Round 11 - Tigers v Broncos - Post Match Discussion



QCup Player
Mar 25, 2013
Jesus can't believe the negativity at the moment. We won FFS.

May not be the best win but at least we won. Couple players were ordinary but we still won. Not saying we are going to win the premiership or anything but give the guys some credit. We were behind and the boys still won the game. Can't please some people!!
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
After watching the press conference, my two standouts were:
Alex Glenn nearly falling off his chair when he went to sit down.
Hook modelling his new Nike Sportswatch in what looked like an unabashed advertising ploy.

Oh, and Hook said he wasn't particularly happy with the Broncs attack.

I wish that sportswatch was the only time Griffin had left.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Haha so much this. One of my best mates used to rip the shit out if hunt and I would keep saying give him a chance. Now he's gushing over him like a school girl. I remember what you said dave!

Disturbingly, the main offender is a guy named Dave lol.


BRL Player
Mar 8, 2014
Is it me or should oates take glens place on the left since he's so similar to gillett. Two similar attacking back rowers on both sides. Can't see why that can't be a bad thing
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Just glad we are finally giving some of our young talent a go, anyone know how good Molo is? Because he wasn't really on the field long enough to gauge.


NYC Player
Aug 12, 2013
I literally forgot Barba played for us until 15 mins into the game.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
don really get bashing barba he was very quiet but there was just nothing on offer for him. no offloads. they didnt kick to him at all. i get the feel he is just following orders

I'm pretty sure Griffin isn't telling Barba to play like arse. That bit's all Ben IMO.

He's playing with zero confidence. He doesn't want the ball to come to him. I'll stop at saying he doesn't want to be there

......but, it sure as hell looks like it.

I don't get the doom and gloom over a win. Sure it was a shitty win...but, as they say a win is a win is a etc etc.

Vidot is playing like a gun. He has to be knocking on the door of SOO if Boyd continues to girl things up. Forwards were strong without being great, Glenn had a good captains knock.

Puzzling not to see Molo get more game time.

Hunt & Vidot the stand outs in the backs. Maranta did mostly good things ....

I'm sure glad my early season spray at Ben Hunt has given him the determination to pick up his efforts and play to his potential. He is the difference for us out there at the moment. Very pleased with the way he has responded to earlier criticisms. Although I wish he would learn to kick in open play.....our kicking game is still woeful. Very good chase game tonight made some of his kicks look a whole lot better then they actually were.
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International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
Jesus can't believe the negativity at the moment. We won FFS.

May not be the best win but at least we won. Couple players were ordinary but we still won. Not saying we are going to win the premiership or anything but give the guys some credit. We were behind and the boys still won the game. Can't please some people!!

It's the way we're playing. At times shit wins are worse than well-played losses. Even if our boys play 100% and still get beaten, at least we did that. But the fact we have the players we do and are playing like absolute busteds and barely winning 50% of our games playing awful football born out of delusion about how to play NRL standard games is why people are so negative.

We have 4 current Origin reps, 1 former in Hannant, another 3 to possibly 5 that will play SOO or have come close recently, a NZ rep or two, and a decent crop of fringe/youth players and are still grinding/fluking/lucking out bad wins, losing multiple games at the death, playing players way out of position or giving some that don't deserve a spot a free pass all year and stagnating development and careers by playing boring, ineffective, one-out football. It's killing our team and our club, slowly but surely.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I'm pretty sure Griffin isn't telling Barba to play like arse. That bit's all Ben IMO.

Vidot is playing like a gun. He has to be knocking on the door of SOO if Boyd continues to girl things up. Forwards were strong without being great, Glenn had a good captains knock.

Hunt & Vidot the stand outs in the backs. Maranta did mostly good things .....

I disagree about Vidot. He needs to be taught how to play like a proper winger, not a back rower pretending to play wing.

He makes fantastic metres. Great. Seriously, but as another post said, among other things, he continually leaves his wing and leaves acres out wide.


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
hmmm, interesting performances from a few tonight.

1. Barba, absolutely clueless.. Looks to me like his head is elsewhere other than footy and dark clouds surrounding...
2. Maranta, solid with out being spectacular.
3. Reed, If he actually worried about playing decent footy instead of trying to milk a penalty every tackle he might be half average. I dont rate this guy at all, and I doubt he will be at the club beyond 2015 ( maybe even 2014)
4. Copley, little bit off tonight but was still solid.
5. Vidot, carried the ball strongly but lacks a real finish for a first grade winger. Needs to decide if he wants to playback row or tackle wingers.
6. Hoffman, simply not a ball distributor. needs to go back to wing or fullback.
7. Hunt, carrying the team at the moment. Still has a few errors in him but that can be blamed for poor development. Hunt spent 4 years as a reserve hooker prior to this season with limited minutes off the bench.. What a waste, hunt will be even better next year
8. mcguire, tries hard like he does every week. little bit off tonight but we will let that slide with his first kid just being born.
9. Mcullough, he was definitely off tonight. I put that down to slower play the balls. No parker means no second phase which is where mcullough usually makes his yards from.
10. Wallace, hard to judge a fronty who has only played a handful of games. Need to re-asess this guy after he has played around 50-60 first grade games.
11. Glenn, last legs for alex IMO, I don't see a future for him... very straight up and down sort of player who wont rip in coming out of danger.
12. Oates, shining light.... still confused why griffin plays him so sparingly. The club has a massive job on there hands to keep him when his contract is up in 18 months time.
13. Lowrie, hard worker and run/tackle all day. You get the same thing week i week out. problem for todd is the likeness between a few of the forwards... up and down with limited footwork.
14. hala, to slow..................
15. Hannant, way down on confidence and looked like a dead man walking.
16. Stagg, Ill never doubt his heart or commitment but its time to hang them up....
20. Molo, cant rate his game as moron griff only played him for about 5 minutes. In defense he looked aggressive which is def what the club needs... No hard man in the pack now and for the past few years.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Well we won which is the main thing but it was a very average performance and any other team at full strength would've beaten us convincingly. Interesting to note that we won whilst having a lower completion rate, making less meters and runs and only offloading 3 times while the Tigers offloaded 12.

Ben Barba is clearly playing with no confidence. If I was coaching I would drop him to QLD cup immediately until he feels confident enough and ready to handle first grade. According to Fox Sports stats he made only 3 runs the entire game and made only 25 meters. That is not first grade standard and he needs a good kick up the arse or Griffin needs to inject him into the game or make the hard decisions.

Vidot had another top quality performance. I can't believe I had him in my most overrated team last year. He has completely proven me wrong and has been probably our best and most consistent player. Oates is a top prospect and must be kept on the books no matter what.

On a personal note I spent this game at the leagues club and had a successful night. Put $20 on us at $1.70 and won $34 and managed to get a photo with Sam Thiaday.


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
All that happened tonight was that we beat a team that was positioned higher on the ladder than us , who had less origin players out than us. Let's not try and over think things at this stage of our development as a team. Good win in tough away conditions.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Glenn is a hole runner. Hole running + Hoffman = That "Dumb and Dumber" sequel.

As much as I LOL at Pearce, he's arguably the best player at picking hole runners, Glenn would likely go well there or somewhere like Manly.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Im sorry if I offended anybody but I have been following the broncos since 1987 and I love them more than the all blacks( yes, Im a kiwi), but I am so frustrated at the moment. We have brought up so much talent, but it just hasn't been clicking for a while now.

Wow...from before they were even in the comp lol


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