. Useless absolutely fucking useless


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
That's your view! Obviously Roger wilco is some how associated with the broncos and has more of a clue than you.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
That's your view! Obviously Roger wilco is some how associated with the broncos and has more of a clue than you.

That's correct it is my view, and that might be so, but I still disagree that Griffin will lead them to a premiership.


What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
I'm confident Griffin can lead us to premiership success (or very close). The club has taken a massive blow to the plums over the last year and it is pretty obvious that they are trying to rectify some of the deficient areas in the football department. It appears they have taken on board some of the criticisms of former greats such as Tallis, Renouf, Walters etc., where they could have easily just given them a big FU and continued on with their 2013 plan.

I have taken some heart in the changes and signings (both confirmed and rumoured) that have taken place since the end of our season a few weeks ago. With another 1 or 2 signings and some luck with injuries, I'm actually becoming slightly bullish for 2014.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Griffin needs to get some runs on the board before i could put confidence in him as i just havent seen anything yet that warrants it.

Now that we have added some speed, injured players are coming back and we look to be addressing the fitness of players, there will be no excuses for Griffin in 2014. Strong performances in the first 6-8 rounds will be crucial for him to remove pressure and speculation about his future otherwise i could see us mirroring what the Cowboys did with Henry this season.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
As long as Hook is at the helm i will feel no excitement about our chances at all. I'm very reluctant to renew my membership whilst he remains in charge, and i know many others who are in the same boat.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
As long as Hook is at the helm i will feel no excitement about our chances at all. I'm very reluctant to renew my membership whilst he remains in charge, and i know many others who are in the same boat.

Understandable but the addition of Barba, hopefully the addition of Milford and the return of JYY would be enough excitement to drive membership regardless of what the feelings are towards Griffin.

I'm no Griffin supporter, but i'm still excited for next year! I don't think we will feature come late September but there has been sufficient change for me to put some hope in that the club is turning the corner.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Griffin needs to get some runs on the board before i could put confidence in him as i just havent seen anything yet that warrants it.

Now that we have added some speed, injured players are coming back and we look to be addressing the fitness of players, there will be no excuses for Griffin in 2014. Strong performances in the first 6-8 rounds will be crucial for him to remove pressure and speculation about his future otherwise i could see us mirroring what the Cowboys did with Henry this season.

What about 2011 ( a game away from the gf and some would say if locky didn't get injured we may have got there , in hooks 1st season) 2012 first half of the season we were top 4 easy ( first year with out locky ) 2013 some bad decisions with players out of position and injuries , also additude and fitness wasn't there. With fitness,luck with injuries and some quality recruits I have no doubt hook can get us places .


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
What about 2011 ( a game away from the gf and some would say if locky didn't get injured we may have got there , in hooks 1st season) 2012 first half of the season we were top 4 easy ( first year with out locky ) 2013 some bad decisions with players out of position and injuries , also additude and fitness wasn't there. With fitness,luck with injuries and some quality recruits I have no doubt hook can get us places .

2011 will always have a footnote on it for me because A, Henjack pretty much ran the pre season and we will never know how much influence Griffin actually had during that season, especially the first half of it and B, the magic of Lockyer, players would have walked on broken glass for that guy, was a very easy motivational tool that Griffin had at his disposal.

The start of 2012 was great, but look at who we beat, other than Souths we had a pretty easy start to the season when you look at how the teams we beat finished up. When the going got tough in 2012 we, to put it bluntly, failed to match the other sides. We scraped into 8th spot, with a tight win over Penrith from memory?, and we were the poster child of making up the numbers agaisnt the Cowboys. For me 2012 was not a successful year, nor an endorsement for Griffin.

What is there to say about 2013 that hasn't already been said. Our worst performing year in our history, people can come up with reasons for that all they like but eventually the buck stops with the coach.


BRL Player
Jul 30, 2013
Please. It's just more spin. If Griffin was the man to lead them to a premiership they wouldnt have gone backwards, and his loyalty to useless ****s is the issue along with his lack of being able to be a top grade coach. The board need to get their heads out of their arses and **** this guy off before we miss out on an actual coach. The players only like him because it doesnt matter if they put in a ****ing pathetic performance he will still pick them. Useless absolutely ****ing useless

I understand your frustration, it's been a bad year. Look, the Broncos are always looking to improve on their club. Griffin has the ability to take us all the way, but if a better coach was available and wanted to work with them do you think they would just ignore them?
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