Round 12 - Storm vs Broncos - Build Up Thread

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These games the weekend after origin or missing origin stars are poo. Team 1 v Team 2 should be able to play each other with their full squad available and not be affected by rep games. Time to stop the comp for 3 weeks and have Origin run back to back. I really don't think it would stop people following league, and just imagine the press over those 3 weeks.
its gonna be fkn cold at the game friday night!!

FRI Rain. Cloudy. Cool. MIN 7. MAX 13

These games the weekend after origin or missing origin stars are poo. Team 1 v Team 2 should be able to play each other with their full squad available and not be affected by rep games. Time to stop the comp for 3 weeks and have Origin run back to back. I really don't think it would stop people following league, and just imagine the press over those 3 weeks.

Agree 100000000%. Given the NRL will never have the good sense to have the premiership run non stop to finish in August, with Origin after the Grand Final in September, pausing the competition for 3 weekends is the only option.

Personally I'd like to see it done in 2 weekends - first game Friday night. Second game Wednesday night. Third/decider Sunday afternoon. But that'll never happen.
Personally I'd like to see it done in 2 weekends - first game Friday night. Second game Wednesday night. Third/decider Sunday afternoon. But that'll never happen.

3 origins in 9 days not a chance.
3 origins in 9 days not a chance.

I said it'd never happen, but I fail to see why it shouldn't. Players are expected to play Wednesday, play on the weekend, and then possibly play again the next Friday. That's 3 games in 9 days.

As tough as Origin is, NRL club games aren't that much behind and create just as much wear and tear. I don't see a problem with 3 Origins in 9 days, both states picking a squad of 22 or so to cover those 3 matches.

The biggest problem with a pause mid-competition is all the non-origin players losing condition/match fitness. Hence a 2 weekend break (effectively 3 weeks between matches) is better than 3 weekends (4 weeks between matches)

Like I said, best scenario is to have the GF in August, Origin in September. But people seem incapable of letting go of the "tradition" of a competition wrecking mid-season representative slug fest.
My ideal would be to have Origin played over three successive weekends. Ideally on Sundays.

The NRL would be suspended and the clubs would play in a sudden death mid season comp over a month.

First weekend: 8 matches in mid season comp

Second: 4 matches plus Origin 1

Third: 2 matches plus Origin 2

Four: final and Origin 3.

City Country could also be played on the first weekend.
I said it'd never happen, but I fail to see why it shouldn't. Players are expected to play Wednesday, play on the weekend, and then possibly play again the next Friday. That's 3 games in 9 days.

well we're resting hodges, petero, hannant and thaiday (although hannant might back up). id say a few other players who are backing up would take on a lighter load on the weekend as well. i seem to recall smith coming off the bench in years gone by.

you wouldnt want to have that going into a 2nd origin, and then a 3rd origin again a few days later.

the current system is not ideal sure but i really dont mind it. i dont mind that we are understrength for a couple of weeks. its always been of benefit for us to get some younger guys some experience.

they really should not have scheduled brisbane vs storm in origin period though. its just ruining the spectacle of what could be a really great match up during the regular season. plus i'd love to get a better gauge on where we stand against them.
My ideal would be to have Origin played over three successive weekends. Ideally on Sundays.

The NRL would be suspended and the clubs would play in a sudden death mid season comp over a month.

First weekend: 8 matches in mid season comp

Second: 4 matches plus Origin 1

Third: 2 matches plus Origin 2

Four: final and Origin 3.

City Country could also be played on the first weekend.

From a fan's perspective that'd be pretty awesome.
From a club's perspective, that's potentially 4 more games a year (assuming they don't shorten the competition to accommodate the gap). Bonus in terms of gate takings, a negative in terms of probably needing more funds for paying players.
well we're resting hodges, petero, hannant and thaiday (although hannant might back up). id say a few other players who are backing up would take on a lighter load on the weekend as well. i seem to recall smith coming off the bench in years gone by.

you wouldnt want to have that going into a 2nd origin, and then a 3rd origin again a few days later.

the current system is not ideal sure but i really dont mind it. i dont mind that we are understrength for a couple of weeks. its always been of benefit for us to get some younger guys some experience.

they really should not have scheduled brisbane vs storm in origin period though. its just ruining the spectacle of what could be a really great match up during the regular season. plus i'd love to get a better gauge on where we stand against them.

Yeah but I hate byes. I hate 5-game rounds. I hate games where we're below strength against a mid-low table team who doesn't have m/any reps who ordinarily we (or Storm) would flog and get a decent for and against boost.

I hate that teams like Storm and Broncos risk tragic injury tolls.

Afterall, the ultimate for a player is a premiership. You choose which club you play for partly based on the calibre of players around you. That having rep quality players becomes a disadvantage is a joke, and continues to make the NRL look like an amateur competition.

If I was boss of the ARLC and had the power, the first thing I'd do is move Origin to after the Grand Final on consecutive Sundays in September, and shorten the NRL premiership to 22 rounds plus finals. Oh sure there'd be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but in 5 years everyone would ****ing love it, and in between, Origin would still sell out every game.
Like I said, best scenario is to have the GF in August, Origin in September. But people seem incapable of letting go of the "tradition" of a competition wrecking mid-season representative slug fest.

Thatd just take away from the spectacle that is the Grand Final though. It's the climax of the season and so it should be. If it was played in the lead-up to Origin it would lose than Grand Final feel about it because we'd still be talking about finals games as Origin selection trials, and I don't think that it should be that way.
I don't think there is anything wrong with Origin this time of the year, just the way other games are scheduled around it. A Million Dollar club cup or something would be better IMO. Make some rules so that only a certain number of experienced players (measured by games played) can participate, so that it also serves as an outlet for younger players to be showcased and for the teams to get them experience at a level closer to NRL than what TYC is.
Thatd just take away from the spectacle that is the Grand Final though. It's the climax of the season and so it should be. If it was played in the lead-up to Origin it would lose than Grand Final feel about it because we'd still be talking about finals games as Origin selection trials, and I don't think that it should be that way.


Coxy love your idea, but just switch it to mid-season.

I know there are TV rights logistics behind all this garbage - but this is what should happen:

Anzac test - (city/country if you MUST) --> I was a fan of this format this year

Mid season 3 week break. Origin teams get selected and they play in 3 consecutive weeks. That way the teams don't chop and change (bar injuries) so it's a cracking series (and a true one since you will hopefully have the same teams).

Season has to be shortened of course. 22 rounds like Coxy suggests.

International footy after the season (I'll be honest, we REALLY need the international game to grow, but I'm just not sold on test footy ATM)

I know they won't buy into a 3 week NRL hiatus because of the TV deal logistics but one day they should make this happen.

Without a doubt, the NRL has to be one of the most poorly run professional sports in regards to scheduling. You can't deny this and that is why rugby league will never break out of this 'amateurish' zone until the people in this game swallow their pride and unite, put agendas aside and decide to evolve. The dinosaurs (and dinosaur way of thinking) in this game are holding this game back, I guarantee it. Rugby league should never lose it's tradition and fundamental values but that does NOT mean we can't evolve.

I realise I went completly off-topic.

Broncos to upset the storm.
Mid season 3 week break. Origin teams get selected and they play in 3 consecutive weeks. That way the teams don't chop and change (bar injuries) so it's a cracking series (and a true one since you will hopefully have the same teams).

a month without any club footy though is a LONG time. only 3 games of league in this time. fans would go stir crazy.

everyone makes good points though. i could see a better argument for a standalone origin every second week. so there are full nrl rounds in between the origin weekends.

but that would also mean origin camp would/could only be 6/7 days long. im not sure if that is really important or not.

but yes, Broncos to upset the storm.
My idea would be to have 4 weekends spread over 3 months for the Anzac test and Origin.
In those weekends, have an elimination cup as Fozz suggested, but limit the amount of FG players allowed to participate to maybe 4 or 5. That way, there is no need to reduce the amount of NRL season games, but without a need for byes, the total season lenght would only be extended by 2 weeks, which would offer more return from the TV rights...

And yes, Broncos to beat Storm.
The Storm trio may back up, but they certainly looked affected during last night's game, and if it was because of the flu, they won't be in top form tomorrow night.
a month without any club footy though is a LONG time. only 3 games of league in this time. fans would go stir crazy.


Indeed but after a few years, as someone said... no one would care. It's all about implementing and sticking with. It could be used as a mid season break... let clubs take care of niggling injuries etc.

At the end of the day we can't have these garbage matches between clubs without origin players... first of all... it looks bad for the game and it is grossly unfair. This is professional sport - it is ridiculous we have to put up with this rubbish. The games are terrible as well.
This is why people argue about SOO. Don't get me wrong, I love SOO to death and it is my favourite time of the year but something has to be done about the scheduling. Don't give me this 'It ain't broke so no need to fix it' rubbish - it needs fixing.

I'm tellin ya, the way the NRL is run is an absolute joke. It's not an exaggeration. The lack of professionalism is abysmal.
Looks like Hannant will play. Let's hope that the storm rest a few.
Has any other club stated they would rest their players for this round?
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