Rebuilding the Broncos



NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
So who would you have as coach then?

Thats the million dollar question, and one in which Paul White might be asking himself half way through next year, if he hasn't already.

An obvious candidate is Maquire who is still available for 2015 as far as i know. Pro's are that his record with Souths speaks for itself, cons are he is still a bit of an unknown. Bennett is always in the mix when a Broncos coach is speculated on but he is not getting any younger, the talk of him coming with Walters is a potential coaching team. Bellamy still has a history with the Broncos and the Storm more than likely have their glory years behind them, he could jump ship. There were denied rumours about approaching Hasler, the Dogs can be a volatile club, especially with Greenberg leaving.

With Griffins's on field performance record, any of those options could be argued as being a better option.

If the Broncos don't perform in 2014, i feel your question will be answered by the club itself.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Certain Broncos players and even management read this forums regularly.

I have to wonder about this, David May was heavily involved with the Titans forum until that slimy prick Searle put a stop to it.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
I understand your frustration, it's been a bad year. Look, the Broncos are always looking to improve on their club. Griffin has the ability to take us all the way, but if a better coach was available and wanted to work with them do you think they would just ignore them?

It has been a bad 2 years.Honestly I dont think he does have the ability (obviously you know more then me) but that is my opinion and instinct from what he has dished up. I'd like to hope they wouldn't ignore that, but if they say they are going to stay loyal to Griffin why would another coach approach?


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
If the Broncos don't perform in 2014, i feel your question will be answered by the club itself.

First half of next season is definitely make it or break it for Hook IMO, Maguire would surely have to be on the radar.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
So what makes Maguire a better coach ? The rabbits have been building for some time now and he strolls in and takes over a team brimming with talent and sprinkled with superstars , and all of a sudden bam gets labeled a super coach !!! Griffin did the same thing with a lesser team and has a few hiccups and everyone wants to boot him . Henry got 5 years , Cartwright 5 years and nothing with teams that should have done a lot better , how many years did it take Bellamy ? I'm not saying hook is our savoir but give the guy a chance with a good team yeah !!!!


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
He is out of his depth.

"We don't need to buy any players" = delusional.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
That's why we are hitting the market hey cause we don't need player's ,
Pretty sure hook would be behind the chase for the players that are being mentioned


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Griffin is too stubborn to admit his mistakes and his methods are too old school for modern Rugby League. He tries to be Bennett from 10-15 years ago, but he doesn't seem to have the same presence and motivational factor either.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Why does he have to! , so the media can go to town on him . Roger wilco said he was the one who constructed the attacking plays that worked so how is that to old school for modern footy . He possibly made some mistakes this year but with our roster and injuries he was up against it , yes we had a bad year but the things that are happening now shows he is making sure it doesn't happen again. Which in my opinion shows good character !


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
So what makes Maguire a better coach ? The rabbits have been building for some time now and he strolls in and takes over a team brimming with talent and sprinkled with superstars , and all of a sudden bam gets labeled a super coach !!! Griffin did the same thing with a lesser team and has a few hiccups and everyone wants to boot him . Henry got 5 years , Cartwright 5 years and nothing with teams that should have done a lot better , how many years did it take Bellamy ? I'm not saying hook is our savoir but give the guy a chance with a good team yeah !!!!

Sure...... the Rabbits have had a reasonable team for a few years now, what were they before Macguire arrived? A rabble is what, floundering outside of the eight they where unorganised, lacked discipline, direction, commitment and structure. Who does that remind you of?....... he has given the Rabbits everything we need.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Ningnangnong was very close. Although no-one guessed right I will give you a little information as to why we still think Griffin can lead us into a premiership (while probably answering a few of the others). The plays you saw that worked were all Griffin. The deep plays, forwards passing and moving Hodges into a roaming role while attacking are to name a few. Unfortunately the players just could not stick with the plan. Griffin is loved by the players but he could not get them to perform properly. Some were pulled aside and no doubt you saw some of the consequences.

Griffin likes to stick by the players and with the whole team bar a few under-performing he had no choice but to keep persevering with some of them. We see that he lacked the ability to motivate them and also improve their attitude. Fitness was an issue and contributed to some of the problems. The lack of quality depth players meant the bench did not get enough minutes and also forced his hand to choosing certain players. We believe he has what it takes to fix their attitude and motivate them and with a few key signings (more to come) you will see us improve next year (not going to guarantee immediate success).

These one's that Roger wilco talks about!


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Wow. If those are the "brilliant" plays he comes up with, sign him up for the next 50 years.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Sure...... the Rabbits have had a reasonable team for a few years now, what were they before Macguire arrived? A rabble is what, floundering outside of the eight they where unorganised, lacked discipline, direction, commitment and structure. Who does that remind you of?....... he has given the Rabbits everything we need.

Like what we had for hooks first few seasons. Discipline weren't we up there for set completions , direction comes down to your halves , structure wasn't spot on but not terrible by all means and commitment maybe could be questioned but hardly can blame hook for that


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I dunno what deep plays means, but forwards passing was stolen from the Bulldogs, and Griffin gave up on it pretty much straight away because it was outside his comfort zone I guess. The Hodges thing was the exact same play we've been doing since forever, only with Hodges at 2nd receiver because Hoffman struggles at them.

The latter is really our only play, and in fact our whole attack for 80% of the season (only with Norman instead of Hodges).

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