Rebuilding the Broncos



What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
Sure...... the Rabbits have had a reasonable team for a few years now, what were they before Macguire arrived? A rabble is what, floundering outside of the eight they where unorganised, lacked discipline, direction, commitment and structure. Who does that remind you of?....... he has given the Rabbits everything we need.

Rusty and Holmes-a-Court should be given most credit for getting the bunnies back as a force. They have built well over a number of years. Maguire is a top coach but he had a pretty good canvas to work with when he got there. Rusty chased hard for Maguire.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Pagey you seem to be as blind as the rest of the Broncos administration. Sure you don't work at red hill?


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Pagey you seem to be as blind as the rest of the Broncos administration. Sure you don't work at red hill?

Not at all , I just think people are getting a little premature with the sack hook thing . Like I said I don't know for sure if he is our savoir but I think he deserves a cracked with some superstars and good support staff ( which is getting put together as we speak) .


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Pagey you seem to be as blind as the rest of the Broncos administration. Sure you don't work at red hill?

He just has a different opinion
To yoi
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Not at all , I just think people are getting a little premature with the sack hook thing . Like I said I don't know for sure if he is our savoir but I think he deserves a cracked with some superstars and good support staff ( which is getting put together as we speak) .

Yeah fair enough. Personally i think he has had long enough, and he had a chance to improve stuff and didn't anyway im starting to sound like a broken record so that's enough on Hook.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Yeah fair enough. Personally i think he has had long enough, and he had a chance to improve stuff and didn't anyway im starting to sound like a broken record so that's enough on Hook.

Next season will decide his future at the Broncos if another poor season happens he should pay the price.
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
Ningnangnong was very close. Although no-one guessed right I will give you a little information as to why we still think Griffin can lead us into a premiership (while probably answering a few of the others). The plays you saw that worked were all Griffin. The deep plays, forwards passing and moving Hodges into a roaming role while attacking are to name a few. Unfortunately the players just could not stick with the plan. Griffin is loved by the players but he could not get them to perform properly. Some were pulled aside and no doubt you saw some of the consequences.

Griffin likes to stick by the players and with the whole team bar a few under-performing he had no choice but to keep persevering with some of them. We see that he lacked the ability to motivate them and also improve their attitude. Fitness was an issue and contributed to some of the problems. The lack of quality depth players meant the bench did not get enough minutes and also forced his hand to choosing certain players. We believe he has what it takes to fix their attitude and motivate them and with a few key signings (more to come) you will see us improve next year (not going to guarantee immediate success).

Those plays were all Bennett era plays or taken straight from the Dogs. Hook just continued them, with lesser cattle and consequently much poorer results.

Put Hodges at fullback and let him roam at will! Brilliant. Pity it was done in 2006 by Bennett...

Deep plays? The ones KHunt used to specialise in? How many games did Hunt play under Hook?

Fact is Hook hasn't brought one successful new play to the Broncs, which is why we've relied on the Wallace cross-field kick option so much, despite not having the 2 players in the team it was designed for (Folau and JYY).

Hook might not be a terrible coach, but he needs to show more than continuing old plays or poorly imitating other clubs if he wants to demonstrate he's up to the job.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
I guess the only thing im concerned about and others have stated it, is that we might miss out on another coach whilst waiting to see if Griffin can prove himself.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
So what makes Maguire a better coach ?

Results, on field performance. That's what coaches are judged on, not being a good bloke or a great man manager. Maquire took a team that continuously finished out of the 8 with a culture of losing and turned them into one of the best teams in the comp. He has gotten the best out of his players.

Griffin has been given a fair go and will get another chance next year, most people have accepted that but if he fails in 2014 then that will probably be his last chance.

Not sure why you bring up Cartwright who has been equally bad, just because the Titans have a culture of mediocrity doesn't mean the Broncos should.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Results, on field performance. That's what coaches are judged on, not being a good bloke or a great man manager. Maquire took a team that continuously finished out of the 8 with a culture of losing and turned them into one of the best teams in the comp. He has gotten the best out of his players.

Griffin has been given a fair go and will get another chance next year, most people have accepted that but if he fails in 2014 then that will probably be his last chance.

Not sure why you bring up Cartwright who has been equally bad, just because the Titans have a culture of mediocrity doesn't mean the Broncos should.

Because Cartwright has had more time and been given some great players to work with .


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Because Cartwright has had more time and been given some great players to work with .

I'm sorry, i still not sure what relevance that has to the Broncos or Griffin?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
To rebuild the Broncos? Restore a winning culture.

You can write text books about any number of smart plays but for mine, the 3 basic rules of winning NRL are so so simple: control the middle, speed in execution, and protect your flanks. For the full 80 minutes.

Controlling the middle = maintaining relentless momentum = play the ball speed + options either side from constant support runners.

Controlling the middle = super fast defensive line speed + hit hard + NO MISSED TACKLES

Roosters and Manly game was a great example of 2 teams doing that. Controlling time and space.

You protect your flanks exactly how the Storm didn't when Bennett constantly attacked theirs from the word go. Of course you need a very fast back line and smart play makers to do that well. The Knights did.

Overall, you never let the opposition dominate you by forcing you to play their game.

They do that if you lose control of the middle, which then gives the opposition extra time and space = exposes your weaknesses and makes everyone work much more than they should = tired players = more mistakes.

Finally, an X factor player helps. We have a few but seldom structured the game plan to use them effectively. When we did we scored great tries.

That's what I will enjoy in the upcoming finals from the teams who are coached to play like that, and I don't think Hook has the sheer presence to instil such discipline in the Broncos.

Hope I'm wrong in 2014.
Last edited:


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
I'm sorry, i still not sure what relevance that has to the Broncos or Griffin?

Simpley give hook some quality strike power and if he can't produce the goods then boot him. He hasn't had to much to work work , loosing locky , jyy and hodges for long periods hasn't helped his cause. Those players make a team confident and give you those game turning moments which we have lacked. If we get a quality half I think hook can take us back to a premiership force Imo
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Simpley give hook some quality strike power and if he can't produce the goods then boot him. He hasn't had to much to work work , loosing locky , jyy and hodges for long periods hasn't helped his cause. Those players make a team confident and give you those game turning moments which we have lacked. If we get a quality half I think hook can take us back to a premiership force Imo

Mate injuries aside it has been his own fault he hasnt had anything to work with. He is on the record as saying we dont need to go buy players from outside the club.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Mate injuries aside it has been his own fault he hasnt had anything to work with. He is on the record as saying we dont need to go buy players from outside the club.

Has he said that recently though? During the season, I can see why he would say that. Off season is another matter entirely of course.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Mate injuries aside it has been his own fault he hasnt had anything to work with. He is on the record as saying we dont need to go buy players from outside the club.

That's because we had a very good bunch of young players brimming with potential and I for one got excited about a team full of bronco juniors taking us to a premiership . There was obviously a vision for this but to no avail , be it injuries , player's moving on and players not living up to potential. I think it was a gamble that didn't pay off but if it did it would of been a special. And now there trying to rectify it by bringing in some quality Queenslanders to help out . As for going on record saying there not in the market , well if you believe that your not taking much notice to the whispers going on behind the scenes.

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