Happy that I was wrong in that we won and it wasn't too dour of a game.
Sims was good, he seemed willing to run straight and hard and made some serious dents quite a few times - best part is he's only 25, so we have his best years potentially at Brisbane.
Moga was good, Kyall would've been hanging from the rafters but I thought he didn't look out of place at all.
Hunt still can't kick.
Boyd, Blair, Roberts, Milf all played well. It was a fairly solid effort by everyone to be fair. Nice way to start the season, bring on the cows.
ps: I agree with whoever said why the **** didn't Macca burrow at the legs when he went for the line, i said the same thing to my wife why the **** isn't he diving at the legs, he's over the line, why is he trying to hulk his way over?